Chapter 36 Sooner or later Goldfinger will be killed

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  Chapter 36 Sooner or later, Goldfinger

  heard Thor's words, but Keli put her chin in her hands and muttered: "There's no point in going out, there are wars everywhere. It's either a conflict between countries, or a war between races. Gorsa Although the Wizard Tower is a bit dangerous and scary, it is still awe-inspiring and a place where you can concentrate on studying."

  Thor is still very curious about the world. After all, he is a passive house now. "Is it still so chaotic outside? "

  Of course, secular rights fluctuate depending on the strength of the wizarding world. Before I came here, I heard that a wizarding force was annihilated by another group of wizards. The country they controlled was immediately divided up by the surrounding tribes. ."

  The wizarding world...

  I don't know if the wizarding world outside is as full of weirdness and terror as the wizarding tower.

  "Keli, do you know how people outside view Gorsa Wizard Tower?" Thor wanted to find out about the strength of the Wizard Tower.

  "The owner of this wizard tower is a second-level wizard. Generally, the radiation range of a second-level wizard is several surrounding territories and cities." "

  In the eyes of ordinary people, this place is a man-eating demon. But many powerful people have However, the powerful nobles believe that this is the birthplace of the powerful people who control the world. They are afraid of the Wizard Tower, and at the same time they rely on the Wizard Tower." "My father is the Duke of Meigao

  Territory, and he can become a Duke precisely because of my My grandfather is a second-level wizard apprentice. That’s why the Meigao Territory was not given to my uncle, but my father inherited it." It turns out that

  Keli is the daughter of a duke. No wonder there are so many magic crystals and treasures as soon as she enters the wizard tower. .

  "My father started giving birth to children day and night as soon as he inherited the title of Duke. When he gave birth to a child, he would test whether he had wizard talent. If he didn't, he would just find a place to cultivate him. Those with wizard talent like me would be carefully raised by him. Until the age of twelve, and then sent to the wizard's tower."

  After receiving the protection of the older generation, do you want to continue to enjoy the dividends of the younger generation?

  But is this Duke, who treats his children as tools, really not afraid of being backlashed one day?
  "Besides you, is there anyone else in your family who has wizard talents?" Thor asked.

  Keli nodded and said matter-of-factly: "The descendants of wizards are always more likely to be born from people with wizard talents. I also have two brothers who were also sent to other wizard forces, but their talents are not as good as mine. That's why I was sent to such a far place. The Gorsa Wizard Tower is still very famous, and the threshold for accepting apprentices is higher than other places." Speaking of

  her excellent talent, Keli didn't show too much pride. Instead, he puffed up his mouth and clenched his fists.

  "Anyway, I must become a third-level apprentice before the age of thirty. I don't want to go back and be a backer for those drunkards!" A

  third-level apprentice!
  Thor thought of Kong Sha, who was so powerful and weird, and asked him to steal the brains of first- and second-level apprentices. Was it also to attack the third-level apprentices?
  There is also Senior Byron, who looks very powerful, but still cannot become a third-level apprentice before the age of thirty.

  "I have never seen a third-level apprentice in the wizard tower."

  "I have never seen a third-level wizard apprentice around me before. I heard that they are always traveling and doing research."

  The two people sighed and compared for a while. The formal wizard and the mysterious third-level apprentice finally stopped the discussion and each immersed themselves in the ocean of knowledge.

  But Sol always loses focus when studying.

  He sometimes felt that with his unlucky level, he didn't need to consider whether he could become a third-level apprentice at the age of thirty. He should first think about whether he could live to be thirty.

  Sometimes I feel that I am still a time-traveler after all, and I cannot embarrass my predecessors, even if I have to carry it with a hard-cover book!
  From time to time, he sorted out the afternoon's test procedures in his mind, constantly reminding himself where to be more careful.

  In short, the morning public class passed by absentmindedly.

  After leaving the noisy public classroom, Sol walked along the spiral downward slope.

  There are fewer and fewer fellow travelers around.

  Keli also said goodbye to him on the sixth floor.

  Continue down.

  The candlelight seemed to have dimmed several times.

  Continue down.

  A faint rancid smell penetrated the nose.

  Thor pushed open the first scarlet door and shut himself in.


  Thor let out a long breath.

  I don't know when he started to feel at ease as soon as he entered the morgue on the second floor of the East Tower.

  It's not that this place is very safe, but that this is the basis for him to become stronger and survive.

  "I'm not a genius." He told himself, "If I study step by step like Keli, I won't be able to pass the test two months later."

  He looked at his cabinet, which was filled with various experimental props.

  Saul knew that once the Shaman transformation started, he would not be able to turn back.

  Who knows what he will look like after the transformation?
  The terrible Konsa? Disgusting Gudo? Monica looks like she's in pain?
  But if you don't move forward, sooner or later you will be dragged into the abyss by a powerful enemy.

  Sol looked down at his thin body and thought in his heart: "I'm sorry, I'm going to do something bad to your body. I hope you have found a place to reincarnate." Sol walked to the cabinet and moved out this

  one Yue Lai prepared (secretly) various materials and began his experiment.

  The crucible is ignited and the base liquid is poured into it.

  Test tubes and beakers of various shapes have been wiped clean.

  All materials are placed within easy reach.

  Thor began his journey to death.

  Originally, Sol wanted to imitate senior Mark and make a fuss about his hands.

  Especially after getting the Eye of Phantom Sound, he once wanted to stuff the eyeball into his own eye socket.

  But after some thought, I gave up.

  The eyes are fragile and sensitive, and if you accidentally become blind, it will have a great impact on your future.

  Since this is the first trial, it would be better to switch to some organs that are safe and will not matter if they are gone.

  Last night, the potion obtained from Kongsha gave Thor a new idea.

  Since just sniffing the medicine with his nose can enhance his meditation, it means that the nasal cavity can also absorb the power of the medicine.

  If you think about it further, your skin also has pores.

  In previous lives, there were also cases of people using plasters to treat illnesses and cases of skin poisoning leading to death.

  You can try both.

  In the end, Saul chose the nasal cavity, which was relatively more dangerous.

  It's not that he likes taking risks.

  Well, he's a bit adventurous.

  But more often than not, he may not have enough time to experiment multiple times.

  Naturally, you have to choose the one with higher success rate and efficiency.

  "I hope I won't turn into a pig's nose because of this."

  Thor took out his notes, which listed the general process and precautions based on "Green's Cognition of Witch Body Transformation".

  He finally recalled the operating procedures of the experiment and officially started refining the materials.


  If you have thoughts about hard-cover books, you will probably also doubt life.

  Never before has it warned of death so frequently.

  It can take as long as half an hour or as short as five seconds, and its host will have thoughts of committing suicide.

  The boy always took out some indescribable materials in his hands, eager to throw them into the already overwhelmed crucible. Even if it were stopped in time, the boy would immediately find another way to commit suicide.

  【……you are dead. ]

  [ are dead! ]

  [ are dead! ! !

  【...You are dead without a whole body! ! ! ]

  Thor: I know I was wrong.

  Saul: Hey, I just won’t change~
  If the hard-cover book knew that one day it would be used to “test its sensitivity”, it would definitely beg its former owner to impose a limit of three warnings per day.

  Instead of being ruined repeatedly by an ignorant and fearless little man!
  (╯#-乑)╯~~╧═╧This golden finger is really not the work of a book!

   Changed the new introduction, do you like it?
  (End of chapter)

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