Chapter 240 Item Exchange

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  Chapter 240 Exchange of Items
  Facing Jero’s rude rhetorical question, Heywood was not angry either.

  "It's okay if you don't." He chuckled.

  The sound was a bit strange, like two people laughing at the same time.

  Jero, who was still shaking his legs, stopped moving and stared at Heywood opposite, his eyes flashing as if there was a flash of lightning.

  "Is this Jero an apprentice majoring in the thunder attribute?" Thor suppressed his habitual sensitivity to thunder and lightning and did not let himself change his sitting posture.

  The confrontation between Heywood and Jero caused a brief moment of silence in the activity room.

  In the end it was Heywood who broke the deadlock.

  He nodded slightly to Luo Kai, "Sorry to interrupt you, please continue."

  Luo Kai then waved his hand, "Okay, then I will introduce other instructors."

  While Luo Kai was speaking, Suo Kai Er heard Jie Luo beside him lower his voice and say: "Huh, do you think you have learned a lot?"

  As Luo Kai continued to introduce the projects that other tutors were currently researching, the activity room also responded to a subtle discussion.

  Jero's voice was not obvious inside, and the specific content was probably only heard by Thor and another second-level apprentice sitting on his left and right.

  Thor guessed what Jero meant.

  He said Heywood was, consciously or unconsciously, copying the style of tower owner Golza.

  This behavior seems to be interpreted as flattery.

  But Saul, who knew a little about Heywood's life experience, knew that it was probably an imitation caused by his extreme admiration for Golza.

  It's just that Haywood's character is essentially different from Golza, so the deliberate imitation is still a bit clumsy.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Thor noticed that the second-level apprentice on Jero's left seemed a little restless, probably frightened by the atmosphere just now.

  Sol straightened his posture and continued to listen to Luo Kai's introduction.

  Instructor Guduo recently started a new topic, which seems to be the study of some new metal toxin, and has also involved many new second-level apprentices.

  "This news corresponds to Keli's side. It seems that Keli is getting better and better with her mentor."

  Then Luo Kai mentioned that mentor Monica was in retreat, while mentor Rum was still stuck in soul indoctrination. There is no progress on a certain difficult point.

  After sharing this, Luo Kai stopped and turned his attention to Sol.

  Finally, it landed on the left side of Thor, the second-level apprentice who was obviously restless.

  "I don't have any information about Tutor Katz's recent research here. Hu En, I heard that you have been frequently called away by Tutor Katz recently. Can you share with me the topics of your tutor's research?" Hu En was already restless when he was suddenly named by Luo Kai

  . , almost fell off the chair.

  "I, I..." Hu En said "I" for a long time without saying anything.

  Luo Kai approached, seeming to want to comfort him, but his smile was a little too bright.

  "Hu En, don't be nervous. You don't need to say anything that your tutor requires you to keep confidential. Just say what you can say. This is your first time coming to the exchange meeting. In fact, we have shared the tutor's research topics with each other for many years. After all, Only by knowing the leading direction of our superiors can we carry out our work better, right?"

  Luo Kai gently put a hand on Hu En's shoulder.

  "Don't worry, the mentors are also aware of the fact that we share information. And we never touch information that the mentors do not allow to be shared. The above is just because there is not much communication in the wizard tower, and there is information gap between each other, so everyone does not I know. As the largest apprentice organization in the Wizard Tower, the Mutual Aid Association naturally has to take on the responsibility of information sharing."

  While Hu En was struggling, Thor was also thinking about Luo Kai's real intention of exchanging information.

  Don’t believe in the official rhetoric of “working better”.

  Luo Kai would probably still use this method of provoking ideas to get the information he really needed.

  Maybe this Hu En is the target of his information sharing this time.

  However, as a bystander, Saul still sorted out a lot of information.

  Especially those about tutor topics. It is known that these mentors must be at the disposal of the tower master, and the tower master currently seems to be studying the resurrection of Lady Yula. Sol naturally thought of this aspect.

  Instructor Anze majored in civil engineering and seemed to specialize in various new composite materials.

  Instructor Rum focuses on souls, especially on how to introduce different souls into other people's bodies and allow them to develop stably.

  Instructor Guduo studies toxins. But he doesn't necessarily study toxins just to hurt people. Thinking that Master Gudo vomited human tissue from time to time, Thor felt that the other party's research on toxins was more likely to fight poison with poison, mainly to solve the rejection reaction of certain organisms.

  The news about Mentor Monica is of little value.

  But Sol still tried to think. Electric shock is a key node in triggering reactions in many biochemical witchcraft experiments and spiritual witchcraft experiments. Therefore, instructor Monica may be more responsible for practical operations. And she might get involved in other mentors' experiments.

  Then only Mentor Kaz is left.

  Although Thor is also the apprentice of Master Kaz, the witchcraft and topics he is currently studying have almost nothing to do with Master Kaz. Naturally, I don’t know what the instructor is studying.

  At this time, Hu En, who was either persuaded by Luo Kai or intimidated by the atmosphere in the entire activity room, finally spoke.

  "Teacher, he has been studying the transformation between ghosts and evil spirits recently, and it seems that he has made some progress. But I can't contact..."

  Luo Kai listened carefully and nodded exaggeratedly, "Wow, the transformation between ghosts and evil spirits Does it sound difficult? Is it a one-way transformation or a two-way transformation?"

  At this time, someone interrupted him, "That must be a ghost turning into an evil spirit!"

  The person who spoke was a female apprentice, she was Admiring his bright red nails, he said disdainfully: "If evil spirits can turn into ghosts at will, that will solve a thousand-year problem. Wouldn't we be missing the most dangerous enemy when we go out on adventures?"

  She curled her lips into a half-smile, "Then I really want to thank Master Kaz." "

  Teacher Kaz also has some ideas about evil spirits turning into ghosts, but he hasn't started the experiment yet." Hu En seemed to be unable to bear the female apprentice's treatment of him. The instructor sarcastically retorted quickly.

  But his rebuttal instantly attracted the attention of many people.

  But before Thor could think deeply, his thoughts were interrupted by Luo Kai's playful laughter.

  "Hehehe, if we can really transform evil spirits, then congratulations to ourselves!" He took the initiative to stop everyone's discussion, "According to the rules, let us enter the exchange time. If you have props, secret information or quota for outing missions We need to exchange, so we can talk about it now. But in order to maintain order, we still talk in clockwise order of seats."

  Luo Kai looked at an apprentice sitting at the door.

  The apprentice had been absent-minded when sharing information before, but when it was time to exchange information, he immediately became energetic.

  Thor thought that he was sitting specifically at the door, probably just to exchange items.

  Sure enough, as soon as Luo Kai pointed at him, the apprentice stood up instantly.

  "I need living bodies of non-human intelligent creatures. Dwarves, goblins, plant monsters, intelligent insects, etc. are all fine. I have prepared two thousand magic crystals and two hundred credits. Anyone within this price can come to me. "

  When Sol heard that there was so much money, he was immediately moved. But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no living intelligent creature in him.

  It's either an evil spirit or a resentful spirit, or it's an elemental creature like Xiaowei, which has nothing to do with the living body.

  The activity room was a little quiet for a while, and few people seemed to have living creatures of a special race.

  Ku Jinzhong, who was sitting across from him, stretched out his thighs and started taunting mode.

  "How can you have the nerve to mention dwarves and goblins for such a small amount of money? You can probably double the previous ones for the latter ones." The

  apprentice who was scolded by Ku Jin pursed his lips without choking, and just used a hopeful expression. Look at the others.

  At this time, Wright suddenly said, "I have a mount, Shadow Cheetah, and I'm tired of it. If you like it, you can change it."

  (End of Chapter)

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