Chapter 271 Crying face and smiling face

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  Chapter 271 Crying Face Smiling Face
  Not long after, the three people who were moving quickly followed the road to the bottom of the bell tower.

  And the bloody tide followed closely behind.

  At this time, the bell was still echoing above everyone's heads.

  One after another, it was like a reminder.

  But already at this distance, they still didn't see the person ringing the bell.

  The three of them immediately climbed up the bell tower wall.

  The blood wave behind him hit the wall, causing a huge splash.

  Angela was held by Billy with one hand, and the two flew up directly.

  Xiaozao didn't need Thor to remind him, he just threw out a tentacle, hung it on the spire of the bell tower roof, and pulled the person up.

  The two of them jumped into the top floor of the clock tower with windows on all sides.

  Standing firm, Thor looked back at the streets of the town and found that it had turned into a vast red ocean.

  When the waves hit the rocks, they would make a splashing sound, exactly the same as what he had heard before.

  "Have I been standing in the blood before?"

  Thor turned around again and found that Billy had already taken the lead towards the big clock that was still shaking.

  Angela looked left and right, hesitated for a moment and stood next to Sol.

  I don’t know if she is afraid of possible danger, or if she is afraid of Billy.

  "Tsk." Billy walked over and suddenly smacked his mouth. Then he turned around and said to Sol amidst the loud ringing of the bell, "Did you just say that you came in with Mochi Mochi?

  " Hearing this, Er reacted immediately. He raised his eyebrows in disbelief, walked quickly to Billy, and bent down to look inside the bell.

  "Hiss..." He suddenly took a breath of surprise.

  This bronze bell is only half a person's height and as thick as a hug, but a person is tightly stuffed inside.

  It was Mochi Mochi who separated from Thor shortly after entering the town!
  After the two separated, Mochi Mochi never contacted Sol again, and Sol was always in danger, so he also did not take the initiative to use the ancient coin.

  I didn’t expect that it would be like this when we meet again!

  Mochi Mochi's slender body was twisted into a twist by ruthless force and stuffed into a copper bell.

  The slanted head, hands and feet are tightly packed together and exposed on the outside, while other body parts are tightly stuffed inside.

  "He's dead?" Saul couldn't believe it.

  This Mochi Mochi was a third-level apprentice who could be stationed at the Wizard Tower branch for a long time. How could he die so easily?
  But if people are like this, can they still live if they get it?

  "Almost, but not yet." Bill crossed his arms and stared at Mochi Mochi, not knowing what he was thinking.

  At this time, Mochi Mochi's stiff eyes suddenly moved, and he looked at Thor with difficulty.

  His mouth opened slightly, and a golden coin fell out.


  The metal and stone collided, making a crisp sound.

  As the gold coin jumped, Thor discovered that the coin was very similar to the one Mochi Mochi had given him before, except that the pattern on both sides was not a smiling face, but a crying face.

  "Senior?" Looking at the coin, Sol frowned in confusion.

  At this moment, he suddenly saw Billy behind him move in his peripheral vision.

  The next second, strong magic waves came from behind.

  But the fluctuation was not aimed at Mochi Mochi - it was aimed at him, Thor!

  The spiritual armor technique that had been prepared for a long time was activated instantly, and at the critical moment, he blocked the hand of the mage who was grabbing him.

  But the next second, the mage's hand changed from grasping to slapping, and a palm rested on the translucent barrier of the spirit armor technique.

  Mage's hand and spiritual armor are both the most basic applications of magic power. The two collided without any concealment and immediately produced a huge push.

  Thor staggered two steps and almost hit the clock containing Mochi Mochi.

  At this moment, the swinging bell suddenly stopped. The sound of the bell paused, but the sound of the tide outside became louder and louder.

  If someone looks through the window, they will find that the red tide has spread through most low-rise houses in just a few moments.

  It seems as if the tide that is truly destroying the world is about to be initiated.

  But Saul was not observing the mood of the outside world at the moment. Billy had suddenly attacked him, but he was not completely defenseless.

  It's just that Billy only used the hands of a level 0 witchcraft mage, so it was difficult to cause real harm to Thor. But he just pushed Sol near the big clock.

  Suddenly, something fell off Sol's body.

  A "ding" sound collided with the ancient coins dropped by Mochi Mochi.

  There seemed to be some kind of attraction between the two coins. After they fell together, the edges immediately stuck together.

  At this moment, both Sol, Billy, and Angela who were staying far away were looking at the coins on the ground.

  In front of everyone, the two coins suddenly flipped over, the smiling face turned into a crying face, and the crying face turned into a smiling face.

  The next second, Mochi Mochi who was originally squeezed into the big clock suddenly fell out.

  At the same time, Thor felt that there was a huge force that seemed to want to suck him into the big bell.

  Angela, who was stunned by what happened just now, kept switching between Sol and Mochi Mochi with her beautiful eyes.

  Although she didn't know the purpose of that ancient coin, she knew that the current situation didn't seem good for Thor when she looked at the changes and interaction characteristics of the two coins.

  At this time, her left hand moved, as if she was trying to persuade Angela, but Angela's eyes flickered for a while, and in the end she just watched with cold eyes and did not intervene in the conflict between those people.

  And Thor's face was now ferocious.

  The clock's attraction to him, especially to his head, was growing.

  His legs were nailed to the ground, and algae immediately flew out and wrapped around the window frame of the bell tower.

  While resisting the gravity from the big clock, Thor paid attention to the movements of the other three people.

  After Billy pushed Sol, he stood against the wall with his arms folded.

  Angela still looked at a loss, but she would subconsciously avoid Sol's sight.

  At this time, Mochi Mochi who fell to the ground was slowly recovering.

  He raised his head with difficulty and looked at Sol, "Sorry, opening the door here requires a sacrifice."

  Mochi Mochi did not look at Sol's ugly face, he knew that he would not get any good words from Sol. Then he turned to look at Billy.

  "Why are you still stunned?"

  Billy was still leaning on the wall of the clock tower. "I don't want to be counterattacked by the two of you after I get there and become an unlucky sacrifice."

  Thor was still talking to the big clock. Gravity contended, "You guys, did you know what this curse was from the beginning?"

  Mochi Mochi didn't expect that Thor could still talk to him calmly.

  He scratched his head and said honestly: "Actually, I didn't understand the general rules of this curse until I came to the clock tower, otherwise I wouldn't be trapped inside."

  Billy looked at Thor, who was still struggling, with surprise flashing in his eyes. , suddenly said: "I figured it out when I saw Mochi Mochi. But... maybe my judgment was too early." It

  was such an ambiguous statement again, but Mochi Mochi, who was still lying on the ground, immediately Just realize something. He looked at Sol in shock. Just as he was about to do something, he saw Sol, who had been struggling to maintain his strength, suddenly relax.

  He put his hands in his pockets and stood on the ground with a relaxed expression. He turned his head and looked at Mochi Mochi, with a cold light without emotion in his eyes.

  "I forgot to tell you, not only am I good at souls, but I am also particularly good at analyzing runes."

  In an instant, Mochi Mochi felt a huge attraction coming from his head.

  He had not yet regained his strength and stabilized his mental strength. He could only raise his head in shock, and in an instant he saw the big clock getting closer and closer to him!
  Mochi Mochi's last consciousness was to glance at the two ancient coins on the ground before being quickly sucked into the big clock by the strong attraction.

  The coin that belonged to him turned into a crying face again at some point.

  (End of chapter)

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