Chapter 258 Mist Man

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  Chapter 258 Mist Man

  Thor never knew that his place of work could be so lively.

  He was lying on the wall, his face pressed against the gap, almost squeezing his eyes out.

  He saw that the second warehouse was crowded with people.

  These people are different from the group of standing corpses. They are illusory, even more unstable than the forms of Morton and others in the consciousness platform. The figure floated and dispersed like mist, barely maintaining the shape of its limbs and head.

  They were standing on the floor, lying between the shelves, hiding in a box, crawling on the ceiling.

  These foggy people kept shaking their heads from side to side. Although their facial expressions could not be seen, they seemed to be looking for something.

  "They're looking for me." Realizing this, Sol's right eyeball began to move up and down, left and right.

  Seemingly trying to find all the foggy people in the room.

  Since arriving at the Wizard Tower, whether in the dormitory, the corpse room, or now the second warehouse, he has always behaved very cautiously.

  Even when sleeping, I will be careful not to expose the existence of the diary.

  To this end, he even occasionally writes a real diary so that he can naturally mention diary-related vocabulary.

  Because Thor doesn't feel safe in the Wizard's Tower.

  Now he finally found the source of this uneasiness that always lingered around him.

  Indeed, as Gorsa said, there are no evil spirits in this wizard's tower, but it is filled with all kinds of spirits.

  There are fragments, resentful spirits, and unconscious wandering souls.

  Rather than saying it is a wizard's tower, it is a prison for the soul.

  All the facilities here seem to be related to imprisoning spirits.

  The so-called laboratories, dormitories and other structures were renovated later to make it easier for strangers to move in.

  "Can these spirits really see me? If they can, will they tell Golza about what I have done?"

  Thor's spine felt cold and hot, as if someone had filled it with ice cubes and poured a pot of scalding hot water on it.

  The white mist lingered in front of his eyes, making it difficult for him to see the truth.

  "If Gorsa can know all the information in the tower, then no matter what Instructor Anze, Instructor Rum or others want to do, it is actually under his control." "

  If some people want to do something bad, either Do it in a more subtle way, or operate it outside the tower."

  Thor suddenly thought of the several times he walked in the wizard's tower in a spiritual state. Did the tower owner also know everything?
  At that time, he did not cover up his soul form or reshape his appearance.

  So does Gerza also know that his soul and body... do not belong to the same person?
  Does Gorza think of world travel?

  Or do you just think of him as a wandering spirit who preys on other people's bodies?
  But regardless of whether Golza knew it or not, and what he thought after knowing it, he never mentioned this matter to Saul.

  "Maybe the tower owner deliberately concealed it, maybe... he didn't care."

  Thor did not find the differences and connections between the foggy people, nor could he observe whether they could communicate with people. He could no longer find out from those foggy people. Other clues.

  He leaned back out of habit, only to find that there wasn't much room to move.

  He reluctantly raised his hand and rubbed his eyelids. There was a burning pain in his right eye, as if he had squeezed it too hard while peeping.

  If you touch it with your hand, you can still feel obvious indentations.

  "Let's see if we can get out freely first." Sol tried to put his finger out of the gap as he did when he came in.

  Then there was another round of spinning, and he came out easily.

  After coming out, he immediately looked at the gap in the wall. It was still the same as before. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't notice that there was a slender gap there.

  Thor turned his head and carefully noted the current time - selectively forgetting that there was a foggy man hanging under the blue hourglass clock.

  Then, he entered the gap again and tested how long he could hide in it.

  Half a month later...

  through mentor Kaz, he found someone to take over for him, and Sol took a month's leave at once.

  This time he went out to secretly go to Mofan Town.

  In order to deceive others, the destination he registered in the registration room was Mobei City, which was more than a day away from Mofan Town.

  He also made a point of letting the coachman with the mushroom on his head drive for him.

  This time he not only wanted to see if there was any stock of Mosheng fruit in Mosheng Town, but he also wanted to find a way to get the seeds and how to cultivate them.

  After successfully setting up an advisory platform last time, Saul realized that if he wanted to turn his diary into his own locator, he would probably have to conduct multiple studies.

  And even if he successfully converts the diary into a locator, he can continue to use the consciousness platform to replenish energy for the soul consciousness stored in the diary.

  This way his black pages are no longer temporary consumables.

  When Thor, wearing a gray cloak, returned to the wizard's tower, he happened to see a one-man carriage parked on the avenue.

  The coachman was standing next to the carriage at this time, and the little mushroom above his head was jumping.

  Looking at it from a distance, it seems that it is not being moved by the wind, but actually jumping by itself.

  When the coachman saw Thor, he greeted him respectfully: "It's a pleasure to drive for you, Lord Thor." "

  This time we may also take a trip to Black Castle Forest. Do you dare to go?" Thor raised his head slightly and looked. Looking at the little mushroom above the driver's head that was extremely active in the wind.

  "It doesn't matter, sir. Thank you for your consideration, but in fact, this mushroom has brought me a lot of convenience. At least when I take your task, no one dares to compete with me." The coachman didn't care. It was convenient for Sol to observe, and he even bent down to show it to Sol.

  "Haven't you absorbed this mushroom yet?"

  "It hasn't gotten smaller for a long time." The coachman couldn't help but raise his hand and touch it very gently, "But it's okay if you get used to it."

  His expression was also very gentle, as if what he was touching was not a strange mushroom, but himself. children.

  Thor narrowed his eyes and looked at the mushroom.

  In his semi-immersive vision, the mushroom was extremely active, not like an ordinary plant, but more like an animal.

  However, the driver in front of him was not affected and was mentally stable. The two seem to have reached a state of symbiosis.

  Just living with a mushroom, Thor can't be sure what the coachman will become in the future.

  "If necessary, I can help you with it."

  The coachman touched his head, thought for a moment, bowed and said to Thor: "Thank you, sir. But no, this mushroom also brings me strength. When you follow the adults like this, maybe I can help a little bit."

  "Is that what you think... That's fine." Thor didn't persuade him much.

  Everyone has their own choice.

  Just like when he chose to embark on the path of a wizard's apprentice, he also had to bear the risk of dying at any time.

  The coachman chose to keep the mushroom that gave him strength, but he also had to endure the crisis behind it.

  Sol will not interfere with an adult's independent choice without affecting himself.

  So much for mushrooms.

  The driver opened the door for Saul and waited for him to sit firmly before sitting on the frame in front of him.

  "Sir, are we setting off for Mobei City?" the coachman asked respectfully.

  "Let's go." Thor leaned back.

  He prepared many props and materials for this trip, and also deliberately left some props in the wizard tower, such as the red-eyed doll given to him by the tower owner.

  This doll is both a kind of protection and a kind of surveillance for Sol. It seems that Yura can see what is happening around Sol through this doll.

  But it seems that Yula and Gersa are not entirely of the same mind. Such an invisible contradiction that could not be seen clearly made Thor think about it and decided to leave it in the wizard's tower.

  It takes about six days to take a carriage from Wizard Tower to Mobei Town.

  In the early morning five days later, the driver was driving through a forest that was not dense, breathing in the cool and fresh air. .

  He likes early morning, and the dew in the early morning will make his mushrooms very comfortable.

  Suddenly, an unquestionable order came from the carriage behind him, "Change the road at the intersection ahead."

  The driver was startled. If he changed the road, it would not be the way to Mobei City.

  However, when the coachman recalled the destination on the other road, he tightened the reins without saying anything and turned the carriage onto another trail.

  (End of chapter)

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