Chapter 359: Yellow Bird, Yellow Bird, oriole

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  Chapter 359: Yellow Bird, Yellow Bird, oriole
  : Boom—


  The suspended ship made several loud explosions one after another.

  But it was the crew members who were on the ship who lit the explosives.

  The first mate, who had just said that the half-elf was only a first-level strength, was looking at the sky indifferently, indifferent to everything around him.

  Dozens of crew members were running around the decks.

  Some are laughing, some are begging for mercy.

  Someone was cleaning the deck with a mop stained with blood. People passing by slipped and fell into a wooden bucket filled with red dirty water.

  But before he could struggle to get up, the crew member who was mopping the floor had a weird smile on his face, picked up the mop and plunged it into the barrel.

  The sound of the watermelon cracking sounded, and a bunch of unknown white objects appeared on the water.

  The mopping crew member nodded with satisfaction, then pulled out the red and white mop and continued to slide on the deck.

  At this time, the first mate was still looking up at the sky.

  He opened his mouth, which was empty. There was no tongue, teeth, or throat. There were only squirming red balls of flesh.

  There was a sound of "woo woo woo" coming from inside.

  A crew member who was running around accidentally bumped into the first mate. He suddenly forgot what he was just about to do. He followed the first mate's example and started to look up at the sky.

  "Ah!" He looked at the sky with fear in his eyes and his mouth wide open.

  But before he could scream a second time, something seemed to pop into his mouth. It took away the teeth under the lips, the mouth and the throat, all the way to the end.

  All the panic on the crew member's face disappeared, and he slowly closed his mouth.

  A few minutes later, when he opened his mouth again, the internal organs and muscles in his body melted into pieces of meat balls, and then he let out a "wuwuwu" cry.

  There was another huge explosion. The wood at the bottom of the hull exploded, and a huge black ball with a diameter of ten meters rolled out from inside.

  The black ball is like a ball of tangled hair, and the top of the hair is still shaking. It was a monster formed by all the slender ghostly necks intertwined together.

  They were biting and twisting each other, as if they had seen enemies they wanted to kill no matter what.

  And from inside the black ball, there was a painful howl.

  People are going crazy, and monsters are not immune either.

  Wilde stood on the highest sail, looking at his feet, the corners of his eyes twitching constantly.

  "I don't know how much Yula paid you, but I can pay more to stop your pollution. Half-elf, you are committing suicide!" At this time, he felt uncomfortable


  At this time, the skin on the left half of Wilde's face was torn off, revealing bright red muscles.

  The muscles slowly revived in the squirming motion, but were torn off by him in the next second.

  If you look carefully, you will find that the red color on the left half of his face is too bright, not like blood, but like a blazing flame, burning his muscles and nerves.

  Wilde's original beard and curly hair were also torn completely, and whenever they grew back, they were ruthlessly removed by Wilde himself.

  This is the scariest place.

  All harm - they are caused by themselves!
  The half-elf in front of him only took action once.

  That is when the cannonball from the land boat hit him, the half-elf instantly turned into countless flying snow.

  So, in the warm spring, a blizzard came.

  Ten minutes later, the half-elf stood at the top of the sail, a little lower than Wilde. There were still tiny snowflakes floating around him.

  These snowflakes fell on the ship and quickly disappeared. They seemed like inconspicuous things, but they were the culprit of disaster.

  Wilde also had half of his face destroyed because he was once touched by a snowflake.

  Even now, the pollution there is still ready to move, always trying to break through his protection, invade his vital points, and penetrate deep into his brain and consciousness.

  "I don't know who Yula is. It was Golsa who asked me to come here."

  "Golsa?" Wilde immediately narrowed his eyes.

  Although he was eroded by the pollution carried by the half-elf, he was still calm in his heart.

  After all, in order to track Thor, this ship is just a frigate in his fleet. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

  As for the men on the ship... Wilde had already made up his mind to sacrifice all the crew members when he signed the tripartite agreement.

  After all, in this agreement, he was the enemy who openly attracted firepower.

  His men didn't know about this.

  But if the attracting firepower accidentally attracts Gorsa.

  That would be too dangerous.

  Thinking of this, Wilde no longer cared about the people on the boat, and immediately flew high into the sky, with his magic power running at full speed. He endured the oppression of the half-elf's mental power, tried hard to stabilize his mental body, and flew quickly towards the Valley of the Hands.

  After the half-elf confirmed that everyone on the ship had been eroded by the pollution he carried, he turned his head slightly, and his whole body turned into a swirling wind and snow, chasing Wilde away.

  Suddenly, a sharp sound came from not far away.

  The sound was so penetrating that it caused the snowflakes that had gathered together to collapse.

  So Feng Xue transformed into a human again, and the half-elf looked at the person who suddenly appeared and stopped his pursuit.

  "Keith...Mate?" His voice was still nice, but it didn't have any ups and downs.

  Light and shadow flashed, and an elegant figure appeared on a large tree trunk surrounding the giant ship.

  Kismet put down the harp in his hand and gave a final bow to the half-elf.

  "It's an honor that you still remember my name. For the sake of remembering me, can you let Wilde go this time? I still owe him a life." "I don't believe it." The half-elf said calmly


  "Tsk, tsk," Kismet curled his lips and changed his excuse, "Okay, okay, actually I owe him a request." "I do

  n't believe it."

  "Yes, this excuse is a bit lame. Kismet thought for a moment and clasped his hands together, "Actually, he is of some use to me, so he can't die now. Can you let him go for once?"

  This time the reason is somewhat decent.

  The half-elf did not judge the authenticity immediately, he just turned his toes towards Kismet.

  However, before the half-elf could speak, another voice answered for him.


  Kismet and the half-elf looked in the third direction at the same time.

  Powerful magic fluctuations came from the distance.

  But the next second, Kismet, who was standing on the tree, instantly turned over and jumped down. After landing on his toes, he continued to hurry and moved nearly a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

  Almost at the same time, Gorza, wearing a reddish-brown cloak, appeared where Kismet was standing.

  He stared at Kismet, but he urged the half-elf, "Don't forget my commission, half-elf."

  The half-elf retracted its toes that had originally diverted, and turned into a ball of flying snow again, quickly rolling towards Wilde's direction of escape.

  Now, only Golza and Kismet are left here.

  Gortha's silver eyes met Kismet's silver eyes.

  One is gentle, the other is playful.

  Suddenly, Gorsa moved. He stretched out his right hand, and the palm wrapped in pink bandage suddenly opened. A black shadow flew out from the palm and quickly grew in size, like a large net covering Kismet.

  The black shadow expanded rapidly, covering Kismet's head, almost turning day into night.

  Kismet was immediately alert, his slender fingers moved quickly on the harp, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and screamed silently.


  Like a mirror falling from a height of a hundred meters, the black screen above Kismet turned into countless fragments and fell from the sky.

  It was like a heavy black snowfall.

  The moment the snow fell to the ground, it quickly got into the shadow of the vegetation and disappeared.

  Kismet's fingers did not stop after the black curtain was shattered. The sound of the piano was rapid, and the sound waves seemed to turn into entities, so that none of the falling fragments could get close to him and his shadow.

  It wasn't until all the fragments disappeared that Kismet put down his harp. His face paled a few degrees, but there was still a smile on his lips, "Have you really changed to cultivate dark attribute elements? Aren't you afraid of being spanked by your glorious ancestors? ”

  (End of chapter)

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