Chapter 344 Pollution and Lines

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  Chapter 344 Pollution and Threads
  "It's so beautiful! Brother Thor...chi luo chi liu... looks so delicious!"

  The nightmare butterfly flew back to Thor the moment the "Galaxy" appeared, with its always cute and sweet voice There was a slightly hoarse and obsessed voice.

  Sol is a little strange.

  Don’t nightmare butterflies feed on dreams?

  After raising a nightmare butterfly, Thor began to study Heywood's research notes on nightmare butterflies.

  The other party is indeed the most accomplished apprentice of Master Gorsa. In Penny's opinion, many of the nightmare butterfly habits he summarized are correct.

  One of the things is that the main recipe of the nightmare butterfly is not the soul as Thor originally guessed.

  It feeds on dreams, especially memories.

  The dreams and memories with stronger emotional fluctuations will help the nightmare butterfly accumulate strength.

  Therefore, people who have encountered the Nightmare Butterfly often do not have a happy ending.

  The more tragic the experience, the more profound the fear, the more the nightmare butterfly can grow.

  Looking at it this way, Penny has been following a proper villain script since she was born. If she hadn't been trying to avoid Kismet's pursuit, she probably wouldn't have stayed in a small town peacefully for many years.

  "Penny hasn't left me since she was caught by the diary. So has she eaten during this time?"

  Now thinking about Penny's voice just now... was she hungry?
  Thor swept the silver butterfly's wings, decided to go back and ask her again, and then continued to approach the starry soul fragment.

  He still doesn't understand why the soul fragments here glow. This also made him more and more curious about what might exist under the sea.

  Behind the starlight is an illuminated arched structure.

  Thor used the light to see the huge keel and the upside-down bottom of the ship.

  This should be the shipwreck that Byron was talking about.

  Continuing to get closer, he passed by "Starlight".

  Thor, who had no romantic feelings at all, opened his hands and instantly transformed into huge transparent tentacles with suction cups.

  He is embracing the galaxy.

  Or swallow the galaxy.

  The white light that could easily pass through physical objects was swallowed up the moment it came into contact with the tentacles.

  The sucker turned into a sharp mouth that stretched out its greedy tongue, sucking and devouring all the soul fragments it could come into contact with.

  No one has ever dared to absorb soul fragments so bluntly. Even the crazy Byron could only carefully analyze these strange soul fragments when encountering them, and did not dare to try to absorb them directly.

  Unpurified soul fragments will contain some memories of the original owner's life and death.

  Broken, rare, but like gangrene attached to the bone, it is difficult to remove. Unless resources are expended for decontamination and purification for certain experiments, clean and usable fragments can be obtained.

  This is also why there are so many soul fragments accumulated in the candle pipes of the Wizard Tower.

  Just like a mountain of garbage, although it can be recycled, it is often very costly and energy-consuming.

  There is a mismatch between effort and gain.

  But Thor is different. With the ability to purify diaries, he is like a giant whale devouring plankton, and he doesn't reject anyone who comes.

  The moment those white soul fragments were swallowed into Thor's tentacles, they turned into huge energy and filled his body.

  Along with it, there are many impurities wrapped in the soul fragments.

  However, these impurities are not absorbed by the diary as before.

  Before Thor realized what was happening, he was stopped in place by a strong impact.

  He felt as if his skull had been opened, and piles of broken images were shaken out.

  Countless fragmentary images are accompanied by harsh sounds.

  There is despair, sadness, pain, anger, fear... What

  makes it even more confusing is that the images and additional sounds are usually not original. It’s like having a gunfight soundtrack playing while watching a ghost movie.

  Highlight the word "chaos"!

  This feeling makes people feel dizzy.

  Thor almost instantly forgot where he was, what he was about to do, what he was thinking just now, and what he was looking forward to next...

  After the initial confusion, there was great fear. But the fear also flashed away after touching his head for a moment.

  What ended it all was the overwhelming feeling of loneliness that made my whole body tremble.

  Loneliness, silence.

  Bisol had just flown over the sea, and the sea and sky were eroding each other, leaving only black and white and gray emptiness around him, which made him even more lonely.

  Thor's sinking movement stopped completely.

  The transparent tentacles also began to emit light after absorbing many luminous soul fragments.

  But the spirit armor around him that was originally trembling due to the water pressure suddenly became solid.

  But the abundance of energy is accompanied by a crisis of consciousness.

  In the circle of light, Thor faintly felt that the glowing soul fragments began to actively drill into him, which further aggravated the confusion in his mind.

  As a result, the picture connected with the picture, the sound cut off the sound, and Sol's external body seemed to have turned into a stone statue, unable to move; but his inner consciousness was undergoing huge shocks.

  The chaotic feeling brought to him by absorbing a large number of soul fragments this time was more terrifying than the first time he committed suicide for the witch body transformation experiment.

  But under the increasingly intense painful impact, Thor gradually came to his senses.

  He felt that he should feel pain in such chaos, but his brain unexpectedly blocked negative interference.

  His eyeballs suddenly turned white, and the outside world immediately exited his consciousness.

  Now he can only see the impurities brought by the soul fragments in his brain.

  As a result, the chaotic sound and image impact became even more intense!

  Seconds are like years.

  However, Thor, who was conscious, gradually saw a line in these fragmented sounds and images.

  A thread that runs throughout.

  This thread connects all the pieces.

  In the dark, Thor felt that as long as he found the end of the line and lifted it lightly, he would find that everything was in order, and the chaos was only due to the insufficient breadth of cognition.

  The sounds, images, or experiences of the deceased will all be arranged in a predetermined order.

  And as long as Thor shakes that line, he can make the things connected on the line interpret according to his ideas.

  Now, in the chaotic picture in front of Thor, one line became clearer.

  Thor stretched out his hand - in his awareness he stretched out his hand - trying to touch the thin line hidden in so many consciousnesses.

  He felt like he was about to hit that line.

  But when his fingertips were only one millimeter away from the thin line, all the images, sounds, and the close thin line disappeared in an instant.

  Thor suddenly came to his senses and found that he was still in the deep sea.

  His feet were on the bottom of the sunken ship, and one hand was stretched forward.

  And around him, there were still soul fragments floating like fireflies.

  "Brother Sol! Brother Sol! What's wrong with you?"

  The silver butterfly flew in front of Sol, with a little worry in its voice.

  Xiaozao, who turned into a propeller, also stretched its head in front of Thor, and used its shark-like teeth to bite Thor's arm gently.

  It's also trying to wake Thor up.

  Before Thor came back to his senses, he felt that his lungs were about to explode before he could comfort the two little pets!

  The huge feeling of suffocation and the fear of dying instantly occupied the main working area of ​​his brain.

  Must float up immediately!

  The bodies of wizard apprentices can hold their breath for a long time, but that doesn't mean they don't have to breathe.

  In fact, with their huge energy consumption, they actually need more air.

  Now due to an accident, Thor has reached the critical point of suffocation that his body can bear.

  Must float up immediately!

  he thought again.

  However, just as he was about to step on the sunken ship and float to the surface, he felt a strange magic wave coming from under his feet.

  Thor glanced down.

  With just one glance, he focused on a few gray stones in the cracks of the rotten wooden planks.

  Although the gray stones were no different from other stones on the seabed, Thor, who was extremely mentally sharp, quickly identified that the magic wave he just felt was emanating from these small stones.

  Thor pointed to the gap in the wood.

  Nightmare Butterfly was still confused, but Xiao Zao had already rushed over.

  The worry about Thor just turned into a huge bite force, and with a gulp, he swallowed several gray stones and the surrounding rotten wood into his mouth.

  Then, without waiting for Thor's instructions, Xiaozao turned into a propeller again and sent Thor out of the sea.

  "Cough cough cough cough..."

  Although he floated up as quickly as his body could bear, Thor still couldn't hold on until the end.

  He took a few mouthfuls of the bitter sea water, and felt a burning pain in his nose and throat.

  At this time, a ray of white light hit Thor, which was a level 0 witchcraft to treat minor injuries.

  While paddling, Sol raised his head and saw Senior Byron standing on the rocks with a frown on his face and looking at him with concern.

  "Pfft." He touched the sea water on his face with his hand and showed an awkward smile, "I was accidentally playing with it just now, and I almost lost it."

   Third update! Please give me some monthly tickets.

    Small beep: Who threatens me with monthly tickets?

  (End of chapter)

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