Chapter 389 The forgotten genius

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  Chapter 389 The backup plan mentioned by the   missing genius Gorsa made Thor tense up, but the other party didn't seem to mean to make it clear.

  He played with the blue water soul in his hand, letting the small ball jump between his fingers like a toy.

  "Have you seen the elf?" He suddenly changed the subject.

  Thor's voice was still stiff from the ice, "I... don't know if what I saw is considered an elf."

  Gorsa said: "If we look at it according to the original definition of species classification, it should not be counted. But. Since there are no pure-blood elves in this world, there is no problem in calling them new elves."

  He lowered his head slightly, seeming to be looking at his own hands, and seemed to be looking at other things through the hands covered with pink bandages.

  "So someone asked that question for us a long time ago. The soul cannot exist completely independently of the body."

  Thor did not answer, he was just a little strange, "Do you know what happened to the elves?"

  Didn't he say that before? Say you don’t know?
  "Half-elf, he mentioned a few words to me before he went in. The rest of the information is all my guess." Goltha blinked at Thor, "I guess that the elves who are born with strong mental power have certain reasons. The reason is to choose to throw away the burden of the body. To this end, they opened a back garden for themselves. Unfortunately, this act of exploration angered a certain underlying rule of existence, so they were sent into the back garden created by themselves. Then I discovered that the back garden had turned into an abyss prison."

  "I guessed it, right?"

  Goltha was asking Thor.

  Saul is also interested in checking the answers with Golza to see if his thoughts can be recognized.

  "The elves... after seeing the huge depression on the back of the world, they decided to abandon their physical bodies and hide in a world composed entirely of consciousness. This is a guess I made based on what I saw in the valley." Unexpectedly, Gore was on the opposite side

  . Sa frowned a little bit.

  The specific manifestation was that the bandage between his eyebrows wrinkled.

  "The back side of the world is... sunken..." Gorsa fell into deep thought.

  From the look of him, it was as if this was the first time he heard about the "sag".

  Didn't it mean that the tower owner came from an extremely powerful wizard family in other continents?
  Why doesn't he know about the depression on the back side of the world?
  "Is it... because of this?" Gorsa whispered to himself.

  When he saw the puzzled look from Sol, he suddenly calmed down his expression and said no more thoughts about the depression.

  "Looking at it this way, the body is actually our natural locator. Although it is not as powerful as the locator we choose the day after tomorrow, it is safe and stable... Unfortunately, many people just regard it as a burden." Golza's body moved

  towards He leaned back and leaned comfortably on the soft cushions, his elbows resting just on top of Mark's head.

  "Thor, it's pretty good that you were able to complete two witch body transformations without harming yourself."

  Faced with the tower master's praise, Thor could only bow his head and accept it with a guilty conscience.

  Unlike Senior Byron, his transformation relies more on external forces.

  In Thor's opinion, Senior Byron, who can turn his body into a locator through his own efforts, is the real genius.

  It was only because of the excessive degree of transformation that Senior Byron was promoted to third-level apprentice when he was nearly 30 years old.

  Be sure to praise him when you get back.

  While thinking wildly, Sol suddenly noticed the red-eyed puppet on his waist.

  At this time, both of the puppet's eyes were empty.

  Only then did Sol remember that when he was observing the elven world, the puppet's eyes seemed to explode.

  He quickly took off the puppet from his waist and handed it to Gorsa, "Teacher, this puppet's eyes are broken."

  You won't let yourself pay, right?
  Thor said cautiously: "It seems that the elves tried to influence my spirit, but the puppet blocked part of the mental attack."

  In fact, it was mostly blocked by the diary.

  However, Gorsa didn't know how powerful the spiritual attack the elf had launched anyway, so he just gave most of the credit to the puppet.

  Unexpectedly, after seeing the puppet, Gorsa suddenly showed a funny and distressed expression - don't ask Sol how he saw it.

  "Oh, it's so bad. The person who left the spiritual mark on it will have to suffer."

  "Spiritual mark?" Sol asked.

  Anyway, from Golza's tone, he knew that he was definitely not the one who left the mark.

  "It's Yula's." Gorsa immediately revealed the answer, "She is very good at identifying malicious mental attacks, and this puppet was made with her ability." After a pause, he added: "It doesn't matter,

  yesterday I sent her back to the Wizard Tower. She will always be safe in the tower."


  An hour ago, Wizard Tower.

  "I heard from Kaz, you also discovered the blue water soul?"

  In the dim room, Instructor Rum, sitting in the corner, was looking at Byron who entered his room for the first time.

  Byron stood five meters away from Rum's head. He lowered his head and was careful not to let the mud at his feet flow onto the upper of his shoes.

  "Yeah." As if he felt that it was not good to answer the mentor's question in one word, Byron's throat split open and he opened his mouth, "I named it gray matter." "Haha," Rum couldn't help but laugh

  , "Kazi must have complained about your unpleasant name, right?"

  Byron actually thinks that Gray Matter sounds much better than some blue water spirit, but he just has a straighter personality and is not stupid.


  Rum couldn't help but smile again.

  Now when he smiles, the fat on his body no longer shakes back and forth.

  Just like the deepest sea, the rapids under the sea will not affect the calmness of the sea.

  "Of course it's nothing to discover it. What really surprises me is the potion preparation formula you submitted. The idea in it is very interesting, and judging from your status, it has been verified, hasn't it? "

  Byron nodded, but he did not ask why the potion formula he submitted to Master Kaz in exchange for promotion materials fell into the hands of Master Rum.

  "Tell me about your application ideas."

  Byron did not speak immediately this time.

  Rum was not angry either, and said with a smile: "I won't let you talk in vain. As long as your ideas are okay, when the tower master comes back, I will recommend you to join the resurrection experiment. By then, whatever materials you want, you can tell me It's about talking."

  Byron's eyes lit up, "Is Thor also in this experiment?"

  Rum nodded, "Yes. If you also want to join this experiment hosted by the tower master, then show it to me. Your knowledge."

  Byron cheered up, put his hand into his mouth, and took out a thick volume of notes from under his skin.

  This notebook is much thicker than the one originally deducted from Saul, and records his experiments and conjectures about gray matter.

  Saul's version is the best version.

  When Byron was about to start his performance, a thick black shadow came through the crack of Tutor Rum's door.

  Yura never knocks on the door.

  Rum tilted his head, half of his face was squeezed into the fat, and smiled.

  "Wait a moment, we have guests coming."

  A black paper-cut figure walked in slowly.

  "I heard that someone also discovered the blue water soul?"

  "Yes, it seems that he is a genius who has been ignored by us." Rum said, pointing to Byron in front of him.

  Then he introduced Byron, "This is the person we want to resurrect, and she is also the wife of the tower owner. You can call her Mrs. Yula."

  Byron saluted Yura expressionlessly.

  Yula turned her head sideways, her expression completely invisible, "That's great."

  She sat leisurely on an experimental table, crossing her legs like a little girl.

  "Golsa attaches great importance to this experiment. It is estimated that the formal test will begin within half a year." Yula reached out and rummaged around on Rum's experimental table and found a small transparent ball. Inside the ball was The lingering clouds said, "Let me listen and see if you have any new ideas."

  Yura tossed the blue water soul in his hand.

  Byron looked at the small ball in Mrs. Yula's hand, thought for a while, and took out a small bag from his pocket.

  "This is the blue water soul in its original state. I call it gray matter. Look at this, it is more in line with my research report." After saying that, he took out two gray

  matters from his small pocket and gave them to Yula and Mentor Rum. Passed one over.

  (End of chapter)

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