Chapter 225 Old Friends and Letters

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  Chapter 225 Old Friends and Letters
  "So you can recognize me?" Keli muttered and threw something in her hand to Thor.

  No wonder Keli was surprised. She was now wearing plate armor and had a mask as thin as gold foil on her face, with only a corner of her mouth exposed.

  And her lips were still golden red.

  Except for a red ponytail emerging from the helmet, there was no familiar place at all.

  Sol caught the thing that Keli threw and opened it immediately, "Oh? What is this? Honey?" "

  Glycyrrhiza wax. You once said that some ordinary materials are difficult to keep fresh for a long time, but with Witchcraft is too wasteful. I just happened to see a jar of this from a certain human body collector outside. If you study it, it may be useful."

  Thor's eyes lit up immediately, "Yes, it is very useful in daily experiments. But I came back in a hurry this time and didn't bring anything for you."

  Keli curled her lips and said, "I owe you... what happened to your hands? You went out and lost the meat?" "It

  melted. , I didn’t lose it, I put it in a bag and brought it back.”

  Sol told Keli about the adventure he and Senior Byron had in the Drop Hand Valley.

  After hearing this, Keli looked disgusted and said, "I won't go out on adventures with you in the future. It's too unlucky." "Are

  you embarrassed to accuse me? I see you..." Saul said disdainfully. He looked at Keli up and down. Eyes, "I think you're in quite a lot of trouble."

  Keli lowered her head and patted her breastplate with a metal-gloved hand. The thick armor collided, making a crisp metallic sound.

  "This is my experiment!" She said harshly, "It was just an accident."

  After thinking for a while, Keli took off the mask on her face.

  Her face was actually the same as her lips, glowing with fine reflective gold, and her skin and muscles were a little stiff when moving.

  "The new witchcraft I studied has conflicted with the potion I recently took. Now a toxic metal is constantly leaking from the pores of my skin."

  Sol frowned, "It's more serious than I thought. Do you need help?"

  Keli rolled her eyes, "You're already in confinement, so you should take care of yourself. A genius like me, can't I solve this little problem?" Question? I'm just very interested in this poisonous metal. I plan to collect more and solve it!"

  Sol gave Keli a bone-white thumbs up, "You are awesome!"

  Keli immediately replied: "You too Bullshit!"

  In private, Sol occasionally came up with a word or two that he had never heard of before, but Li couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a curse. So she usually chooses to retaliate first, and then ponder the true connotation of the words.

  "How long will you be imprisoned for? I also want to apply for a joint experimental project with you." Saul looked

  back at the warehouse door behind him, "Well... it's almost over, the initial framework has been laid out clearly, and the rest Just try the permutations and combinations one by one, and I should be able to complete it within a month... It mainly depends on my luck." The

  corner of Keli's mouth twitched twice, "With your luck, can you still see it?"

  But Keli immediately thought of her recent past It was quite unlucky, and she quickly got down to business before Thor could counterattack, "By the way, I'm here to get materials." She

  pulled out a roll of paper from the small pocket hanging on the armor belt with difficulty, and wanted to unfold it for Thor. .

  Sol looked at Keli's hand that was so stiff that it was almost knotted, shook his head, and took the initiative to take the note and open it.

  The content of the note was very simple, with only two words written "done".

  Saul recognized it at a glance. Those were exactly the words he had just written on the paper with the communication pen.

  "You? You are actually the person responsible for the transportation task? Don't you like this kind of physical work the most?" But he immediately reacted, "I understand, with your current condition, you can only walk two steps. If you do experiments or practice witchcraft, you will probably blow yourself up!"

  Kelly's face suddenly became distorted, she raised her hands through gritted teeth, and slowly clenched them into fists in front of Thor, "Work quickly, don't delay my work. Just take the credits as compensation!"

  Thor turned around and entered the warehouse, shook his head and sighed, "I don't know who forgot what he was working on first."

  Hearing this, Keli behind him jumped in anger, but the plate armor around her was too heavy and she couldn't jump at all.

  Because all the materials were prepared, Sol came back shortly after entering.

  When the cart came out, the door was completely open. Keli's eyes turned around the entrance of the warehouse and suddenly stopped in one place.

  "Why is Billy in there? No, that's Bill? He looks a little strange."

  At this time, Saul had already pushed the cart out, the door closed little by little behind him, and Bill's face disappeared behind the gap.

  "It's Bill." Saul handed the cart to Keli, "How do you know him?"

  Keli raised her hand to take the cart, and the armor on her body began to clank.

  "He is also a student of Instructor Gu Duo. I have met him twice and I was deeply impressed. Tsk tsk, is he dead?" "

  Yes. As I just told you, he was the senior who led me into a dead end." "

  Ah, That's really satisfying." Keli turned the cart around and said, "By the way, he also has a brother named Billy who is even more powerful than him."

  Sol had already heard of this man and met him when he was traveling to the east tower not long ago. one side. It's just that he was not in a good mental state at that time and his impression was not very clear.

  "Are you afraid that he will retaliate against me?"

  "No, don't worry, he is very busy. He doesn't care about anything except experimental studies. He is as cold and ruthless as a prop." Keli shrugged her shoulders, and her armor clanked again, "But It's better to stay away if you can."

  "I'm leaving." Keli waved her hand.

  Sol was about to say goodbye when he saw Keli slap her head suddenly.


  The sound was so loud that it echoed slightly in the corridor.

  "Why is this so?" Sol looked at Keli in surprise.

  "I almost forgot something." Keli started to dig out something again with difficulty, and finally took out a thick envelope from another pocket.

  "Someone asked my brother to give me a letter and asked me to give it to you when I return to the tower."

  Thor took it doubtfully.

  Who will write to him?

  "It seems like it's your family, right? I haven't heard you mention it before, so I thought you didn't have any family anymore."

  Saul took the envelope and uncovered the gorgeous paint on it...

  and it turned out there was a white envelope inside.

  The white envelope is not sealed with wax.

  Sol turned the letter to the back and when he saw the four words above, his eyes widened immediately and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

  "Brother personally initiates".

  Seeing that Sol's expression was not right, Corissa let go of the cart and walked over, "What's wrong? Is there any problem? I checked and found that there was no magic or spiritual power attached to it. I also went to the registration room to spend money to cut it off. Void Connection... There won't be anything bad on it, right?"

  Thor looked at those four words, and there was only one person in the world who had ever called him brother.

  "Keli, who gave you this letter?" "

  My brother said that a friend he knew asked him to bring the letter. They know you, and they accurately told you what you look like, and claim to be yours." Family..." Keli became more careful as she spoke, and many bloody incidents in her family flashed through her mind.

  "Do you want to report it to Instructor Kaz?"

  "Instructor Kaz..." I'm afraid it's useless.

  And Saul didn't want to report this matter immediately. He needed to determine the identity and purpose of the letter writer.

  "Keli, does anyone else know about the letter you brought to me?"

  Keli shook her head and swung her red ponytail, "I didn't tell anyone else, and the people in the registration room thought it was something I brought back. Check."

  Keli was very smart and immediately understood what Sol meant.

  "Okay, then I'll accept it, thank you."

  Keli carefully observed Sol's face, "If it's really troublesome, just throw it away."

  Sol smiled and shook his head.

  After watching Keli push the cart away with difficulty, Sol opened the door and returned to the second warehouse.

  He walked to the experimental table and sat down, continuing to open the letter.

  Saul did not check again. If this letter was really sent to him by Kismet, he would definitely not be able to find out the hidden methods in it.

  Anyway, the diary has no warning.

  The opening of the envelope was not sealed, and there was indeed no abnormal fluctuation at first glance.

  Perhaps that was why Kismet left the envelope open.

  This is how he said to Saul, "Look, I didn't do anything. Do you dare to look?" It was supposed to be

   updated last night, but Kavin is stuck until now...

  (End of this chapter) )

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