Chapter 237 The levels of diary

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  Chapter 237: Levels of Diary

  After Sol agreed to attend the party, Luo Kai happily made way for him.

  Although the aisle in the east tower corridor is actually very wide, the concession also represents his attitude.

  The mutual aid club is deliberately trying to please Saul.

  "Needless to say, it was the influence of that rumor again. But that guy Luo Kai... may not really be worried about the tower owner." Thor had no idea of ​​being complacent and hurried back to the second warehouse.

  The young administrator is still in his stomach. If he goes back too late, who knows what will happen.

  After safely passing through the bronze gate, Thor shuttled through the deserted corridor.

  As he passed the room filled with boxes outside the warehouse, he suddenly stopped.

  I don't know why, but it feels like someone is spying on him.

  Thor looked around and found nothing unusual. When he looked around with a semi-immersive meditation method, the sense of voyeurism disappeared again.

  He frowned slightly and finally dove into the warehouse.

  Not long after Thor entered, a black shadow dripped from the ceiling.

  "His mental power is getting stronger. It seems that he can no longer use this method to target people in the future." Yura touched his lips, and then his whole body turned into black mucus and penetrated into the stone slab under his feet.

  When Sol entered the warehouse and closed the door, his eyes glanced at the roof intentionally or unintentionally.

  Then, he walked through the corpses and rows of tall shelves, and calmly arrived at the experimental table in a white candlelight.

  The communication pen is still quiet today, and there is no instructor to arrange work for him.

  I wonder if Ku Jin was so free when he worked here.

  Thor pulled out his chair and sat down, took out the new level 1 witchcraft he was studying recently, and began to analyze the compound runes needed in it.

  But after a while, he began to stare into the void in a daze.

  However, Sol's diary has flown out from a place where others cannot see it.

  Then the tip of Sol's right index finger began to turn white, become transparent, and gradually lengthened, closer to the diary.

  This was Xiaozao's inspiration to Thor, transforming part of his spirit body into tentacle form, greatly improving flexibility and "predating" efficiency.

  Even in this form, Thor can't touch the diary.

  Unable to touch the locator and understand the opponent's form and principle, Thor has been unable to convert the diary into his own locator.

  However, in the past few days, Sol has also gained a lot of inspiration after reading the new book "How to Choose a Locator that Suits You".

  If he wants to turn his diary into his own locator, he must first have a deeper and more stable connection with the diary.

  The other thing is to re-examine your positioning.

  He has ideas on these two points, but he still doesn't have the items yet, otherwise he can start researching them.

  Back to the present, after Sol found a ray of spirit from his fingertips, the spirit gradually approached the diary and actively sent energy to the diary.

  "There is a good spiritual consciousness here. Can the diary brother help me keep it for a while?"

  As soon as Sol thought of this, the diary seemed to be touched by something, and he flipped to the last black page.

  Later, Thor felt a force connecting to his spirit body and received a signal.

  This signal was an inexplicable conceptual awareness, but Thor immediately understood the meaning of the signal as if he was a master of his own.

  "Request to start consciousness transmission."

  "Ouch!" Thor was startled, "Suddenly there is a sense of science fiction."

  However, since this consciousness signal is translated based on Thor's cognition, it may just be a fit in Thor's memory. The wording of this sentence is more science fiction, but its essence should still be witchcraft.

  "It would be interesting to communicate like this." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Turn on the transmission and limit... Oh, I don't know his name yet, that is to limit the consciousness of the young administrator." Then, the connection to

  Sol The power of the spirit body began to produce a weak suction.

  Thor was still wondering if this power might be weaker, when he saw a new black page suddenly appeared in the diary.

  [This, what is this place?

  A line of trembling and messy white writing appeared on the new page.

  Thor responded in his mind: "This is where I will temporarily store you. You may need to stay here for a while...Are you afraid of the dark?" [

  No. ]

  According to the rules, the white font answered Sol's question first, and then asked again.

  [But it’s strange here, I can’t feel the passage of time. And every time I answer your question correctly, I can feel my soul energy passing away.

  Sol's eyes flashed.

  Young people are the first spiritual consciousness to discover this problem. Is it because he has been a wraith for a long time, or is there something special about him?
  "Yes, not only answering questions, but every time you think about it, it will consume your power until your consciousness completely dissipates." [...


  Six points cannot express the young man's complex mood at this time.

  The reason why the other party was able to write six points was probably because the diary was deliberately translated so that Saul could understand it.

  [You lied to me, you didn’t even want to set me free! I still lost the bet.

  The black page was slightly unstable, as if the young administrator's consciousness might disappear at any time.

  Thor quickly explained, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I will replenish the energy with you later and won't let you dissipate."

  Although replenishing the energy of the black page is just a blank check for the time being, Thor is confident that it can be used in the future. Will do it in the near future.

  Feeling that the black page was stable again, Thor couldn't help but shake his head, it was so easy to deceive.

  "But you should be more careful. You didn't prepare any restraint force, so you let me subdue you." [

  I can't get out, and I don't have time. All I can do is try to die with you when you break your promise. But now I can’t even think about it.

  He entered the diary as soon as he opened his eyes, and was forced to answer all of Sol's questions. He was completely unable to resist, and it was even difficult to erase himself.

  The power Thor used to restrain him was completely beyond his imagination.

  In fact, Thor still doesn't know which level of existence the Death Wizard's Diary belongs to.

  As a second-level official wizard, Gorsa could not sense the existence of the diary, and Kira and Kismet never noticed anything special about his left shoulder.

  Ralph, who had pursued the diary crazily, once believed that having a diary would enable him to become a fourth-level official wizard.

  It wouldn't be surprising if the diary's level was really equivalent to a fourth-level official wizard.

  But the more Saul comes into contact with the diary, the more powerful he becomes.

  Level 4... may not be the limit of diary!
  Thinking about it this way, it is very logical that the young man is a resentful spirit, and the countermeasures he prepared have no effect at all in front of the diary, and he completely becomes the slave of the diary.

  Although Saul can use the power of the diary to enslave the young man and make him answer all his questions, he feels that there is no need to freeze the relationship between the two.

  Rational communication and appropriate respect can appropriately improve the subjective initiative of the consciousness sealed in the pages of the book.

  "Since you have no way out of this predicament now, you should understand that there is no need for me to deceive you anymore." Saul continued to comfort the young man, "Don't worry, I just need you to stay here for a few years. As long as you don't play tricks, I will let you go in the future. Come out, and the promise of your freedom will still be valid a hundred years later."

  The white handwriting was silent for a moment, and finally chose to compromise.

  After all, he had no choice.

  【I see. In the meantime, I will do my best to serve you.

  The other party did not say anything to hope that Saul would keep his promise.


  [Let me introduce again, I was a second-level official wizard during my lifetime, but because of my bloodline, I was hunted down and abandoned my real name. But for convenience, you can call me Agu.

   Death Wizard Diary: The signal is being transmitted... Do you want to receive it?
  (End of chapter)

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