Chapter 212 Basement

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  Chapter 212: Basement

  He first went to find the manager, hoping to change his brother's work content.

  But he didn't find the steward.

  The manager seems to be everywhere, you can see him busy at any time.

  But when the manager is no longer needed, you will find that you can't find him no matter what.

  Some people have discussed privately that the Steward's mystery is second only to the Tower Master of the Wizard Tower.

  This time, George failed to find the butler before nightfall.

  It was approaching eight o'clock, and it was almost time to go back. George gritted his teeth and decided to find Thor, who once slept in the same Datong bunk with him and was now a wizard's apprentice.

  But when he followed his memory to the dormitory where Thor lived after becoming a first-level apprentice, he found that it had turned into an empty dormitory.

  "Brother," David asked timidly behind him, "do you really know the wizard apprentice?"

  The little boy looked around, always feeling that the wizard apprentices who occasionally passed by looked so scary.

  He would rather clean the corridor at night than stay here any longer.

  David pulled the hem of George's clothes and said, "Brother, let's go."

  George was also in great disappointment at this time.

  He was once ignorant, but when Thor first became a wizard's apprentice, he volunteered to become his exclusive servant.

  However, he was reminded by the butler that a person of the lowest status and without any ability was not qualified to apply for an exclusive servant.

  Unless Thor takes the initiative.

  But the butler reminded George not to waste the little friendship he once had on irrelevant things.

  Therefore, George guarded this rare relationship and maintained it carefully. Every time he was lucky enough to see Saul, he tried his best to show a different intimacy from others.

  However, he did not expect that when he was really ready to use this favor, he found that he could not even find the other person.

  George held his brother tightly and stood there blankly. For the first time, he clearly realized that the little relationship he thought he had was actually nothing.

  Perhaps relying on his previous relationship with Sol Zuobu, he had been taken care of by the housekeeper for two years, and this relationship had been consumed.

  And Sol, whose status is getting higher and higher, has long been out of his reach.

  "Brother..." David noticed that something seemed wrong about his brother's state, and shook his arm nervously.

  George came back to his senses and tried to look calm.

  "It's okay," George repeated again, "It's okay, my brother will go with you tonight."

  David instantly felt relieved. In his eyes, his brother was a very powerful person.

  "Okay, brother!" The little boy jumped on George's back, hitting the back of his brother's head with his head like he did when he was a child.

  George allowed his brother to play around, but the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

  But he didn't let his brother see his fear.

  "It's not certain that something will happen." He murmured in his mind.


  "Finally I have an idea."

  After several days of intense study and sorting out, Thor finally understood the principles of flesh and blood witchcraft.

  It is a kind of witchcraft that gives one's own flesh and blood extremely vitality and enhances one's physical quality through constant devouring.

  It also includes many branches of witchcraft, which are used to maintain the purity of one's own blood, maintain the purity of the spirit body, and corresponding transformation of the witch body, etc.

  This series of witchcraft constitutes the entire inheritance of flesh and blood witchcraft.

  Fortunately, Thor does not need to thoroughly study all the contents in it, but only needs to extract the contents that are relevant and helpful to his own spirit ester witch body transformation.

  And for small-scale witchcraft families like the Bloodthorn Family, the witchcraft knowledge they study is basically not too dangerous, otherwise the small family cannot bear the loss of its members.

  Therefore, Thor, a second-level apprentice, can also study the witchcraft learned by their formal wizards.

  In addition to studying flesh and blood witchcraft, Thor also found time to read through the Bloodthorn family records in the Death Wizard's diary and a series of conjectures and experiments that Ralph made based on the diary.

  Unfortunately, most of the content is not as useful as Thor thought.

  "That's right. If Xuethorn really has an in-depth understanding of the diary, how could he let it fall into my hands."

  Thor was lying on the single bed in the second warehouse, with his hands behind his head and his eyes looking at the top of his head. Deep ceiling.

  "The Blood Rose family, where the diary is recorded above, seems to have perished due to the War in Drooping Hand Valley, but there should still be descendants alive. If there is a chance in the future, you should still go and take a look." Thor turned to look at the diary on his left shoulder and sighed

  . : "Brother Diary, if you were willing to take the initiative, I wouldn't have to work so hard to find your origin."

  However, Diary remained silent, with his usual aloof tone,
  "Forget it, I'm dizzy from reading, so I won't do it tonight." Meditate, have a good sleep, and get back to your blues."

  Sol relaxed and closed his eyes. Because of the rare sleep, there was still a pleasant smile on his lips.

  But this sleep was not a good one.

  Sol was awakened by a burst of heat like a branding iron.

  As soon as he woke up, he found that he was not in the second warehouse.

  What's even more frightening is that he is now in an out-of-body state!
  "What is this place? How did I get here?"

  When Sol first woke up, he was still floating in the air. When he regained consciousness, he fell to the ground due to the inertia of his thinking.

  But Thor, who has had many out-of-body experiences, quickly calmed down.

  He began to observe his surroundings vigilantly.

  Now, he is in a very spacious room, and the shelf is very high, it seems to be five meters. There is no such high shelf on all floors of the wizard tower that Thor has been to.

  Looking down, Thor saw three giants sleeping together in the corner of the room.

  Each of them seemed to be over two meters tall and strong, with arms twice as thick as Thor's thighs.

  But in comparison, their heads are much smaller and look very uncoordinated.

  At this time, a door at the end of the room opened, and two more giants walked in.

  One of them, Saul, also knew that he was the strong man huddled at the end of the corridor in the corpse room on the second floor of the East Tower.

  The other Thor has never been seen before, and he is probably also a servant of the Wizard Tower.

  These alien servants do the lowest level of work, and they are also dangerous tasks that ordinary people cannot access.

  Thor was relieved to see an acquaintance. In any case, he was still in the wizard's tower.

  "Where is this place?"

  Thor walked over and saw two giants pushing a cart to a large machine.

  Thor floated up and took a look.

  This machine looks a bit like a meat grinder or a machine for crushing waste.

  At this time, a giant lifted a big box out of the car.

  Saul recognized it again. It was the large box he was responsible for holding useless materials when he worked in the morgue.

  "So this is where garbage or contaminated materials are disposed of... Is that the basement of the Wizard Tower?"

  If that's the case, the first floor of the east tower where Thor's body is located should be right above his head.

  "Did I fall asleep, have my soul leave my body, and then fall directly from the bed into the basement?" Sol thought with a bit of laughter and tears.

  At this time, one of the giants had poured everything in the big box into the "meat grinder", and the other giant walked to the front of the "meat grinder", bulging his arms and turning the handle there.

  The handle is turned, driving the gears inside the machine, and the top blade of the "meat grinder" starts to run.

  "Boom, boom, boom -"

  The first giant poured a box of things in, and the minced meat and bones rubbed against the saw teeth of the blade, making a crisp and sticky sound.

  When it was almost crushed, the giant moved to a second large box and continued to dump it in.

  Sol didn't intend to continue looking here. He looked up at the ceiling, wondering whether he should continue walking up from where he was just now and go directly back to the first floor of the east tower.

  But at this moment, the roaring "meat grinder" suddenly stopped.

  Thor looked down and suddenly found a round thing rolling at the top of the saw teeth.

  It was a human head whose skin had been worn to a bloody pulp.

   More updates!
  (End of chapter)

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