Chapter 364 Illusion and vague cognition

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  Chapter 364 Illusion and Vague Cognition
  "Mark, go forward, is this really where the elves are?" Sol asked in a deep voice.

  Before Mark realized something was wrong, he nodded anxiously, "Yes."

  The rows of human figures behind him had not disappeared yet, and they stood quietly behind Mark.

  Surround him.

  Thor didn't rub his eyes, nor did he close them and open them again.

  He raised his hand and pointed to Mark, "Xiaozao."

  Black tentacles immediately flew out and swept around Mark.

  Like stones thrown into the water, the air around Mark rippled, and the figures with their heads lowered gradually disappeared in the ripples.

  Mark wanted to be defensive the moment he saw Xiao Zao, but when he saw Sol's solemn expression, he endured it and did not move.

  After Xiao Zao flicked his whip twice in the air, Mark looked to his left and right, "Did you see anything?" "There were

  many people around you just now, but they were gone after a sweep." Sol paused, He said uncertainly, "Maybe it's also an illusion of the forest, like a mirage."

  "Is it an illusion?" Morton turned his head to Agu, he was not good at this.

  Agu failed to give an accurate answer, "Like. But my mental body is very stable, and it doesn't seem to be affected by hallucinations." An

  also followed up, "Yes, I am very sensitive to changes in my mental body. Those just... I didn't notice anything unusual when the figure appeared."

  While several people were thinking about the meaning of what they saw, Mark just sighed.

  "Since coming to the Forest of Four Seasons, we have encountered many phenomena that cannot be explained by current knowledge. Now I have become accustomed to them. As long as it does not threaten my life, I don't care about other people's ghosts."

  Sol nodded and took steps to follow Mark.

  "Yes, the anomaly here is definitely not something we can solve. Find Kongsha first."

  The few people walked in the deep forest for two hours, during which they encountered several strange phenomena.

  However, they did not encounter the elves that Mark said would come to hunt them down, so they did not stage another life-threatening run.

  When Thor felt tired again, the scene in front of him was finally no longer just trees, vines and grass.

  The growth of the forest seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Thor crossed a row of towering ancient trees and suddenly saw an open green grassland.

  The sun can finally shine on it unbridled, and the breeze no longer needs to worry about being blocked by the dense branches and leaves.

  A series of simple white wooden houses stood on the grass.

  The houses were built haphazardly and distributed haphazardly. It's like a tent set up randomly for a spring outing.

  When Mark stepped onto the grass, Saul finally saw the third person in the valley.

  And he had just met this person not long ago.


  Monroe was standing sideways at this time, and Saul could only see half of his face.

  He stared into the distance, his mouth slightly open, as if he was in a state of trance.

  "Monroe!" Mark shouted immediately when he saw this.

  Monroe's body trembled and he turned his head sharply.

  The steps that Thor was about to take immediately stopped where he was.

  Monroe, he's missing an eye.

  If Thor remembered correctly, it was the one he ate in front of him.

  When Monroe saw Saul, his remaining eyes lit up. He ignored Mark who was walking over and trotted all the way to Saul.

  "You're finally here! Kong Sha said that once you're here, you'll be able to help us escape! I'm afraid you don't need cryptocrystal!" Monroe looked excited, and his empty eye sockets were twitching.

  He stretched out his hand to grab Thor, but was blocked by several consciousness bodies with their bodies.

  "What's wrong?" Monroe didn't understand. "Who are they?"

  "What's wrong with your eyes?" Sol asked him.

  Monroe raised his hand to touch his empty eye sockets, inserted his fingertips a little bit, and then quickly pulled them out.

  "It was broken when it was attacked by the elves. I happened to be eating at the time..."

  Seeing that Sol and Monroe did not conflict, Mark walked confidently towards the depths of the scattered houses, shouting a few names. .

  The one who shouted the most was Kong Sha.

  Saul was still a little worried about Monroe. Mark was not here at this time, so he just asked the question he asked Mark again.

  Munro also gave the same answer, and there was not much difference in the details.

  After listening to Munro's description, Thor also told Munro about the knowledge clone he saw in the Wizard Tower.

  "...he suddenly ate his own eyes."

  Monroe was not very surprised, "My eyes are gone, so his eyes are naturally useless."

  Then he licked his lips, "It's quite It's delicious. I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

  He was even more surprised by another thing Sol mentioned, "Has half a year passed outside?"

  "Don't you feel it?" Sol felt that the wizard was unaware of time. It must still be very sensitive.

  Monroe smiled bitterly: "The alternation of day and night in the Forest of Four Seasons is irregular. Sometimes the sun does not set for three or four days, and sometimes the night does not end for three or four days. Not only day and night, the four seasons here are also different from those outside." At this time,

  Mark Already turned back, he looked worried and kept mumbling, "Where did they go? It's so dangerous here. Didn't you say you can't leave without permission?"

  Saul glanced at Mark from the corner of his eye, most of his attention still on it. On Monroe.

  "...The four seasons here are divided according to regions. The place farthest from the center of the valley is spring, the dense forest you encountered when you came here is summer, and the farther here is autumn."

  Hearing this, An couldn't help but answer, "Isn't winter the center of the Elf Valley? Will it still snow here?" Unexpectedly, Monroe

  looked at An strangely, "What winter? What kind of rain? Snow? There are four seasons throughout the year, and the last season is of course the death season!"

  An Yi hesitated, wondering if the one-eyed apprentice in front of him was kidding him.

  Sol raised his hand, turned his head and asked directly Mark, who had walked behind Monroe and stood blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

  "Mark, don't you know what winter is?"

  Mark, who was standing behind Monroe, was in a daze for a moment, and seemed to realize that he was about to hit Monroe's back, so he quickly took a step back.

  He rubbed his brows and muttered: "I know that snow season, winter, is said differently in different places. It is... a time when it is very cold and white crystals will fall." It was okay if Mark didn't explain

  . Suddenly, Thor felt that he was also seriously ill.

  "Are both people's consciousness of winter a little vague?" Thor thought to himself, and then he made a gesture to tell the four consciousness bodies not to interrupt casually.

  He wanted to see from future interactions with these people what other aspects of their knowledge had been blurred.

  The blurred place is probably the key to leaving the Elf Valley.

  Although Thor's purpose of coming here is not to save people, he needs to find something in the Forest of Four Seasons that is very important to him and can save his future life.

  It's a pity that there is no prompt in the diary this time.

  Next, everyone has to find a way to leave the valley while looking for that important thing.

  "So, Monroe, is there a season of death in the center of the valley? What does it look like?"

  Monroe did not regain his consciousness because of Mark's explanation just now. He said matter-of-factly: "Did something happen outside? Are you even aware of it?" Don’t you know this? The dead season is a season where there is nothing, as if time has been separated! And the dead season is also the season when the elves are most vulnerable to attack."

  Mark also put down his hands, and the bridge of his nose was already pinched red by himself.

  "The palace I just mentioned is at the junction of autumn and the dead season. The edge range of the four seasons here will fluctuate by several hundred meters. When autumn expands, there will be more food, but the corresponding danger will be greater."

  Monroe nodded repeatedly, "My eyes were attacked when I was eating mushrooms. It was that mushroom that attacked me!"

  He looked angrily, "Then I held down the mushroom and ate it!"

  (End of Chapter)

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