Chapter 325 Box

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  Chapter 325 Box
  Sol did not disturb Sander and listened quietly to the other party's story.

  When Xander said the last word, Thor stood up from his seat.

  "In that case, let's go there now."

  "Huh?" Xander was stunned for a moment.

  "Sir?" The attendant hurriedly stepped forward. He originally wanted to dissuade him, but when he saw Sol's expression, he immediately changed his mind and said, "Please let us go with you. If you like that house, we can help you clean it up. "

  No need." Thor refused the attendant's offer to follow.

  Judging from Sander's mental state and the abnormalities on his body, this guy is indeed in trouble.

  Others didn't see it. It was probably because the evil spirit had already entangled Sander, so he couldn't take care of others.

  Some wraiths are more specialized in harming people, and generally will not move their targets until the person they are currently entangled with dies.

  And when they kill enough people, their soul power is replenished, and with further pollution, they may become evil spirits.

  This is probably also the lifelong pursuit of many irrational and resentful spirits.

  A conscious wraith must contain a lot of soul fragments. It just so happened that Thor had consumed a lot recently, so he went over to replenish his inventory.

  Of course, what's more important is that the house Sander mentioned happened to meet all of Saul's requirements.

  Thor took Sander to the lake house in the academy's carriage.

  This place is closer to the Wizard Tower than Outpost Town, and it is difficult to find because it is hidden in the mountains and forests. I don’t know who would build a house in a place like this in the first place.

  The house is made of local materials and is mostly made of wood, but in some corners Saul found stones shaped by witchcraft.

  "It seems that the person who originally built this house was a wizard. Maybe he was a wizard apprentice who wanted to live in seclusion away from the town."

  Thor came to the door and waited for Sander to climb down from the carriage tremblingly.

  The mushroom driver drives very fast, and what he is best at is shortening the original half-day journey to two hours.

  Sander, who had never been on a carriage traveling at a speed of life and death, turned pale with fright, but because the person sitting opposite him was a wizard, he could not even scream once.

  But as soon as he got out of the car, Sander, who was already a little tired, straightened up immediately and stepped out of the carriage like an aristocrat.

  In fact, the clothes he wore were of good quality, but a little old. He didn't have any servants around him, and he didn't even have his own carriage even though he lived so far away. Much like those nobles who have been in decline for many years.

  "This is it, sir." Sander stepped forward to help Sol open the door, but saw that the door lock on the door opened automatically.

  He was startled, and just as he was about to jump up and shout that there was a ghost, he saw that Sol had already walked in.

  Sander then remembered that according to rumors, the wizard did not need a key to open the door.

  He looked at the door that suddenly opened in front of him and the dark hall, hesitating a little.

  The sunlight shines through the doorway and hits the old wooden floor, forming an unclear boundary between light and darkness.

  Like the distance between life and death.

  Sander obviously didn't want to enter this haunted house. The figure of the little wizard in front of him was about to merge into the darkness.

  Following a wizard to the haunted house did not make Sander feel confident. On the contrary, when the other party left the outpost town in a carriage, the "popularity" in his body was quickly disappearing.

  Sander's face turned pale, half frightened by the speed of the galloping carriage, and half frightened by the aura surrounding the wizard in front of him.

  In fact, he could wait for Saul to check the room, and then come out and sign a house transfer and lease agreement with him after he thinks there is no problem.

  But Sander's eyes turned, and he didn't know what he thought of, but he mustered up the courage and stepped in.

  At this time, Sol had already finished shopping on the first floor and walked up to the second floor.

  The stairs, which have not been maintained for a long time, have become damp and make a creaking sound when you walk up them.

  Thor walked around the first floor and did not see any soul fragments or resentful spirits. Indeed, as the attendant of the Inn House said, it had been cleaned inside and out.

  But according to Sander's description, the resentful spirits here can already affect actual objects, and they should have taken shape and have certain consciousness. Ordinary people's methods can generally only deal with some contaminated soul fragments, while more powerful ghosts need to use wizards' methods.

  With the current cleanliness of the wooden house, it is obviously not haunted.

  Sol stepped onto the second floor, when he heard someone moving on the first floor.

  "Has Sander just come in?" He glanced down and saw a tiptoeing figure. He smiled softly and continued to check the room.

  The second floor is divided into three rooms, two small and one large.

  But the beds are in the smallest room. Each room has only a small transom, as if the people who first built the house preferred darkness and hated sunlight.

  The largest room was empty except for a wardrobe with half a broken door.

  But when Sol squatted down to check, he found many old traces on the ground.

  "There should have been many cabinets and tables here... just like the laboratories of the mentors."

  Thor stood up, waved his hands gently, and the dust accumulated for several days was picked up and sent out of the room through the transom.

  When the house becomes clean, the traces of furniture that were once placed on the floor become more obvious.

  "Look, this layout is very similar to that of Master Kaz's laboratory. The person who built this house was indeed a wizard apprentice."

  Thor was very satisfied, and he even planned to rearrange the laboratory according to the layout on the ground.

  "I just don't know if the original owner of this house was planning to build a temporary foothold outside the tower like me, or he was an apprentice who was expelled from the wizard's tower and could only live here."

  Just now, Thor's witchcraft opened the air window of the room, and some outside air rushed in.

  The moist smell of fibers is mixed with the chirping of unknown insects and birds, giving it a sense of leisure and pastoral living.

  Thor walked to the transom and looked out, and unexpectedly found that the spire of the Wizard's Tower could be seen from this angle.

  "Very good. It's almost certain that he is an apprentice who was expelled from the tower."

  After the visit, Thor walked out of the room and went down the old stairs.

  The sound quickly alarmed Sander in the hall. He quickly ran to the stairs, raised his head and tried to force out a smile.

  Thor noticed that he had just ran out of a room.

  The man seemed to be still looking for his luggage. Even though I was afraid of ghosts, I still came in to look for my luggage.

  It seems that there is something important to him in the luggage.

  "Sir, have you seen a ghost?" Xander asked tremblingly.

  "No, every room is very clean." Sol shook his head.

  "But, sir, I really encountered a ghost here. I dare not lie to you." Xander said anxiously.

  "I know." Thor's eyes fell on Xander's neck.

  The gray rotten arm was still wrapped around the opponent's neck.

  If you think about it, the owner of that arm probably wanted to strangle Sander from behind.

  "Then, maybe the ghosts ran away when they saw the adults." Sander's eyes moved left and right at this time, "Sir, did you see a huge rattan box upstairs?" Sander gestured with his hands


  According to his description, the rattan box is not small.

  It feels like it can hold one person.

  (End of chapter)

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