Chapter 31 This damn physique

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  Chapter 31: This damn physique
  lasted a full month in school.

  The new apprentices have not seen the outside sun for a whole month. Even Duke, who is the darkest, has begun to turn pale.

  Not to mention Thor.

  He studied knowledge all day long and worked with corpses. His face also turned as pale as a death. There are still two dark circles under his eyes.

  You can pretend to be a ghost in the middle of the night without makeup.

  He has skipped public classes for three consecutive days.

  If the corpse room hadn't been closed to people at night, he would have wanted to stay in it and not come out.

  But today, his research came to a standstill and he came out to look for ideas.

  "Green's Cognition of Shaman Body Transformation" records four or five transformation ideas, but there is no specific information on what materials to use and how to transform the process.

  Thinking about it, it is impossible to show such knowledge to others casually.

  It's either someone's trump card or the inheritance of a certain force.

  The book also said that even with a mature idea of ​​​​shaman body transformation, there is a high probability of death.

  But if we want to find a brand new transformation method, it will not see the light of day without costing hundreds and thousands of lives.

  Several second-level apprentices that Saul knew must have undergone witch body transformation, but the one with whom he had the "best" relationship was Senior Mark.

  When Saul came to the laboratory, apart from senior Mark and Angela, Duke was nowhere to be seen.

  When Angela saw Sol, she pursed her lips and smiled awkwardly.

  Sol nodded in response, but Angela seemed to be startled, her hands shook, and she almost lost her grip on the book in her hand.

  The two met and nodded, and Thor walked to Senior Mark at the back of the laboratory.

  The latter seemed to be doing some experiment, and also seemed to be cooking. He casually put things into the crucible and stirred with the wooden shovel.

  Thor stood three meters away and observed for a while. He could only sigh that he was a major in dark elements. The materials he put into the crucible looked so hellish.

  After putting in the last lump of something that looked like hair or kelp, Mark covered it with a transparent glass lid and turned down the heat under the crucible.

  He tilted his head and greeted Sol with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few days. You've made a lot of progress." "

  Senior Mark." Sol stepped forward, "I have a few questions to ask."

  "Oh?" Mark He casually took off his gloves and threw them into the trash can at his feet. "Do you have a magic crystal?" "


  "In what respect?"

  "Witch body..." Thor only said two words and then stopped. .

  Mark paused, raised his head and said to Angela in the distance: "Angela, you can go back today."

  Angela didn't say anything, picked up the book and ran out, closing the door of the laboratory tightly.

  "Are you really planning to transform your witch body? This is generally an area that only second-level apprentices are involved in." "

  I went to test it, and the current magic power is only 4. If you don't transform your witch body, Kaz will be tested three months later. The instructor will not judge me as passing."

  After a month of meditation, Sol's magic power has only increased by 1 joule. According to this progress, it will take six months to reach 10 joules.

  But he only had two months left.

  "Well..." Mark held his chin, "Actually, since the instructor has handed over the work in the morgue to you, he shouldn't be so strict anymore." "

  But the instructor never said he would change the test content." Saul didn't want to bet.

  Although hard-cover books may issue death warnings, they often pop up to show their presence only when a life-or-death crisis is imminent.

  If you are in a desperate situation and no matter what choice you make, you will die, then even if you jump out of the hard-cover book, it will be useless.

  Like the night Saul almost died in the lab.

  If it hadn't been for the appearance of Fan Da, Thor would not have been able to escape death.

  Although the process was miserable, it also made Sol understand a truth.

  Even if you are in a desperate situation, there is still a glimmer of hope, so your own efforts are still very important.

  If Sol hadn't insisted on saving himself at that time, he might not have been able to wait for Fenda to pass by.

  "There are other ways to increase the magic power to 10 joules."

  "But senior," Sol spread his hands, "I don't have that much money, and I don't have enough credits. The main reason is that I don't have time."

  Mark touched his chin. "It seems that you have made up your mind. Then..."

  He stretched out his hand to Thor, "2 credits, no magic crystals will be accepted." The

  3 credits that he just got...

  Thor breathed out, "Deal, you have to register first. Room?"

  Mark took back his hand, "If it were someone else, of course, but since it's you, I can pay on credit for half an hour first."

  Half an hour?

  In other words, exchange twenty days of hard work for half an hour of knowledge.

  Mark sat down and said, "I remember that you once copied a book about Shaman body transformation, so you should already have some knowledge about Shaman body transformation. Now, do you have any ideas about the transformation of your own body?" "

  I The cheapest and most effective materials around us now are corpse materials. So my transformation plan is to refine the parts of these materials that can effectively improve elemental perception and magic power." Mark laughed, "No wonder you are looking more and more like a dead person now

  . ."

  He spoke with a slightly more serious tone, sat up straight and said, "The fact that you were selected to work in the corpse room means that you are more sensitive to spirits. If you use corpse materials to transform yourself, do you know what will happen? "

  Thor's eyes widened.

  "You will easily encounter strange things, and those ghosts will be happy to come to you."

  Are you prone to seeing ghosts?
  "Are there many ghosts in the Wizard Tower?"

  "Are you afraid? Haha..." Mark looked at Sol's hesitation and replied with a smile, "Not many, and most of them have various restrictions. Because the ghosts in the Wizard Tower are basically They are all created by wizards and high wizard apprentices using certain witchcraft. But even so, you may accidentally get into all kinds of trouble. Most ghosts are lonely, and they will desperately look for someone who can see and hear them. , but there is no danger for ordinary people."

  "I understand, as long as I can become stronger, I can fight against ghosts." Thor raised his fists, one of which was a bone hand so conspicuous.

  Mark was not pleased with the boy's little courage, and gave Sol a final warning.

  "Be in awe at all times, Thor. Fear comes from the unknown, terror is born from the unknown, but the unknown is endless." After

  the warning, he did not persuade Thor anymore, but began to explain the corpse materials suitable for witchcraft. part of body transformation.

  Because he couldn't tell Thor about his existing knowledge of shaman body transformation - Mark didn't know anything else, and Thor couldn't afford it - he emphasized some precautions, such as which types of materials couldn't be put together, something would definitely happen; For example, those reactions in experiments may mean life-threatening consequences.

  Finally, Mark recommended two more material bodies-skin and bone.

  These two are larger, easier to engrave runes on, help Thor control, and are safer.

  As for materials such as brains and eyes, Thor had better not touch them. Generally, without the strength of a third-class apprentice, it would be difficult to adapt.

  "Like me..." Mark raised his right hand, and there was a cut in the palm of his hand. A bright red tongue, more than one meter long, stretched out in front of Saul's eyes, as if he wanted to take a lick.

  "I spent a lot of money to redeem the witch body transformation formula with a high success rate in the tower, and then combined it with my own physique to transform it. And at that time, I was already a second-level apprentice." (End of this chapter


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