Chapter 16 I don’t need special services

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  Chapter 16 I don’t need special services

  . "Sir, thank you for saving me." Thor got up from the ground. Although his legs were still a little weak, he insisted on standing up and looking directly at the pink bandage man.

  "New apprentice, don't stay alone in the East Tower until you gain enough knowledge and strength. At night, only your dormitory is safe." His voice was low, but extremely clear


  "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know..."

  "Don't say you've seen me."

  Sol was interrupted by the person opposite him just in the middle of his words.

  The bandaged man raised his hand and waved, a breeze blew closer, and Thor blinked unconsciously.

  When he opened his eyes again, Sol found that he was already standing outside the door of dormitory 604.

  He quickly scanned the corridors on both sides. The dim candlelight danced slightly, and there was silence.

  Without any time to think, Thor opened the door and rushed into the dormitory quickly.


  it's past twelve o'clock.

  The blue hourglass instantly turned upside down, and the accumulated gravel fell back down again, and time continued to pass slowly.

  Two dormitory doors located on the eleventh floor of the West Tower opened at the same time.

  Mark walked from the dim room to the even darker corridor and looked at the door diagonally opposite.

  "It's past twelve o'clock, and our agreement ends here. I will only take action this time. Regardless of whether he survives or not, he will only be my junior student from now on." At this time, Mark's face was not impatient at all

  . There was no smile at all.

  Sid walked out of the dormitory diagonally opposite, with a faint smile on his face.

  "Of course, this is what we agreed a long time ago. But don't you want to know why I had to kill that kid?" "

  No." Mark said and returned to the dormitory, slamming the door.

  "It's really boring. People who deal with corpses all day long are like this."

  Syd's golden hair became dimmed under the dim candlelight. He lowered his head, and the candlelight and shadow divided his face into several pieces.

  His expression was distorted for a moment, and then returned to gloomy for a moment.   "That diary must be in that boy's possession. The diary will only appear again if the previous owner dies. Brat, you are so

  lucky. The diary I have been praying for for many years was thrown on your head."

De's right hand was free for a few times, as if he could still recall the subtle touch when he grabbed the hard-cover book.

  Unfortunately, due to inertia, after he threw the book out, he realized that it was what he was looking for.

  However, when he kicked Saul's body away and frantically searched his body, he found that the hard-cover book had disappeared.

  Thor at his feet resumed breathing again.

  There is only one explanation, it must be the hard cover book that saved him!

  Looking at Sol's childish face, Sid wanted to kill him with his own hands countless times.

  But no, in the grandfather's record, the diary will not be obtained by the murderer who personally killed its owner.

  Alternative arrangements must be made.

  Sid inched back into his dormitory and closed his eyes tightly.

  "Diary of the Death Wizard, what is your charm? Why did my grandfather kill all his relatives and friends just to get you?"

  Although Sid was full of doubts, he was very determined in his heart.

  He must get something that makes such an excellent grandfather pursue it crazily!


  After experiencing a chaotic, dangerous and crazy day, Sol still has to get up early to go to class tomorrow.

  The reality is really frustrating.

  It was twelve o'clock, and he lay on the bed and forced himself to sleep.

  But the weird and terrifying scene in the laboratory always played out in front of him.

  Are the abnormalities in the laboratory related to Senior Mark? Why did he want to kill himself?
  Who is the man in the pink bandage? Could it be one of the five mentors?

  "It seems impolite to always call him Pink Bandage Man." Thor thought of some irrelevant things to cheer himself up. "He is so powerful and can control all the weirdness at once. Just call him Pink Bandai first."

  Drowsily, Sol felt that he was about to fall asleep.

  "Dong dong dong!"

  Why was there someone knocking on the door? Could it be that it was already morning and Keli was looking for her?

  Sol got up and turned on the light, only to find that it was just past one o'clock.

  "Dong dong dong!"

  The person outside the door was still knocking on the door.

  Thor didn't want to go through it very much. He had just experienced such a terrifying scene, and now he was a little disappointed and very nervous.


  The person outside the door couldn't wait any longer and called softly. The voice turned out to be the maid from the daytime.

  Thor walked to the door and opened it a small crack.

  It was indeed the maid from the daytime.

  At this time she was wearing a pink silk cloak.

  Only her beautiful face and white neck were exposed, and underneath... she seemed to be wearing nothing.

  Thor stood in the door.

  "What are you here for?"

  "Sir," the maid smiled, with a blush on her face, "I know you are still young, but don't you want to touch it?" As soon as she finished speaking, the

  maid raised her hand, and the silk was smooth against it. Her naked skin fell to her feet, revealing...

  a body carved from wood!
  Thor suddenly stepped back and was about to close the door, but the other party stretched his head over and his face got stuck in the crack of the door, with only his mouth exposed.

  The lips parted and shouted.

  "Help me...Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!"


  "Dong dong dong!"

  There was still a knock on the door.

  Thor opened his eyes suddenly and took a deep breath.

  "Is this a dream?"

  He jumped out of bed, turned on the candle and looked at the hourglass clock.

  half past twelve.

  It was indeed a dream just now.

  Sol picked up the crystal ball on the table and slowly approached the door.

  "Who's outside?"

  It was quiet outside the door.

  "I don't need special services." Thor raised his voice.

  "...It's me, Kong Sha."


  Sol didn't want to open the door. Who knows whether it's Kong Sha or something else outside?
  But he couldn't stay in the dormitory forever.

  The door is opened a crack and can be closed at any time.

  Outside, a woman wearing a long dress and a hood, with only her delicate chin exposed, stood there, with the corners of her mouth slightly lowered.

  "Lord Kongsha."

  Sol stepped aside and Kongsha walked straight in. She sat on Sol's chair and lifted the hat on her head.

  Kongsha's head was still horrified, but Sol, who had just escaped from death in the laboratory, was able to face it calmly and numbly.

  "Your apprentice life is quite exciting. Someone wants to climb into your bed at such a young age?"

  Kongsha put one leg on the other leg, supporting her elbow with one hand and her chin with the other, showing off her sexy and graceful figure. .

  If it weren't for that half-headed look, she would really be more attractive than any other maid.

  "You finally came to me." Sol closed the door with his backhand.

  "You should understand your situation now, right?"

  "If, Lord Kongsha, you are referring to the fact that my strongest elemental perception was transformed into a dark element for some reason... then I probably understand my situation."

  "Hmph!" Kong Sha snorted, "Do you think your elemental perception is very strong? If I hadn't helped you, you probably wouldn't have been able to choose an element major." Sol paused, and Kong Sha

  said It's probably true.

  While meditating, he discovered that he seemed to be able to perceive all elemental particles, but his perception of each type was not strong.

  He walked up to Kong Sha and said softly, "Senior Kong Sha, are you here to help me?" "

  Of course, how about I come to provide you with special services?" Kong Sha sneered at the corner of her mouth, spread her hands, There was a small medicine bottle in the palm of my hand.

  It was the same medicine bottle that originally healed Thor.

  "Senior, what is this?"

  "This is a potion that can improve your perception of dark elements for a short time." "

  Is this the medicine I drank last time?"

  "It's not exactly the same. You can take a drop of this before meditating every day. That's fine. Maintain high-intensity perception for several hours. After a month of adaptation, I will give you a new potion to help you reach 10 Jiao of magic power in the first test." How did she know that

  I needed to reach 10 Jiao of magic power in the first test? Who told her?

  Thor looked at the potion in front of him, his heart moved, but he did not accept it immediately.

  "Senior, can I ask first, are there any side effects after taking this medicine?"

  (End of Chapter)

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