Chapter 350 Long-term warning

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  Chapter 350 Long-term Warning:
  Half of Monroe's face was bleeding, but he seemed to be unconscious. Saul didn't go in immediately. He kept his hand raised like that, with his thumb and index finger close together, as if he was holding something.

  Thor almost asked directly, "What do you want to get?", but the moment he opened his mouth, he swallowed his voice.

  Because he saw that the pads of Munro's fingers were slightly concave. It was as if he was actually holding something.

  Thor took a step forward and placed his foot on the doorframe.

  Until now, there is no hint in the diary.

  "There's no big problem." Saul didn't feel relieved when his diary didn't remind him.

  In the past few years since he became a wizard's apprentice, he no longer needed a diary to help him identify white-skinned mushrooms for any danger.

  Just relying on his mental detection and intuition, Thor could basically determine that the things in Monroe's hands were not dangerous to him.

  But quite weird.

  "Do you really want to accept this thing? I feel like it is a trouble no matter whether it was left to me by Kong Sha or not." Although he thought

  he could deal with what Monroe had in his hands, Sol was also considering whether to take it over.

  After all, he has a lot of troublesome things on him, and he also has a mission that has a time limit of five years, or may end at any time.

  But when Sol hesitated, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears, a little impatient and a little crazy.

  "Ahhhhh! Brother Sol! I want it! Brother Sol! I want it, I want it!"

  A silver light flashed, and Penny suddenly appeared on Sol's left shoulder and shouted into his left ear, and then jumped again Go to his right shoulder and instill the magic sound into his right ear again.

  "Brother Sol! I want that! Master! Give it to me, I want it!"

  Sol felt like his face was covered with black lines.

  "Quiet!" he yelled in his mind.

  Then the diary was opened according to Sol's thoughts, as if he wanted to throw Penny into it.

  The obsessive demonic voice disappeared immediately, but the nightmare butterfly did not give up. It flew in front of Thor and kept circling the inverted figure.

  Thor can now look at the things around him and ignore the existence of that silver light.

  He walked directly in next step and came to Monroe.

  After Monroe said the last sentence, he waited for Saul motionless.

  Sol stood in front of Monroe. He did not reach out to pick it up immediately, but asked in his heart, "Penny, what is Monroe holding in his hand?" "

  It's cryptocrystal. It's the same as me, mediating A substance between physical objects and consciousness. Master, can you give it to me? With it, I can regain a lot of strength!" "

  Cryptocrystalline?" Thor has heard this word before, but Here, it seems to have become a substance. And it is a substance with the same magical properties as the nightmare butterfly.

  "Master, you can only use flesh and blood to store cryptocrystalline matter. Any other storage method you have now will easily lead to the loss of cryptocrystalline matter." "Is it

  because flesh and blood can come into contact with cryptocrystalline matter?" Sol asked in his mind. .

  "Not exactly, haha ​​haha..." Penny actually made a sound of sucking saliva, "When you use flesh and blood to store it, your consciousness will also tell yourself that there is something there, and then your nerves will transmit You can recall the uncomfortable feeling, thereby locating the existence of cryptocrystalline physically and mentally at the same time." "

  But if you put it in the box, when you look at the empty box, you have a little thought and wonder if there is nothing in it. , you will never find cryptocrystals again."

  "Hiss—" After hearing what Penny said, Thor suddenly became very interested in cryptocrystals, "Interesting."

  He no longer hesitated and added Place your hand under Monroe's fingers and move them up little by little.

  Sol, who was no longer a novice in the wizarding world, didn't need Penny to remind him, but just whispered in his mind to strengthen his understanding.

  "There is a completely transparent substance there, and now my hand is about to touch it." "

  There is a completely transparent substance there, and now my finger is still five millimeters away from it." "

  I should touch it now ."

  As soon as Sol thought of this, his fingertips suddenly touched something.

  There was no temperature, or the temperature was consistent with his surface body temperature.

  But he could feel what he touched, and his fingertips sunk slightly in front of his eyes.

  Then Thor's thumb stuck to it.

  He grasped the cryptocrystal from both directions, imitating Munroe!

  After making sure that Saul was holding it firmly, Monroe finally released his fingers.

  "You'd better put it somewhere that makes you feel uncomfortable when you think about it." Monroe pointed back to his eyes, "That way when you forget its existence, there will still be a subconscious part of your body that makes an uncomfortable sound. Alert to help you remember it again."

  He looked much normal again now.

  Sure enough, fear comes from the unknown.

  When you are on the same frequency as the wizard and madman you think you are, you will understand that the other person is a normal person, and you were originally the chaotic fool.

  "This is what Kongsha gave me when she came back for the last time. He said that one day, you will definitely come to her, and then let me give this thing to you." When Munro spoke, he lowered his head and bent

  over . He picked up the eyeball he just lost from the ground.

  The eyeball was obviously cloudy and deformed.

  After Monroe picked it up from the ground, he didn't care whether it was dusty or not, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.


  Some translucent liquid flowed out from the corners of his mouth.

  "She also said... creak, creak, creak... If you want more, go to the cliff on the east side of Chuishou Valley to find her."

  Sol's fingers holding the cryptocrystal tightened slightly, and there was a slight tingling sensation in his fingertips.

  "The east side of Handle Valley?"

  "It's the Forest of Four Seasons!" Penny, who had been banned, immediately informed in a low voice, "But this is our name. The wizarding world generally calls it 'Elven Valley'!" Elf


  Thor's heart skipped a beat.

  Kong Sha actually wanted to trick him into going to the Elf Valley?

  "Thank you, I don't want it anymore." Sol wanted to say this.

  But just when he was about to give up, the diary suddenly opened, and black writing began to appear on the white paper.

  [On November 13, 316 in the new moon calendar

  , madness called you,
  but you chose to ignore it;

  chaos invited you to dance,

  but you shook your head and declined;
  pain served delicious food,

  and you put down your napkin;
  resentment took off your clothes, and

  you closed your eyes,
  so when life Leave you,

  please don't complain about your powerlessness. ]

  "This is... a death warning!"

  Moreover, through language and text analysis, this is definitely not a death warning that will happen in the near future.

  It's just like the first level of the quest line. Choosing the wrong one will change the outcome for better or worse.

  This is not the first time that the diary has issued a long-term warning, but it is the first time that a long-term warning of death has been issued.

  Thor immediately paid attention to it, and even the touch of the cryptocrystal in his hand became clearer and clearer.

  "I know," Saul stared at Monroe closely, trying to see what else he knew. "I will go when needed."

  Monroe smiled, "Don't worry, it's going to snow. Wait until the snow melts." It’s too late to set off again.”

  At this time, Penny also said: "There is no winter in the Forest of Four Seasons. So you can't enter during the snow season."

  Although the diary had issued a death warning, Sol was not very panicked.

  He even laughed, "That's right, I'm afraid of the cold."

  (End of chapter)

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