Chapter 385 Elf World

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  Chapter 385 Elf World
  Penny also didn’t know what the depression on the back of the planet was. Thor opened the diary and asked other consciousnesses.

  But even the most knowledgeable Agu never knew the existence of the depression.

  "Is there someone deliberately controlling the information about the depression?" Thor touched his chin and thought, "Sure enough, the information that can make the elves extinct is not that simple." He asked: "Then the Elf Queen is

  coming What did you do?"

  Penny said: "The elves told me that after the Elf King ascended the throne, he started a plan involving the entire clan." "

  Oh?" Thor thought he was about to hear the key point.

  "But this plan... you'd better come and see for yourself." Penny flew up again, circled in front of Thor, and landed on the woven painting on the back of the pure white throne.

  The moment the silver butterfly landed on the painting, it disappeared.

  At the same time, there is a touch of silver dots on the woven painting.

  "Do I also want to enter this painting?" Saul raised his hand and stretched his fingertips towards the weaving painting. During this period, the diary remained unresponsive.

  His fingertips touched the screen, but nothing happened.

  At this time, Penny's voice continued to ring in Sol's mind.

  "Brother Thor, did you know that the Nightmare Butterfly is actually the product of a powerful wizard."

  Unexpectedly, Penny actually mentioned another thing.

  "The great wizard who created us was actually a half-elf. He was very powerful, very powerful. But after all the elves disappeared from the world, he didn't last long and died." "Or rather

  . , not tolerated by this world, destroyed."

  "Brother Thor, at that time I didn't know why my father died. But today after I saw these poor elves, I finally understood..." "

  This world does not allow consciousness. The body exists independently!"

  "World? Doesn't allow consciousness to exist independently?"

  Hearing this sentence, Thor suddenly felt in a trance. He had to hold the back of the chair with his hands to avoid falling.

  He blinked and shook his head, suddenly remembering a question that Master Gorsa once asked him.

  "Can the soul exist independently?"

  "Am I going to hear the answer directly today?"

  Penny didn't seem to notice anything strange about Thor, and was still telling her findings with some excitement.

  "The underlying logic of our world seems to be the combination of consciousness and body. Even if you can leave the body for a short time, you can never cut off the connection with the body. Therefore, no one has ever been able to achieve the independent existence of consciousness. No matter how close they are to success, They will all die of pollution soon."

  After listening to Penny's words, Thor began to think, "If the conscious body cannot exist independently, then what is the conscious body in the diary? It should be that with the attachment of the diary, they are not complete. An independent individual."

  There is also Mrs. Yora. Although she is also a spirit body, according to Kongsa, her silhouette is actually a kind of body, and even so, Gorsa still needs to create a more stable container for her. , to sustain her life. "

  Penny understood that Sol needed some time to think after hearing her words, so she did not disturb him immediately.

  After a few minutes, Penny continued: "Brother Sol, please put the seam on the knitting picture.

  " Seam? " Thor subconsciously held down his wrist, "Are you asking me to observe the world of elves through the slit?" "

  The seam is a very special curse. It has no lethality or defense. It can only be used for people to hide or peek into a scene with only sunlight and grass. The hiding ability is very

  useful, but the peeping ability is really meaningless.

  No matter No matter when and where Thor observed the scenes in the seam, they were all the same sunny grassland.

  Unexpectedly, today, Penny asked Thor to use the seam's observation ability here.

  Could this all be a coincidence?

  "Penny, why do you know that Seam can observe the world of elves?"

  "...because the seed of evil thoughts grew into Seam with the joint efforts of Elf Whisper and I." Penny's voice was a little cautious, I was afraid that Sol would be angry.

  Although Sol didn't expect that Penny would hide this thing from him, he was more surprised than angry.

  "At that time, the Whisper of the Elf was about to wither, and you were still a sealed egg. How did you achieve the transformation?" "At that time,

  I did not inherit the state of consciousness, but I also had instincts. You were also affected by my instincts at the time. The influence."

  "...Yeah, the wizard apprentice keeps dreaming about death, which makes me think that I am sleepwalking and killing people." Thor couldn't help complaining.

  There was a trace of apology in Penny's voice, "Well, anyway, it's controlled by Elf Whisper. Because it wants you to see the Elf's current situation, and it may want your help." "Ask me for help? Let

  me A third-level wizard apprentice, saving a group of races with the highest level four? The elves are not crazy, are they? Oh, they are indeed crazy." Nowadays, almost all

  topics related to elves will be colored with crazy colors, saying that elves are crazy is completely Not an exaggeration.

  "I understand, Brother Thor, but although elves have become synonymous with madness, brother Thor, you don't have to be afraid, don't you have..."

  Penny was referring to the diary.

  Thor shook his head. If the diary really helped him unconditionally, he would definitely dare to provoke a fourth-level wizard.

  But there is no diary.

  The more Sol grows, the more he understands the power of the diary, and the more he feels the overwhelming power in it.

  However, such power refused to be transformed into real combat effectiveness and only served as a signpost.

  It's up to Sol to choose what to do.

  If you want to move forward, you still need to rely on Sol to move forward.

  "Ah, they are here. Brother Sol, take a look for yourself. After seeing it, you can make a better choice."

  Without hesitation, Sol took off the curse on his wrist and clicked The woven painting was thrown on the back of the pure white throne.

  "You're looking at it from here, right?"

  "Uh...yes." Penny didn't expect Thor to be so straightforward, but he was stunned for a moment.

  "There are no warnings in the diary, you can read it. And I also want to know why elves have such great pollution power." Thor

  took a deep breath, pressed his hands on both sides of the seam, and moved his left eye closer.

  The world inside the gap is finally no longer a sunny meadow.

  He saw a strange and bizarre world.

  He seemed to see more colors than he recognized.

  These colors are twisting and changing, never static. It was bright red one second, and turned into rich blue the next.

  Thor thought what he saw was a picture, but the next second it turned into lines.

  The world in the gap does not seem to exist in a material form. All color changes are irregular.

  Just when Thor didn't know what knowledge he could gain from these colors, he suddenly saw several white outlines in an unknown place.

  Those outlines have absolutely nothing to do with human appearance, and they can't be said to resemble any animals. They seem to be just an imagination, like a child's random graffiti.

  But they were approaching Sol. Although it was a little difficult, like carps swimming upstream, they were still moving forward.

  In the blink of an eye, those white outlines disappeared, and in the next moment, they were right in front of us.

  "Is this... a world where only consciousness exists?" Thor thought silently.

  Just then he received a signal.

  Not by seeing, not by hearing, not by smelling, not by tasting.

  It was a signal that suddenly appeared in his mind.

  "I want to go back."

  (End of chapter)

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