Chapter 373 Wizard Planet

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  Chapter 373 Wizard Planet
  "The stairs on the left lead to the normal second floor, and the stairs on the right seem to lead to an abnormal world."

  Thor paused and then said, "Of course it may be the other way around."

  The so-called normal world It’s just relative to the entire Forest of Four Seasons.

  The reason it wasn't all a dead end, of course, was because the diary didn't stop him from entering the palace.

  But when Saul stood in front of the two stairs and prepared to go up, the diary did not issue a reminder.

  "Isn't the danger on the surface?"

  Saul first chose the strange-shaped staircase that finally submerged into the wall on the right.

  Because of the lessons learned from the past, Thor did not use witchcraft to go up, but chose to climb directly. Anyway, the height of the entire hall was only five or six meters.

  Agu, who had limited mobility, stayed in place to provide support.

  Although Thor has never learned to climb, his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and his arm strength is stronger. When he planned to reach a place where he needed to be parallel to the ground or even stand upside down, he would use his strong arms to pull himself over.

  However, when Thormey went up the strangely shaped staircase, he found that as he walked, he felt that the direction of gravity changed with the plane of the staircase.

  By the time Thor entered the next floor, he was already completely upside down relative to the room.

  He raised his head and met Agu, who was standing below and was also looking up.

  Thor nodded to Agu, and then stepped into the next floor.

  When Thor stepped into the next level, Agu immediately lost his figure.

  It was as if Thor had not entered the next level, but entered another space.

  Agu stood silently, waiting for Thor to come back or call him to enter.

  However, something suddenly hit the crook of his leg, and then a chair appeared behind him and forced him to sit on it.

  Agu was startled, and just as he was about to stand up, another footstool flew over to hold his legs. Then the tassels on the chair cover wrapped around Agu's hands and feet, trying to drag him up and take him away.

  Agu tried to struggle first, but found that these chairs and tassels were very strong, and he couldn't break free with his current strength alone.

  Just when Agu decided to take the risk to perform witchcraft, his movements suddenly froze, and then his whole person became quiet, and he sat on the chair slightly surprised but helplessly.

  Let chairs and stools move him away.

  When Thor entered the next room, he seemed to have entered a world with strange gravity.

  The shapes of everything here are abnormal and inconsistent with common sense.

  Some of the tables and chairs here stand on the wall, and some are floating in the air, and the stairs at Sol's feet continue to extend to the next room.

  The next room is above, which is normal to a bit abnormal.

  Scanning the entire room, Thor's mental power gave him feedback that everything was normal - he could also use his mental power here, so he didn't have to worry about the shock not being able to calm down.

  He didn't stop there and walked quickly into the next room.

  If the second room was just about the wrong orientation of the objects, the third room was even more bizarre.

  Everything here is no longer in its original form. Furniture, decorations, etc. were all in disarray. It was as if the entire room had been turned into a jigsaw puzzle, pieced together at will.

  The chair backs protruded from the wall, the carpets were patched left and right, and the lampstands and candles were not in the same place.

  Even the candle's flame was divided into upper and lower parts.

  Only the stairs at Sol's feet remained as they were.

  The fourth room is underneath the third room.

  Thor stepped on the stairs in the air, turned around, and then entered the next room.

  In this way, he walked all the way to the ninth room.

  When he entered the sixth room, Thor had already closed his eyes.

  He could no longer look at the objects in the room, and he didn't even know if he was walking in the room. Staring at those abnormal existences for a long time made his mental body begin to vibrate erratically.

  In order to explore more areas, Thor closed his eyes.

  Although the darkness was equally unsettling, Sol's spirit gradually stabilized as he stared at the diary in his mental body.

  During this period, he had been carefully scanning the surroundings of his body with his mental power, so as not to detect any abnormal fluctuations.

  When he entered the ninth room, the steps disappeared under his feet, and so did the log railings.

  Sol explored with his feet. There was a flat land in front of him. Judging from the feedback from the soles of his shoes, it seemed that it was even carpeted.

  He slowly opened his eyes, but the diary showed no warning.

  There was indeed a red carpet under his feet leading straight ahead. At the end of the red carpet is a white throne. The back of the throne is covered with flowers and thorns, and in the middle of the back of the chair, there is a small weaving painting.

  Other than that, there is nothing here.

  There were no rooms around, just an empty white light.

  The white light was not dazzling, but when Thor looked at the white light, his thinking would become sluggish. He had no doubt that if he looked at it for too long, he would enter a state of stupidity and be unable to break free.

  Thor quickly turned his attention back to the throne at the end of the red carpet, and there seemed to be calls in his ears.

  He frowned and walked over.

  The red carpet underfoot was very stable, as if it was really laid on some kind of surface.

  Thor gradually approached the white throne, and the calls from above became clearer and clearer.


  I couldn't understand the words inside, but Thor somehow felt that it was an invitation for Thor to sit on it.

  It seems that as long as you sit on it, all problems can be solved.

  Sol stretched out his hand and gently placed it on a white flower that was half-breathing its fragrance.



  The voice from the white throne became lower, but Thor, who was still surrounding him, never stopped.

  There was a strange feeling of gaze behind him, and Sol turned around suddenly, and was surprised to see that the red carpet behind him had disappeared.

  He stepped on the white base of the white throne, and below, there was a starry sky.

  The starry sky is very common, and Thor can see it every night as long as he leaves the Wizard Tower.

  But the starry sky in front of me is different.

  Directly opposite Sol, or the throne, there is a planet composed of black, white and gray.

  Like a sketch, but a physical planet that is slowly rotating.

  It is very similar to the planet Thor saw on TV in his previous life, except that the distribution of continents and oceans on it is different.

  However, Thor saw a large land mass, which was very similar to the entire landmass of the Western Continent that he had seen in the Wizard's Basic Cognition of Everything.

  The entire Western Continent is located in the west of a larger continental plate. This plate has many names, such as State, Binsinen and so on.

  However, people in the Western Continent still call it Stat Continent.

  The Stat continent is also divided into the northern continent and the eastern continent.

  But the three continents are separated by a huge area in the center that ordinary people cannot travel through. It can only be transported around the coastline to other continents by air or sea.

  That huge area appears black on the black and white planet here and now.

  Thor knew that it was called the Borderlands.

  It is also jokingly called the wizard's cemetery.

  As for why it is called Borderlands, Thor cannot know now.

  On the planet, there are two continents besides the Stat continent.

  Their names are mentioned in the book on basic knowledge of all things.

  Nephrite Continent and Iskaiper Continent.

  "It turns out our world looks like this." Thor was as shocked as an astronaut going to space for the first time.

  "The northernmost part of the Stat continent is actually a huge continuous mountain range. So high! It can be seen very clearly from this perspective." "

  Hey, why are the ends of the mountains so neat? It's like tofu cut with a knife. Outside the mountains , seems to be the sea water."

  "This row of mountains looks like a high wall...could it be the 'End of the North, Wall of Sighs' written in the book?"

  There is no land further north of the mountains. There are no Arctic continents and patches of icebergs on the sea, only boundless sea water.

  The white water extends to the end of Thor's sight, flowing to the back of the planet that he cannot see.

   Thor: This world is so beautiful!

  (End of chapter)

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