Chapter 227 New Spirit Ester

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  Chapter 227:

  The plastic bones possessed by Sol and Ralph’s flesh and blood witchcraft are both witch body transformation plans based on dark elements.

  If not for Gorsa's reminder, Thor would not have thought of combining the two transformation plans.

  After being locked up in the second warehouse for more than a month, he finally completed the preparation of all raw materials.

  Next, Thor did not start the transformation immediately, but went back to his coffin to catch up on his sleep.

  Only when you confirm that you are in good mental condition and your magic power is running smoothly can you officially start to prepare the final potion.

  When he woke up the next day, Sol threw his head into the experimental table without having time to eat.

  Today he will fully verify his conjecture.

  Thor first electrolyzed and softened the spirit ester that had been away from his arm for a long time. After repeated filtration, contaminating impurities are removed step by step.

  He even absorbed all the soul fragments that had been absorbed into the spirit ester, restoring the spirit ester to its most original state.

  Extract a small amount of spirit ester from it and put it into the crucible, start a weak current to keep it flowing, and then add a neutralizing agent and an auxiliary agent for flesh and blood witchcraft.

  As soon as the three medicines were mixed, fierce tearing sounds could be heard in the middle of the wave, and medicines "fighted" each other.

  Thor quickly leaned back and squatted down so that his sight was only slightly higher than the mouth of the crucible.

  The three colors of gray, transparent and bright red penetrate each other.

  Now you go deep into me, and now I go deep into you, but they just refuse to merge with each other.

  They are like a ball of three-colored hemp rope, which can only be entangled with each other and cannot be confused.

  "The neutralizer didn't work?" Thor frowned.

  In his speculation, the neutralizer should be the first solution to fuse the other two agents, and then use itself as an intermediary to allow the gray and red entering it to meet and merge little by little.

  However, the reality is that there is no intention to integrate the three.

  "Why can't we see any signs of fusion?"

  Thor closed his eyes and thought about the entire process of this experiment.

  But the steps of the experiment were all calculated and deduced, and Saul could not find the specific cause of the error for a while.

  If you can’t find it logically, then look at it objectively and carefully based on reality.

  He opened his eyes, stood up again, and released his mental power on the three reagents that were still entangled with each other.

  Such a move is somewhat risky.

  Because not all the potions used by wizards are dead, especially the auxiliary potions for flesh and blood witchcraft, there are ingredients that can devour consciousness, which may cause some kind of danger.

  But the diary didn't stop Saul from taking risks this time.

  Thor's spiritual power penetrated into the crucible little by little.

  Although his current mental power does not have the ability to directly affect external things, after several strengthenings, he can already observe subtle changes in things from the level of the mental body.

  In Thor's field of vision, he found that the neutralizer that was supposed to promote fusion had become inert in the crucible.

  It is precisely because of this inertia that the neutralizer, which should be actively fusing the other two agents, stops reacting.

  "So the witchcraft experiment is very complicated. There is a high probability that this experiment will end in failure."

  Thor was a little disappointed, but not depressed. The experiment itself was beyond his own level. It would not be surprising even if it failed ten times.

  But at this moment, perhaps feeling the familiar mental power, the spirit ester in the crucible suddenly weakened its aggressiveness, and its active movement was greatly reduced, allowing the red potion to envelop the transparent potion to break through its surface tension.

  "Has it changed?" Sol's eyes lit up. Change is better than a pool of stagnant water.

  So he continued to observe.

  At this time, the gray solution representing the spirit ester has been completely broken by the red agent. The red agent entered it like a group of rats entering a granary.

  Some small gray particles were swallowed into the abdomen, and as time went on, the red potion swallowed the gray potion faster and faster.

  Part of the transparent neutralizing agent entered the "belly" of the red agent, and part began to slowly accept the gray agent, and finally began to play its due role.

  It seems that the three potions are about to merge, but the process is somewhat beyond Thor's expectations.

  But at this moment, a little bit of gray powder suddenly appeared in the red potion. The gray powder began to expand rapidly as soon as it appeared, covering all the red liquid in just a few seconds.

  At this time, the gray powder actively entered the transparent neutralizer, and with the help of the fusion function, it merged with the original residual spirit ester.

  However, there was too little remaining spirit ester, and the gray powder only partially melted and then stopped reacting.

  Seeing this, Thor immediately took a little more spirit ester, and after making sure the diary had no objection, added it to the crucible.

  As soon as it came into contact with the spirit ester, the gray powder began to actively fuse again.

  But this time only a little gray powder was consumed, and the reaction stopped.

  "The dissolution rate of this new gray powder in the spirit ester is very low."

  This time Thor did not add more spirit ester, but continued to use his mental power to observe the internal reaction of the new solution.

  "Seeing" the elements inside the solution, Thor took a breath.

  The new solution showed a strong activity. This activity is completely invisible from the outside, but once you get inside, you will find that the inside of the solution is as turbulent as an undercurrent.

  Thor took a drop of the new solution and poured a little of the living seeds into it.

  After waiting five minutes, there seemed to be no other changes to the seeds.

  Sol removed the seeds with tweezers and placed them in a shallow layer of soil in a small flower pot.

  Then he chanted a spell, and a little light and water droplets entered the flowerpot. Thor took another gram of Wizard Tower's specialty flower fertilizer and sprinkled it near the seeds.

  Then, he once again recited a spell that had a stimulating effect.

  As a green trickle also entered the flower pot, the soil in the flower pot suddenly moved.

  Then, a light yellow shoot emerged from the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye and grew rapidly.

  Not long after, a gray liquid suddenly began to precipitate from the surface of the green plant that had grown to half a meter high. The gray liquid continues to increase until the entire plant turns gray.

  An even more horrifying scene occurred. The soil in the flowerpot also began to turn gray.

  Finally, the soil and plants inside the flowerpot turned a strange black color.

  The flowerpot itself began to turn gray.

  "What a powerful infection ability? Can it cross species and attributes?"

  Is this really the main potion for his witch body transformation?

  Sol couldn't help but swallow.

  "We can't let it continue to react." Thor immediately released the level 0 witchcraft "Shock Shock" on the plant. It wasn't until he released three in a row that the gray stopped spreading.

  "The weakness is still electric shock, but the resistance has been doubled." Thor smiled. "This solved some of the weaknesses of the spirit ester by accident. After the spirit ester absorbs the spirit body fragments, its strength will continue to increase, and I'm afraid it will I am completely immune to the electric shock of level 0 witchcraft, but this may not be the case for higher level witchcraft. But even higher level witchcraft can kill me without restraining the spirit ester, so... the problem is still solved." He just raised

  the hand, ready to throw the flower pot into the trash can.

  Suddenly a black shadow flashed before his eyes, and it rushed forward like a vicious dog pouncing on food, swallowing up the large plant and the flowerpot in one gulp.

  The corners of Sol's mouth trembled, and he looked at Xiaozao, whose tentacle tips were dangling as if he were drunk. "I'll chop you up if you continue to eat randomly!"

  Xiaozao shivered, and he didn't know whether it was fear or a bad reaction.

  Sol quickly pulled Xiaozao over and checked it over and over several times.

  After confirming that no problem was found, Thor breathed a sigh of relief, "I know that you are an earth-based monster, but you can't eat everything? Didn't you see that the soil in the flower pot just turned gray? If the electric shock didn't Completely kill the activity of the new solution, do you want to change yourself to a set color?"

   Thor: Spit it out, you spit it out for me
  (end of chapter)

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