Chapter 306 Return

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  Chapter 306 Return
  Before Luo Kai and others appeared, Thor appeared at another entrance of the Wizard Tower.

  This passage is not accessible by car, but allows direct access to the fifth floor of the East Tower of the Wizard Tower.

  Instructor Katz personally took him through it once.

  Thor's whole body was hidden in his large cloak. He moved forward slowly, paying attention to every corner of the ramp.

  Not meeting anyone else along the way, Sol arrived at the fifth floor of the East Tower relatively smoothly. After arriving here, he looked at the upward and downward passages, thought for a moment, and chose to go down.

  In order to grind the sound fruit and the mark in his body, he hoped that the first person he would come into contact with after returning to the wizard tower would be the tower owner.

  Except for the tower owner, anyone who tries to get close to him may be the holder of the Lost Soul Flower's mark.

  If he wants to see the tower owner, Thor can choose to go up to the 19th floor - he has access to the tower owner's private library there.

  Or go to the second warehouse and ask the tower owner himself to come down.

  After comparing the distance and safety between the two, Sol felt that it would be better to work harder for the tower owner.

  Because he didn't know how long it would take for the people guarding the entrance of the wizard's tower to realize that he was not on the carriage, Thor quickened his pace again.

  It was now close to six o'clock in the afternoon, and most of the apprentices were wandering around the library, registration room, and various laboratories on the sixth floor. Thor walked downwards, meeting fewer and fewer people the further down he went.

  However, when he arrived at the second floor of the East Tower, he unexpectedly met Cullom who had just walked out of the second corpse room.

  This first-level apprentice originally took over Thor's job in the morgue. When they first met, he used his companion goblin to provoke Thor.

  But today he actually walked out of Hayden's Second Corpse Room...

  Saul subconsciously glanced inside the Second Corpse Room and saw no one else, only a few corpses hanging in the air by ropes, without wind. automatic.

  Although Cullom was a little curious about the sudden appearance of a person on the second floor of the east tower, he did not peek at the face under the cloak.

  The longer he stayed in the Wizard Tower, the more his original impulsiveness and arrogance were washed away, and he learned what it meant to be cautious in his words and deeds, and to restrain his curiosity.

  Unexpectedly, the person in front of him stopped in front of him. His body did not turn around, but his voice came over.

  "Where's Hayden?"

  "Senior Hayden?" Culum raised his head slightly and glanced at Thor, "He applied to leave the tower one month early, but he is no longer here. Currently, I am in charge of the second morgue. "

  Already left the tower?
  Thor nodded stiffly, ignored Chrom, and walked straight into the dark corridor.

  Cullom stood there, waiting until Sol could no longer be seen in the corridor, and then looked up at the depths of the second floor of the east tower.

  "The one just now seems to be Senior Sol." There is a companion goblin like a mud monster attached to the top of Coulom's head. The expressions of the two of them are synchronized, with their eyes widened and their mouths slightly opened.

  "Oh my God, he has changed so much. He feels more powerful. Has he not been promoted to the third level apprentice?" After

  Cullom finished speaking, he shook his head in denial, "Impossible, impossible, he has only entered the second level apprentice." How long will it take for you to be promoted?"

  But he denied it with his mouth, but in his heart he believed that Sol had been promoted.

  "Ah, I also want to be such a powerful apprentice, and then be favored by the tower master and be accepted as his disciple. Guagua, do you think I have a chance?" The accompanying fairy above his head jumped on the spot and called out to Cullom who was trapped in fantasy

  . Back to reality.

  The boy immediately jumped as well, "Oh, I have to change the materials. If it's too late, my sister will die."

  Thor didn't know the shock of Cullom, who was only at the first level. He was still worried about Hayden's sudden departure. Be surprised.

  "When other people take in a younger brother, they always accept their advice. How come I want to take in a younger brother, but the other person packs up and leaves in advance?"

  He shook his head and opened the door with mixed emotions and entered the second warehouse.

  After nearly a month, he finally returned here. I don’t know how the senior who took over his job did well?
  In the warehouse, the apprentice who took over from Saul was holding a lamplighter to maintain the number of candles in the warehouse.

  After seeing the other party's face, Thor was a little surprised.

  "Ku Jin?"

  Ku Jin turned his head slightly to see Thor, nodded briefly, then turned around and continued to light the candlestick.

  "Wait a minute, these candles are not very honest today. They need mental strength to keep them from going out again."

  After all, Ku Jin had worked in the second warehouse for many years and was very experienced in his work.

  Today, a few of the candlesticks keep extinguishing every now and then, and the number of burning candles has almost dropped below ninety.

  Kujin carefully lit the candle and protected the flame from extinguishing immediately. In other words, he has rich experience. If it had been anyone else, he would have been in a hurry and sweating profusely at this moment.

  At the same time, as a former warehouse manager whose job was stolen by Saul, Kujin also wanted to show off in front of Saul.

  But while he was trying hard to maintain the flame, he didn't notice that when Thor saw that the number of bright candles had dropped to the limit, his first reaction was to glance at the group of corpses standing neatly.

  Then, Kujin, who was lighting the candle, found that his work suddenly became extremely easy and smooth.

  Each candle is lit at once, so there is no need to wait for several minutes to see if the candle will burn out quickly.

  He lit twenty candles along the way, then put down the lamplighter and looked back at the much brighter hall with a blank expression, feeling that what he had just experienced was like a dream.

  "It seems that the crisis has been resolved. As expected of Senior Kujin." Thor smiled slightly and praised him sincerely. Then he walked steadily through the corpses and walked towards his experimental table.

  His eyes glanced around the cabinet and table, making sure that the seals he left when he left were still intact. The mental mark he left on it has not changed.

  "Do you need to check again? I can hand over at any time." Ku Jin walked over with a lamplighter, with a vaguely proud smile on his face. It was obvious that he had just lit more than 20 candles in a row, which made him a little excited. .

  "Okay." Thor turned around and looked at Kujin, pulling off his cloak with one hand, "But how do I remember that I wasn't handing over to you when I left the tower?" Kujin was not nervous

  . He placed the lamplighter very skillfully and took out the warehouse registration manual. "The apprentice you handed over to me found Master Kaz after working for three days and voluntarily gave up the task."

  Saul didn't understand, "Why?"

  Kujin He paused and was stunned for a second before handing the manual to Thor. "Not everyone dares to face the mentor directly. Especially because he was unlucky. Just three days after arriving, he was called over by mentor Rum and mentor Anze. Materials. In the end, I was forced to help out with Instructor Anze for an entire afternoon. It is said that when I came back, I was almost dying." This was not the case when Sol

  was working in the second warehouse, and he often only met him once a month. Such a task that he sometimes forgets that he still has a job.

  He thought secretly, "When the newcomer took over my job, he was intimidated by the mentors... Could it be that they wanted to change someone to take charge of the warehouse work on purpose? Could it be that Ku Jin... is the maintainer of that mark?" (End of Chapter


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