Chapter 200: Luring Insects into the House

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  Chapter 200
  The antidote for attracting insects into the house has been prepared.

  The diary has no objections.

  Thor held the glass bottle in his hand tightly.

  He also paid a high price for this potion.

  The black page representing Bill's consciousness was completely shattered and disappeared after the experiment was completed.

  At the last moment, Bill, who didn't know Saul's identity, was still thanking Saul in extremely dim and thin white handwriting.

  [It has been a long time since I devoted myself to research with such concentration. Maybe... after I advanced to the third-level apprenticeship, I accidentally lost my true heart... I... will never be as good as my brother... even if I am willing to let others take advantage of me...] As I write

  this After the words were written, the black pages shattered into foam and disappeared into the air.

  Saul knew that Bill had a brother named Billy.

  Ferguson once mentioned this person when he wanted Saul to steal candles to threaten him.

  But Billy never took the initiative to trouble Sol, as if he had no brother at all.

  Indifferent, but Sol also saved himself one less trouble.

  But at this moment, seeing Bill mention his brother at the last moment before disappearing, Thor felt a little complicated.

  In this wizarding world, reason always trumps sensibility, and kinship is an equivalent that can be exchanged at any time.

  Thor also has blood on his hands, but he thinks his humanity is still there.

  In addition to the warm memories from his previous life that supported him, it was the friends here who kept him from despair.

  The bookish Keli, the fair and upright Byron... maybe there will be others in the future.

  Thor put away his complicated thoughts, turned around and asked the butler with heavy eyelids, "The potion is ready, now we need to lure Ralph here. Do you have any suggestions?"

  "You can use me as bait." Hunter said without hesitation, "My mind contains the potion given by Victor that the master secretly saved for research. The lost owner is very fond of the smell of this potion. Obsession, as long as you open the door to the basement, I can crush the potion bottle. As long as the owner is still in the castle, he will definitely follow the smell." "Could it be that the 'holy

  oil' that Victor gave me before is Twisted Ralph's potion?" Thor thought to himself.

  "Okay, I..."

  Thor just said this, but suddenly stopped.

  Because when he was planning his strategy, the diary suddenly appeared and gave him a veto.

  According to the description in the diary, Saul, just as he thought, after attracting Ralph, took advantage of the fact that he was attracted by the butler, and sprinkled the antidote on Ralph.

  But although Ralph's skin began to dissolve rapidly, he still had the strength to kill Thor before dying.

  In the end, Thor and Ralph died together.

  "The potion has a long time to take effect and cause death!"

  After several deductions and still unable to buy enough time to wait for Ralph's death, Thor figured it out.

  Did Hunter not know about such a long effective time, or did he deliberately not mention it?

  This butler Hunter probably never wanted to let Thor leave the castle alive.

  It seems that every little bit of wool is used up, all in order to make Thor willing to be driven by him.

  If it weren't for the reminder from the diary, Thor might still be proud of himself for digging out the biggest secret of the Bloodthorn family.

  However, his face did not immediately show vigilance. Instead, he began to draw a witchcraft circle on the ground according to the original plan.

  This magic circle is not difficult. Even a wandering first-level wizard apprentice can complete it, and Thor will have no problem.

  "Okay." Thor turned around and took Hunter's head out of the compartment and placed it in the center of the magic circle.

  "What is this?" Hunter stared at the magic circle on the ground with some confusion.

  "The binding circle can trap you and Ralph here." Thor said casually.

  After all, Hunter is not a wizard. He is at best a thoughtful witchcraft tool. Although he has seen a lot, he still cannot touch the core of knowledge.

  He lowered his heavy eyelids and didn't know what he was thinking.

  After putting down Hunter's head, Thor moved outside the magic circle.

  "Xiaozao," Thor whispered, "can you put this potion into the mouth of the big insect just now?"

  Black tentacles came out, the top cracked, and a long black tongue rolled up the mouth of Thor's hand. Crystal bottle, hide it in your mouth.

  Sol still trusts Xiaozao quite a bit.

  This little guy who takes the initiative to parasitize himself has always performed very well.

  Of course, it was also because the diary did not deny Xiaozao's loyalty.

  But although the diary did not deny Xiaozao, it did deny Saul's plan.

  [On May 20th, 316th year of the New Moon Calendar,
  you have a good partner

  who can help you complete many dangerous tasks.
  But even if you plan to attack the enemy from the inside, you

  still underestimate the opponent's toughness.
  They are all subcutaneous tissue.

  A butt can become a face,

  who is more vulnerable than the other?
  You were still eaten, and
  the body was sealed in wax in melted fat.

  Maybe one day,
  it will be displayed in someone's collection and
  become a lesson to warn future generations.

  "Isn't it possible to defeat it from the inside? The solution to the problem still needs to buy enough time." Thor thought.

  "Hunter, are there any other exits from this laboratory?"

  "No more, sir... This is the most important and secret place for the master... To strengthen the protection for Ga..." Before

  Hunter could finish his words, Thor already understood.

  For defense, the fewer the number of entrances and exits, the better.

  "Then you must escape from the basement immediately after throwing out the antidote. The diary has confirmed that I can use the seal in the basement to lock Ralph in. If Ralph is not completely dead before the door fails, , it won't be too late for me to give up capturing the spirit body and escape from here in advance."

  Saul made a specific decision, and when he looked at the diary again, the diary acquiesced to his choice.

  A smile appeared on Sol's lips.

  However, at this moment, the butler who had been staring at Sol suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a small transparent bottle between his teeth.

  Thor immediately noticed his movements, "Is that 'holy oil'?"

  "Yes, sir, my... time is running out..."

  Thor took a deep breath, his chest bulging little by little, "I understand. .When I walk to the door and open the door, you will bite the bottle in your mouth."

  Hunter blinked.

  Thor took a few steps to the steps made of the girl's arms and opened the door. Then he jumped down, holding hands with a girl, hanging in mid-air, in the blind spot of the basement entrance.

  Almost at the same time, Hunter bit open the bottle in his mouth, and the door above Saul's head also popped open, completely revealing the one-meter-square passage.

  Thor didn't ask about any smell, but he seemed to hear the friction between the skin and the ground, with a slight slipping sound.

  "Ralph is here." Saul concentrated his attention and waited with bated breath. "There is no sound of another person's footsteps. Victor may have left... It's better to be dead!" Soon, very fast


  Through the gap between the arms above his head, Thor saw a big white swollen face appearing at the entrance.

  This face was larger than the entrance, stuck in the passage, with a square piece of meat protruding.

  But after the other person twitched his nostrils twice, he started drilling down regardless.


  An annoying friction sound sounded, and Sol regretted that he had cured his ears as soon as he came in.

  Under the hard squeeze of the human-faced worm, the passage mouth turned into a noodle machine.

  A square strip of meat slowly squeezed in and hung down to the ladder formed by the arms. Because of its size, it rolled directly down the side without the wall.

  Ralph, who was attracted by the potion, didn't pay attention to Thor hanging on the stairs, and headed straight for Hunter's head.

  He smashed his head on the ground and sucked Hunter's head into his body through his nostrils.

  Thor saw that Hunter on the ground was not afraid at all, looking at his original master with sadness and relief in his eyes.

  But at the last moment when he was swallowed up, Hunter looked at Saul, with a long-hidden viciousness in his eyes.

  Sol's heart tightened, and Xiaozao immediately attacked.

  The black tentacles flew towards the huge thing on the ground at an extremely fast speed, but the human-faced worm seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly countless pairs of hands stretched out from the white fat.

  Those arms are long or short, black or white, women or strong men... they

  all seem to be people who have been devoured during these times.

  These arms were waving, constantly grabbing in the void, trying to catch the approaching black tentacles.

  The algae containing the antidote cannot be approached for a while.

  (End of chapter)

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