Chapter 354 Have a sweet dream

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  Chapter 354 Have a Good Dream
  "Hayden, that's all for today's work. You go back..."

  Saul's words stopped abruptly the moment he saw Hayden.

  Hayden was sitting on the ground, his back weakly leaning against the wall.

  She raised her head with difficulty and smiled at Thor, "Sir, I may not be able to move now."

  Hayden's eyes fell down and rolled onto his robe and under the experimental table beside him.

  The culprit behind his fallen eyes was the white prismatic crystals protruding from his eye sockets.

  Thor immediately put the notes and Alpha necklace in his hand into the compressed bag, and then walked quickly to Hayden.

  He carefully examined Hayden's head and found that in addition to his eyes, ears, and both sides of his neck, crystals were precipitated.

  They were like bone spurs, sticking out from under the skin, but they didn't cause the wound to bleed.

  It seemed that the artificial blood in the experimental body was transformed the moment it flowed out and became part of the crystal.

  As a soul-infused experimental subject, Hayden originally needed to have a regular checkup every six months.

  But the last examination was carried out ahead of schedule due to the termination of the experimental project. Now nearly half a year has passed, and Hayden's body is showing signs of collapse!
  Thor could learn from Mentor Kaz and help Hayden remove the "rust" from his body, but looking at Hayden's current situation, the problem may be his brain.

  That's the part that Teacher Rum is responsible for handling. Thor doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't even understand the principles.

  "Sir, am I finished?" Hayden's voice was trembling.

  There were dots of crystals on the tip of his tongue that was occasionally exposed, and there was a similar substance on the fair skin at his collar.

  Parts of the body that are far away from the head, such as the hands and feet, are normal.

  But when Saul reached out to pinch his muscle tissue and found that it felt hard and had the feeling of a hard object, he knew that Hayden's body would be pierced by the crystal soon.

  The soul infusion experiment was terminated, and Hai Deng's body actually couldn't hold on for even one year.

  Thor seriously doubted that even if the experimental body was subject to regular maintenance, it would probably be able to last two or three more years.

  Thor gently pinned Hayden's body to the ground, and then traced his fingertips across her back.

  The clothes on Hayden's back immediately tore apart and fell to both sides, revealing her back and the golden magic circle on her back.

  There was nothing wrong with the golden magic circle, but when the magic circle changed, a face in extreme pain was revealed.

  Obviously, Hayden's true feelings have been cut off by the magic circle, otherwise she should be twitching on the ground in pain now, instead of just lying flat on the ground like a dead fish.

  "It's good that there is nothing wrong with the magic circle." Thor breathed a sigh of relief. "Hayden, your body comes from the transformed corpse of a second-level apprentice. Now the filling in the corpse has obviously undergone an irreversible reaction. Although I We can temporarily remove these crystals for you and allow you to resume basic movements, but this can only treat the symptoms and not the root cause."

  Saul turned Hayden's body over and found that a layer of white crystals also appeared on his lips.

  "And with my ability, there is no way to completely restore you to your previous state. But you still have a choice..."

  Thor paused for a few seconds to let Hayden digest the previous information.

  When he saw Hayden's slowly tightening lips, he continued: "I will temporarily seal you in a solution. This solution will dissolve the crystals on your body and also dissolve the fillings in your body." , leaving you temporarily paralyzed. In the process, I will try my best to restore the pollution to your spiritual body.

  After that, I will find you another body. But during this period, you will be in a state where you can only think and cannot move for a long time.

  In order to prevent you from going crazy, I will seal your consciousness at the same time and make this all a dream.

  It’s just that it’s not certain whether you can wake up from this dream... The above are all experimental assumptions that have never been verified. So, are you willing to take the risk? "

  Hai Deng slowly opened her mouth. Her mouth was already covered with crystals, like a crystal cave instead of a human mouth.

  "I do. "Her voice was a little blurry, but her tone was firm.

  Thor was stunned because he heard the voices of two people, one was Hayden, and the other was his second personality.

  At this critical moment of life and death, they actually He made the same choice without hesitation.

  Thor nodded with satisfaction, "Then I'll start. "

  Immediately, he stood up and started to prepare the solution.

  He had already prepared most of the materials. All he had to do was prepare them on site.

  The material to hold the solution was the sarcophagus, which was large enough and well-sealed.

  During the process of preparing the solution , he began to use knives, saws, etc. to cut off the obvious large prism crystals on Hayden's body. He

  could not use witchcraft for fear of triggering a mutated reaction.

  Amidst the harsh friction sound, his consciousness drifted to the necklace in his arms.

  Then He shook his head and chuckled.

  Just now, when facing Nick's body and hearing the "break it", Thor had doubted Keli for a moment.

  Her father was the Duke of Meigao, the highest-ranking official in the Principality of Kema. noble. And the Bree wizard apprentice who once sent a slender ghost to Thor is also a court wizard that can only be contacted by high-level nobles. The letter

  Kismet gave to Thor was also given to Keli through Keli's brother. It had just been passed to him.

  Coupled with today's "poisonous and fragile" birthday gift, it was difficult for Saul not to have a series of associations, and even began to doubt his friendship in the past three years.

  But when his chaotic thoughts were interrupted by Hai After being interrupted by Den's accident, it became calmer due to the shift of attention.

  Once you calm down, you can think about more problems.

  At the very least, when Keli first reached out to Thor, no one except the tower owner knew about his talent.

  This time, even without the aid of a diary, Saul was willing to trust his own judgment and intuition.

  But it also gave him a wake-up call.

  Thor clapped his hands, picked up the clean and slippery Hayden who had been treated by him, and slowly put him into the solution that had begun to have a violent witchcraft reaction.

  In the meantime, Hayden has been gritting his teeth.

  No matter how much pain it caused her as the crystals were cut and the solution corroded her skin, she never let out a moan.

  At the last moment when her face was immersed in the solution, Hayden struggled to turn her head towards Saul and looked at him with her eyes that had no eyeballs.

  Thor leaned down, even though his arms were soaked in the solution because he was supporting Hayden, and even though Hayden probably couldn't see anything at this time, he still said with a gentle smile: "Go to sleep, do it." A sweet dream."


  The thick and irritating liquid blocked the five senses, darkness fell, and the pain was gone in an instant.

  A tiny bit of light shone, and a silver butterfly floated past, revealing the boundless darkness.

  The sun shone down and shone on Hayden's eyelids.

  Hayden opened his eyes and subconsciously raised his hand to block the sun.

  Bright light penetrated through, turning the palm into a slightly transparent orange-red.

  He sat up with his hands on the ground and found himself lying on the grass in the small garden of his home.

  "Hayden!" His father came over angrily, waving a riding crop in his hand, "If you don't learn Common Language well and the Wizard Tower comes to recruit apprentices next year, I won't sign you up!" "Then I won't sign up

  ! !" Hayden laughed and lay down with his head in his hands.

  The grass softly supported his body.

  (End of chapter)

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