Chapter 332 Little Butterfly

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  Chapter 332 Little Butterfly

  "The nightmare butterfly... hatched?" Thor calmed himself down first and recalled the scene in the dream.

  "If that nightmare butterfly was really hatched in my dream, its final ending was not very good... But it called me Brother Sol, why did it call me that? Penny had obviously died in Mofan Town ."

  He recalled that at the end of the dream just now, Penny seemed to be asking him for help, and he was originally trying to observe his own history and seemed to see something extraordinary.

  He had no memory after that, and when he opened his eyes, he thought he had just had a long sweet dream.

  "It's not really Penny in my dream, is it?" Sol took down the test tube from the shelf.

  There was no damage to the glass surface of the test tube.

  His fingers holding the test tube tightened slightly, and he suddenly relaxed until the glass surface made a groan-like friction sound.

  "Maybe... it's time to take a look at the notes I got from Heywood."

  Saul got Heidi on the condition of retrieving Heidi - the curse that was parasitic on Heywood, or his sister. Research results on the nightmare butterfly.

  But because of Heywood's warning and Thor's own fear of the nightmare butterfly, he has not opened it yet.

  But now that the cocoon is nowhere to be found, possibly hatched, Thor can't wait any longer.

  He held the test tube in his hand and walked straight to the Nightmare Butterfly Research Notes placed at the other end of the warehouse.

  But after getting the notes, he did not read them immediately. Instead, he returned to the experimental table and meditated for a while to check his status.

  "Looking back now, I must have been contaminated in some way when I tried to check my history. I also heard the sound of the pages at that time. It should be the diary reminding me." "But I didn't react at all at the time...

  This Is it beyond the safety prompt range of the locator?"

  It was like stepping out of the platform extended for him by the glass window.

  After meditating for an hour, Thor confirmed that his mental body was now stable, and the pollution he received in the dream had not been transferred to his real body.

  Opening his eyes, Thor's face looked a little strange, "It seems that all the influences I received in the dream were absorbed by the nightmare butterfly." "

  She didn't just die in my dream, right?"

  It's useless to think about it. I solemnly opened the notes in front of me.

  There was a sentence written on the title page of the note.

  [This is a dream that I can never wake up from.

  Ten minutes later, Saul closed the book.

  "The nightmare butterfly... was really hatched in a dream. But the 'historical reappearance' Heywood mentioned is a bit strange."

  He did not read the entire notebook.

  Because he only read the first few pages, Thor felt sleepy.

  This was not normal. He had clearly just woken up, and after an hour of meditation, he was very energetic.

  So he immediately put down the book and meditated again to stabilize his mental body.

  "Sure enough, you need to be very careful when reading this book."

  Saul put the notes away again.

  If what is said in the book is basically correct, then the nightmare butterfly's eggs are indeed hatching in his dream.

  "I have obviously sealed the Nightmare Butterfly's eggs, and there were no signs of hatching before. Why did they hatch suddenly after I came back? Did Penny do something to me?" The power of the Nightmare Butterfly has obviously

  exceeded beyond the scope of Sol's control.

  But something unexpected happened in the dream, and Thor did not immediately report the matter to the tower master.

  And there is no warning in the diary.

  "Wait, diary?"

  The crimson hard-cover book opened in response.

  It turned through gorgeous golden pages, numerous white pages, mottled black pages, and finally came to the back cover.

  "This is..." Thor looked at what appeared in the book in surprise.

  It's no longer a page...but a bookmark.

  Silver glittering, hollow butterfly bookmark.

  Just as Sol was about to touch it with his consciousness, he saw the bookmark suddenly disappear.

  "What?" Before Thor could look for it, he suddenly saw a silver butterfly appear in his eyes.

  It's like the bookmark comes alive.

  But when he reached out to touch it, he only touched a ball of air.

  He immediately frowned, and a black light appeared in his palm. The black light suddenly stopped and shot towards the location of the butterfly.

  This is one of the first-level witchcrafts that Thor mastered, negative energy rays.

  However, this energy ray still did not touch the butterfly, and passed directly to the opposite side. Finally, it was dispersed by Thor halfway to avoid hitting other things.

  But the silver butterfly was still in Thor's sight, and even flew around his head twice.


  Sol called out his pet.

  Xiao Zao responded.

  As soon as it came out, it also saw the butterfly.

  Perhaps it had never seen such a strange one, like a butterfly carved out of silver metal, and it immediately rushed forward.

  The butterfly jumped up, flew to the head of the algae and landed.

  Xiaozao immediately twisted his neck and looked back, but he couldn't see the butterfly above his head.

  In desperation, Xiao Zao stuck out his black tongue and licked his forehead.

  But the tip of its tongue did not touch the butterfly, and it passed by as if it was passing through the air.

  "I can see it, but I can't touch it. It's like a three-dimensional projection, or something that only exists in the retina."

  Thor's heart moved, and he once again released a level 1 witchcraft, the light of darkness.

  This witchcraft can release a special kind of darkness that cannot be seen through, and the vision of those inside is not affected.

  But when the butterfly was shrouded in the light of darkness, Thor could still see the butterfly.

  "It's not an image of light." Saul recalled that the butterfly was hidden in his left eye before it emerged from its cocoon.

  He slowly closed his left eye.

  The butterfly disappeared, leaving only a small algae that kept twisting its head.

  "Does it only exist in the field of vision of my left eye? But why can Xiaozao see it?"

  At this time, Xiaozao suddenly stopped moving and turned his head to aim at Sol's left shoulder.

  And Thor also felt a slight chill on his left shoulder, as if something appeared there.

  He opened his left eye again, and sure enough he saw a silver butterfly landing on his left shoulder.

  But when he reached out to touch the butterfly's wings again, he still didn't touch it.

  "By the way, Xiaozao is also invisible. He has no eyes and can only track the breath of death. But the nightmare butterfly is not the dead." "Don't stick your tongue out at me. Even if

  you can't touch me, I will feel uncomfortable. Feel comfortable!"

  At this time, a little girl's voice came from the Nightmare Butterfly, scolding Xiao Zao who was getting closer.

  Sol was not too surprised that the nightmare butterfly could speak, "Penny?"

  The little butterfly took off briefly and then landed, "Brother Sol."

  This voice sounded a bit like Penny's, but more childish. Some, like four or five-year-old children.

  "Brother Sol."

  It called again.

  "You're not Penny. Who are you?" Thor said coldly, "I know you're conscious, and if you don't speak, I'll lock you up forever." Since it's a bookmark

  in the diary, Thor has control. He believed that no matter what kind of life form he was, he would not want to be a bookmark forever.

  "Brother Sol."

  But Butterfly still only had this sentence.

  "Xiaozao, lick her!"

  "Ah ah ah, wrong, wrong, wrong!"

  The butterfly immediately shouted and moved away nimbly.

  Then, it slowly flapped its wings and hovered next to Sol's left ear, "Brother Sol, I'm not Penny. I should have been, but now I'm not." "

  In you, I lost part of my history. ”

  (End of chapter)

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