Chapter 291 Infiltration

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  Chapter 291 Infiltration
  Thor didn’t know if his guess was correct.

  Logically speaking, the Principality of Kema and the Wizard Tower are in an alliance, and Thor should not be plotted.

  But sometimes the relationship between allies can be unimaginably complicated.

  Thor packed away his important things, but did not clean the entire laboratory.

  He deliberately left traces of use, and then sat quietly at the experimental table, as if studying witchcraft.

  But before he sat down, he casually held the wall. A small, inconspicuous crack was left there.

  From day to night.

  The Black Castle does not have the habit of keeping candles on from morning to night like the Wizard's Tower.

  In fact, in order to save lamp oil, or just for convenience and trouble, there are not many lighting equipment prepared here.

  At night, as the name suggests, the Black Castle Bedroom is completely dark. The silhouette under the moonlight was reflected vaguely on the top of the treetops, which only made the civilians below him who occasionally raised their heads think that they were dazzled.

  In the same dark warehouse, a gray-white hemisphere suddenly poked out from the bottom of a huge wooden box that had not been completely dismantled.

  The solid wooden box does not pose any hindrance to it. It lengthened and stretched little by little, revealing a pair of eyes in its hemispheric shape.

  It turns out that this is not a ball, but a hairless head.

  The pupils of its eyes are extremely small, the whites occupy most of the eyeball area, and the color can almost blend with the skin.

  At first glance, it seems that only the two black bean-like pupils of the entire head are its eyeballs.

  It slowly emerged from the cracks in the bottom of the box, revealing its nose, mouth, and chin, followed by its long neck.

  All the way to the neck.

  There is no body.

  Its tiny pupils swayed from side to side, observing the entire room in the darkness.

  Then, it stared at the door.

  The neck continued to stretch, pushing the smooth head towards the warehouse door.

  The crack in the door was narrow, but it couldn't stop a human head from getting out.

  He left the warehouse easily, looking around.

  The warehouse is at the end of the first floor of the Black Castle, and a winding corridor appears in front of you.

  The human head looked left and right, then opened its mouth wide, and a gray-white tongue that was the same as its skin emerged from the gap between its toothless lips.

  The tongue is very thin, but the top is a round ball. After leaving the lips, the tongue swells and becomes larger. Especially the tip of the tongue, which is as big as a human head.

  The tip suddenly split into two slits, revealing a pair of eyes with extremely small pupils.

  Then, a third slit opened at the tip, below the eyes, like a mouth.

  The mouth was also grinning, and a long, slender tongue with a rounded tip stuck out. After the tongue emerged from the mouth, it also grew eyes and a mouth.

  At this time, the first human head stuck out a second tongue, then the third, the fourth...

  and each tongue would grow eyes and a mouth, and then the next tongue would stick out from the mouth.

  Countless heads split apart and began to move deeper into the corridor.

  They continued to stretch along the ground and walls, their small black pupils trembling slightly, extremely excited, but they did not make any sound.

  Soon these heads filled the entire corridor and gradually reached the front hall on the first floor.

  The front hall, which has no guests visiting, is also dark at this time. Those gorgeous chandeliers and exquisite wallpapers seemed to change their theme under the dim moonlight.

  The first head came to the front hall and explored forward, but suddenly it found that it could no longer move forward.

  Its pupils tremblingly turned to the corners of its eyes, and they saw a black vine wrapping around it.

  "Devil... ghost... vine..."

  The grinning mouth finally said the first word.

  Then, it ignored the entanglement of the vines and just stuck out its tongue again, releasing the next head.

  In this way, every person who encountered the entanglement of the devil's vine did not resist and allowed the devil's vine to entangle him tightly.

  But before the devil's ivy blocked their mouths, they released the next tongue and continued to move forward, exploring the entire Black Castle.

  Devil's Vine, which did not feel any resistance, probably mistook these strange long-necked human heads for snakes, insects, rats, and ants that had sneaked in from the forest, and did not issue any warning to its temporary owner.

  In the laboratory on the third floor of the Black Castle, Thor was writing furiously.

  Suddenly his movements stopped for a moment, "Did you encounter an unknown intrusion, but no warning was issued?"

  He turned his head and whispered: "The other party came well prepared, and the most sensitive means of detecting the enemy in Black Castle were destroyed in just one encounter. Then the other protective capabilities of Black Castle may not be reliable."

  If Thor's control over the Devil's Vine hadn't been far beyond the temporary owner's perception, he might not have been able to detect it even if he came to the door.

  But now...

  "If I fight out, can I defeat the enemies lurking in the shadows?"

  The diary in my mind slowly unfolded.

  [On September 5th, 316th year of the lunar calendar, a
  nasty visitor knocks on your door.
  The enthusiastic host wants to keep him forever.

  The guest brings a bouquet of flowers.

  The host cooks fresh seafood

  . In the past,

  you asked the guest to stay forever,

  but it was a pity that
  you passed by the second guest because of this.

  Seeing the contents of the diary, Saul was stunned for a moment.

  He just gave Diary his thoughts on fighting the enemy, hoping that Diary would judge whether he would encounter a death crisis.

  When the diary appeared just now, he thought he was no match for the visitor and might die in their hands.

  This prediction really surprised him. After all, Thor thought that the person who needed to sneak attack him could not be an official wizard, and he was no longer afraid of ordinary third-level apprentices.

  But when he saw clearly that the contents of the diary did not end with death, he was even more surprised.

  As the diary says, he did defeat the enemy. But this also means that the warning in this diary is no longer limited to death!

  He only subdued the first guest and shocked the second guest, causing him to not dare to enter.

  "Has the warning in the diary been upgraded? In the future, warnings will no longer only be issued when there is a death crisis?"

  To prove what he thought, Thor immediately changed his mind.

  "What if I hide?"

  A few lines of text appeared again in the diary.

  Still not a death warning.

  "Sure enough..." Sol evoked a smile, "This is the first warning since the diary became a locator, so I only now discovered that the way to trigger the warning has changed." As Sol and the diary deepened their relationship

  , The diary is also giving Saul more feedback.   "If we go by the inertia of the diary, I missed the second guest. I 'm

  afraid it will have a negative impact on me in the future. I still have to find a way to find him out." "Boom, boom, boom!


At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of the laboratory.

  Thor glanced at the door. There seemed to be some shadow swimming and trembling slightly in the crack of the door.

  "An uninvited guest has arrived."

  Thor smiled slightly, ignored the knock on the door late at night, turned his head, raised his left hand to put the hood of the cloak on his head, and continued writing.


  The room was extremely quiet, with only the sound of the pen tip rubbing against paper.

  Outside the door, the visitor gently knocked on the door with his forehead. Every three knocks, he would pause for a moment, grinning and wait for the landlord to open the door.

  Around the door, on the floor, walls, and ceiling, there were dozens of heads that looked exactly like the visitors, leaning against the crack of the door with the same expectant expression.

  They pushed and shoved each other and crowded in the crack of the door. Their big eyes with white background and black pupils tried hard to look into the room. Through the crack, they vaguely saw a figure with his back to the crowd and his whole body covered in a cloak.

  Their eyes kept trembling, waiting with excitement.

  Wait for the homeowners and open the door for them.

   Sorry, I have been going to the hospital for the past two days and I really haven’t saved the manuscript. I can only post it at this time. I will try to return to the normal time tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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