Chapter 313 Discoloration

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  Chapter 313 Change of Color
  "Can the Bronze Gate take me through space?"

  Saul was a little unbelievable. Does he always appear on the first floor of the East Tower every time he leaves from the 20th floor?

  However, the bronze doors on the first floor of the East Tower cannot be opened at the same time.

  "Maybe it's a one-way passage, maybe it's a one-time thing. I just asked the mentor for help, maybe he thought it was best not to wander around the wizard's tower until I got the puppet." Either way it's a huge

  convenience Sol.

  The first thing he did when he returned to the second warehouse was to find the red-eyed puppet and stuff it into his pocket.

  Afterwards, Thor walked to the group of corpses in front of the warehouse, first checked the number of candles, lit a few more, and then came to Herman's body.

  The diary is opened in the spirit body, which is a sign that Thor allows them to observe the outside world.

  "Herman, can you see the corpse in front of me now?"

  Herman: [...Yes, Master. That' body.

  He said it with some difficulty. It was obvious that the experience of seeing his own body was not a pleasant one.

  "Sorry, I know you may not be feeling well, but I have some things I want to confirm."

  Thor told them that when his soul left the body, he would often be pulled into the body by these lifeless corpses, and sometimes even You will see these corpses as you usually see them.

  It seemed as if what was standing in the warehouse were not corpses, but monitors.

  "Do you know why this is?"

  The consciousnesses in the diary were quiet for a while, and then Agu was the first to answer.

  Agu: [Actually, I once heard a saying that the soul depends on the protection of the body, and the body also needs the soul. Therefore, when a creature is on the verge of death, its body will emit huge amounts of energy, and its various functions will work desperately to save its soul. ]

  "So you think our bodies are also conscious?"

  Agu: [This is just a statement. There are currently no experiments proving that the body alone has consciousness. I analyze that this may be a rule of life. ]

  Morton: [I don’t think so. He is not dead after all when he is about to die. The soul and consciousness are still in the body and still have control. So what I agree with is that the struggle near death is also a command given by the soul to the body. Just like when some women are pregnant, the instructions given by the soul to the body are to protect the child rather than themselves. ]

  Agu: [Then how do you explain the Dwarf Valley effect? ]

  Morton: [I have never been to the Dwarf Valley. Maybe the wizards at that time were not strong enough and did not discover the fluctuations in the spiritual body, or the remaining fragments of consciousness? ]

  Agu: [Can a third-level wizard be called insufficient in strength? ]

  "Wait, wait! Don't argue yet. Who will tell me what the Dwarf Valley Effect is?" Seeing the two most knowledgeable consciousnesses starting to quarrel, Thor quickly stopped them.

  Agu: [There is a third-level wizard in another continent who wants to capture a group of dwarves. When he came to the valley where the group of dwarves lived, he found that all the magic and spiritual power there had disappeared, turning it into a magic-free zone. Once a creature with a soul enters, it will feel a strong repulsive force. If forced to enter, the soul may even leave the body. The spirit body will be excluded, but their physical body will continue to move forward along the original will. ]

  Agu: [If material power cannot be used to pull the body out before it is far away, those separated souls will never be able to find their physical bodies again. Therefore, it has become a forbidden place for all soul creatures, but it is said that someone once saw a still moving body standing outside the Dwarf Valley. ]

  "Is there such a place?"

  Morton: [Master, sometimes it's just that we haven't discovered the truth of the matter. It doesn't mean that there must be such irregular things in the world.

  Agu: 【Oh, you mean the laws of the world are already known? ]

  "That's enough!" Saul's face sank, "I know there are always arguments in the academic world, but don't forget that I'm the one asking the question now!"

  The black pages belonging to Agu and Moton suddenly became quiet, accompanied by unconscious tremors.

  Obviously the diary owner's anger exerts great pressure on the consciousness fixed in the pages of the book.

  It was so big that even Thor was a little surprised.

  He did not immediately comfort the two injured souls, but instead summarized the knowledge he had just gained.

  "There are two mainstream speculations now. One is that the body acts according to the last instructions of the soul. The other is that the body itself will give birth to consciousness."

  Thor looked at Herman, who had been transformed in front of him.

  "Herman, let me touch your body now. See if you feel anything."

  A transparent tentacle, gray like a shadow, emerged from the palm of Sol's right hand. The tentacles are as thick as an adult's arm, but if necessary, they can be made half a meter thick, but then the length will be shorter.

  The tentacles wrapped around Herman's head and penetrated between his eyebrows.

  But he quickly pulled it out again.

  "My mind is empty."

  Thor's tentacles moved to several places.

  The processed Herman's corpse in front of me...the changes were really big.

  In addition to the brain, the spine has also been replaced with other materials, and the shape does not even look like a human spine.

  Looking at this Herman, Thor silently retracted his tentacles.

  "How did you feel during this period?"

  Herman: [...The mood is a bit complicated. ]

  Herman's handwriting looked a little sluggish. It was obvious that the scene just now had greatly touched him, but he quickly adjusted.

  Herman: [I don’t feel any difference. Of course, it may be that my perception is not that sharp.

  Thor nodded, "Well, it may be that there are too many media, and your perception of your body is not so clear."

  Saul walked past Herman's body.

  There is also the possibility that Hermann's body was different from those in other morgues.

  Thor's soul was not pulled into this body when he left his body. It cannot be ruled out that the new member of this corpse group does not have the ability to pull his soul into his body.

  "Yes, the problem of body and soul is a big problem in the wizarding world. How can I find clues so easily?"

  However, Thor did not give up immediately. This time he chose a body that had been possessed and treated it again. Do puncture exploration.

  This time he asked all conscious bodies, including An, to sense it together to see if they could feel any difference.

  But this time, the four consciousness bodies still found nothing.

  During this period, Agu and Moton did not quarrel again, and they all worked honestly.

  "Oh, by the way, we have a new member." Saul remembered that Nick's body was still "eating" in the sarcophagus.

  "Maybe something new will be different."

  Although Sol also felt sad and devastated about Nick's death, when facing the corpse, he became a rational wizard again.

  Nick's sarcophagus is located in the corner of the warehouse, and there are several boxes stacked next to it-one of which once had the honor to be Saul's stepping box.

  He walked over and ordered Xiaozao to open the box, while he stayed vigilant to prevent the corpse from transforming.

  But Nick's body was quiet, without any intention of attacking or escaping.

  He lay there with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he was having a sweet dream.

  Thor had rarely seen Nick smile, not counting the time he laughed at him.

  Because Nick majored in emotional witchcraft, he was extremely restrained in his emotional changes, and had to hide his long-suppressed emotions every time.

  Sol still remembered the sound of his painful laughter. It was no longer pleasure, but torture.

  "There is no abnormality, it can be placed in the warehouse..."

  After Sol finished the examination and was about to take out Nick's body, he saw the diary turning over again.

  Agu: [Master, you'd better take a look at the puppet you just put on your body.

  Sol frowned and immediately took out the red-eyed doll from his arms.

  "When?!" His pupils narrowed instantly.

  The puppet's eyes turned black at some point!
  But after Sol got the puppet, he didn't even leave the warehouse!
  (End of chapter)

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