Chapter 380 Between Black and White (please vote for me)

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  Chapter 380 Between Black and White (please vote for me)

  Kong Sha’s attack was more terrifying than Thor imagined.

  By now, Thor found that he had not underestimated Kongsha, but he had underestimated the head of the Elf King she had obtained.

  She seemed to have borrowed the power of this head and forcefully ordered the ancient Soul-Eating Demon Swamp to attack the palace where it should not set foot.

  The furniture that suddenly "came alive" in the palace rushed forward to resist the tentacle attack.

  But how can they be the opponent of huge tentacles several meters thick?
  Within a few moments, several pieces of furniture fell apart and fell to the ground.

  The palace gate could no longer hold so many black tentacles, and one tentacle directly squeezed through the wall next to the gate.

  The solid walls collapsed under the huge impact, taking down the lively furniture and decorations.

  Soon, almost the entire wall at the palace gate was destroyed, and Kong Sha, who had been standing outside the door, finally took a step and entered the palace again.

  No matter how fiercely the tentacles and furniture around him fought, Kongsha's beautiful eyes were always fixed on Thor.

  Not the slightest bit of transfer.

  Seeing Kong Sha enter the palace, Thor immediately backed away, took off directly, and rushed straight towards the next hall.

  Behind him, furniture kept appearing to block the flying tentacles for him. However, the furniture's ability could only help him delay for a few seconds.

  "Fortunately, Kong Sha has a soul-eating demon marsh, and I finally found a helper."

  With the resistance of the furniture in the palace, Thor finally flew to the last hall.

  However, when he came here, he was stunned.

  The two stairs in the last hall have all disappeared!
  "The stairs have disappeared, so you still want me to bring the treasure here?" Sol felt ridiculous in his heart. "Fortunately, I never place my hopes entirely on others."

  He landed on the ground and turned around.

  At this time, Kong Sha had already walked to the eighth hall unhurriedly.

  The two looked at each other through the arch.

  Kong Sha looked at Sol's calm expression and found it funny.

  In her eyes, Sol was already at the end of his rope at this time, but he still had to maintain his composure.

  She wanted to see Thor's frightened expression, just like when he knocked on her bedroom door.

  "Do you know why I took away the elf's treasure, but I can still persist here for more than half a year?"

  Thor silently mobilized his mental body, and magic power surged throughout his body. "It seems that I underestimated the treasure you stole."

  There is ancient times. With the help of the Soul-eating Demon Swamp, it is impossible for Thor to fight Kongsha head-on.

  He stared closely at Kong Sha and the ancient soul-devouring demon marsh behind him, who was trying to attack but was restrained by Kong Sha. Magic power gathered in his hands.

  Now, if he wanted to defeat Kong Sha, he could only find another battlefield.

  However, just as Thor was about to cast his witchcraft, the pressure in the surrounding air suddenly increased dramatically. He seemed to be hundreds of meters underwater in an instant, and all the bones and muscles in his body were making overwhelmed protests.

  At the same time, the walls around the hall suddenly collapsed outwards, sending smoke and dust into the sky.

  The wall above Thor's head suddenly lifted up, flying to infinity and no longer visible.

  Kong Sha, who was confronting him in the eighth hall, and the black tentacles behind her, also disappeared when the smoke dissipated.

  In one breath, Thor's front, back, left, right, and top of his head were all replaced by darkness.

  However, there was no light, but he could see everything in front of him clearly.

  His feet were still stepping on the masonry floor of the ninth hall. Patterns and cracks remain unchanged.

  In the surrounding darkness, eyes seemed to be projected from far away.

  "This is..." Thor was shocked again. The ninth hall suddenly turned into a place he was very familiar with - the consciousness platform!
  If it weren't for the fact that he hadn't closed his hands yet, if it weren't for the difference in the platform under his feet, and if it wasn't for the lack of starlight above and around him, Thor would have really thought that he had entered the consciousness platform ahead of time!

  But he knew that wasn't the case here!
  As Thor watched his surroundings vigilantly, countless overlapping voices sounded in his mind.

  The moment he heard those sounds, Thor's head hurt as if it was going to explode. He suddenly couldn't hold it up and fell to the ground on one knee, barely holding on without getting down.

  Those voices were still trying their best to squeeze into his brain, just like continuing to inflate a balloon that had obviously been inflated to its limit. Saul felt that his brain was almost being squeezed into pulp.

  Fortunately, those chaotic sounds were gradually adjusting, and the chaotic rhythms became orderly little by little, and Thor finally understood the meaning of those words.

  That's High Elvish!
  He has never learned this language. The owners of the voices forcefully forced this language into Thor's mind through thousands of repetitions and channels.

  "Take the king... out of the valley... and find... the half-elf..."

  "Take the king... out of the valley... and find... the half-elf..."

  But although Thor was forced to learn a skill in a few seconds Extremely complicated witchcraft language, but the speaker's sanity is not completely normal.

  Although Thor could understand every word, he didn't quite understand their intentions.

  Do they want him to leave the valley with the head of the Elf King, or do they want him to leave the valley with Kunsha?

  If you wanted Tou Shou or Kong Sha to leave from the beginning, why did you close the valley and trap these apprentices for more than half a year?

  And who is the half-elf? Where will he be?
  The most important point is: what will they do if Saul doesn't agree?
  "Brother Sol!" Suddenly, Penny's voice also sounded in Sol's mind.

  It also spoke High Elvish.

  Its voice sounded very far away, as if the two were communicating on a phone with poor signal reception, and Saul was forced to wear a pair of earplugs.

  "Penny!" Thor tried to respond.

  "Brother Sol...can't take...out!"

  "Absolutely not!"

  Penny's vague voice sounded anxious.

  "Are you saying that you can't take the Elf King's head out?"

  However, Penny did not respond to Thor again.

  "Take the king...leave the valley...find...the half-elf..."

  "Take the king...leave the valley...find...the half-elf..."

  There were only those chaotic and uneven voices around Thor. The sound continued as if issuing orders.

  He opened the diary in his mind, endured the tremendous pressure around him, and asked Agu, who had turned back into a black page.

  "Is this the same as the black room you were taken to?"

  Agu saw the outside world through Sol's sharing, and he immediately wrote excitedly.

  [The room I went to was completely dark and I couldn't see anything. But Master, I recognize those voices! This is definitely the room where I was taken to issue orders!

  "This room obviously disappeared after I chose to twist the stairs. It seemed to be deliberately avoiding me, but why did it suddenly appear again now, and issued a completely opposite mission to the Pure White Throne?" appeared in Thor's mind

  . The scene where Kongsha led the black tentacles into the palace.

  The two sides are obviously at odds.

  "Could it be that the elves in the Forest of Seasons are also divided into two factions, and now that the power of the Pure White Throne has been suppressed by Kongsha's invasion, that's why the black room appears and forcefully issues me a mission?"

  Thinking of this, Salton felt a headache.

  "In other words, even if I lure Kongsha here, the Pure White Throne will not be able to get back its treasures?" "

  You ordered a dish, I cooked it, and then you asked me to feed it to you?" Soldu He was speechless, "If this is really the case, then I might as well accept the task of the black room directly!"

  Of course, Thor just complained, his intuition told him that things like the head of the Elf King must not be taken outside!
  At this moment, the darkness around Sol was suddenly saturated with white. The black and white sides actually devoured each other in front of him, and this space shook and became extremely unstable.


  It sounded like a mirror shattering, and the next second the black and white background world turned into fragments and disappeared.

  Thor returned to the ninth rotunda of the palace.

  But the next second, an awl-like ice edge suddenly pierced his left arm.

  Thor, who had not yet recovered from the illusory world just now, was brought down immediately.

  The force of the ice edge was not reduced, and it plunged directly into the masonry ground, pinning Thor to the ground.

   Second update!

  (End of chapter)

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