Chapter 149 Chasing Troops

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  Chapter 149 Pursuing Soldiers
  Because four of the five apprentices on the land boat were tied up by the angry Wright, the difficulty of guarding them was greatly reduced, so Nick also participated in the rotation.

  After Nick took over from Byron, Wright pulled Byron aside halfway and showed him an IOU with a look of utter dismay on his face.

  "Thor has forgiven me."


  "One hundred credits, all previous debts are written off." Wright patted his chest, "Now that I'm back in the tower, I can finally sleep well. Ever since I learned about Thor Since I became the tower master's student, I have been thinking about how I will die every day after I go back..." "

  I made it up."

  Wright didn't know why, "Huh?"

  "I said Sol is the tower master's student, just because I want to. To make his identity sound more important, I hope the evil spirit can take the initiative to leave Thor's body. Unfortunately, the evil spirit was not willing to let him go at that time." "

  Ah! Ah!" Wright shouted, staring at Bai in disbelief. Lun, "You are so cunning!"

  He suddenly tore the IOU in his hand into two halves and shouted: "Damn it, Thor actually took the opportunity to blackmail me! If I knew that he was not the tower master's student, the most I could do was to He has twenty credits!"

  Just when Wright ran onto the deck and wanted to get back the IOU from Thor, a huge mental pressure fell from the sky.

  Wright and Byron, who had just stepped onto the deck, suddenly felt a big mountain pressing on them.

  The two of them didn't even last a few breaths before they were pressed to the ground one after another.

  The two third-level apprentices couldn't resist at all, and the others naturally couldn't recover either.

  The sailboat that was traveling at high speed suddenly shuddered from side to side, and then crashed into the woods. It slid on the ground for a long distance before being stopped by a thick tree.

  Only Thor, who was sitting on the deck, was not greatly affected. He could even raise his head to see who was attacking them.

  Fortunately, when the boat stopped, the mental pressure was lifted.

  Byron and Wright rushed to Sol with ugly expressions.

  "The pressure just now must be from the official wizard!"

  "We are already close to the wizard tower. Could it be that the instructor saw the land boat and thought it was an enemy?" Wright said nervously.

  Thor shook his head and said: "That mental power comes from behind. If it is a mentor, in order to prevent us from launching an attack, even if the ship stops, the mental pressure should not be withdrawn." The two were surprised that Thor could actually distinguish the mental power attack

  . Source, but now is not the time to investigate the cause.

  Byron said in a deep voice: "Abandon the ship and run."

  Thor shook his head again, "It's too late."

  Sure enough, behind Thor's gaze, a rapidly flying figure gradually appeared.

  The man was wearing a black robe and a purple cloak. During the rapid flight, the clothes clung to his body, and his strong upper body and... legs that seemed to be somewhat deformed could be seen.

  "The official wizard of land boating." Wright, who had seen more, said with an ugly face, "How dare he go deep into the wizard tower?" It was definitely too late to

  escape, because the other party's mental power had already locked onto them.

  The real wizard is not comparable to the confused and greatly reduced Morton.

  Byron immediately took out the signal and fired it into the sky.

  But before the black fireworks could take off, they were wiped away by an invisible force.

  Everyone's expressions became ugly.

  At this time, the other party has arrived above the ship.

  He looked at the three apprentices on the deck as if they were three dead men.

  "The apprentice of the Wizard Tower..." He spoke in a voice that was breathless, as if there was a hole in his throat. "How dare you rob our land-sailing sailboat. There are other people on this boat. Call them all out." "

  Wright had no choice but to go down and call up Nick, who was shivering in the cabin, and the prisoner in charge of driving the ship.

  At the same time, they also woke up four unconscious land-sailing apprentices and brought them onto the deck.

  "Yesterday they were prisoners, and today I will become a prisoner. Alas!" Wright had already begun to mourn for himself.

  When Wright returned to the deck with the prisoners, he found Byron and Nick already lying on the ground.

  Sol was the only one left who could barely sit on the chair.

  The wizard's eyes rolled, "You little guy, your mental power is so strong."

  He looked at Thor, and he didn't know what he thought of, and he actually let go of the suppression of Nick and Byron.

  The two of them got up with difficulty.

  Wright's face looked ugly when he saw this scene, but he could only walk over bravely.

  "Sir, this is everyone on the boat."

  But when the official wizard glanced at the five apprentices who were sailing on land, he frowned and said, "Where is Herman?"

  All five apprentices knelt down with a "pop" On the ground, there is no joy at all from a slave turning over and becoming a master.

  They looked even more frightened than when they were captured.

  No one answered the wizard immediately. The wizard narrowed his eyes and stared at the five people.

  "Don't you have ears?"

  Finally, one of the apprentices couldn't bear the pressure and fell to the ground. His voice trembled and said: "Master Bedi! Herman was killed by an evil spirit in the Droopy Hand Valley." After the

  apprentice finished speaking , , glanced at Thor secretly, and lowered his head in fear.

  "Hanging Hand Valley? How did he enter Hanging Hand Valley?" Bedi didn't really care about Herman's itinerary, "Where are the things he transported?" "

  No, it's gone. Herman broke into Hanging Hand Valley just for the purpose of tracing. "

  Huh! Trash!" Bedi looked a little angry, but strangely not that angry.

  All in all, his expression was extremely complicated.

  He was flying in the air, seemingly thinking about something.

  While he was thinking, no one else dared to move or speak.

  Thor looked at Byron and the others and saw that almost every one of them had uneasiness written on their faces.

  But Thor was not so nervous.

  This is all diary and no death warning.

  But Thor began to worry about other people again. Just because he won't die doesn't mean others won't.

  And Thor is also worried about whether he will be taken away by this Bedi wizard? Whether he is taken back as an experimental subject or taken as a prisoner, this is not what Thor wants.

  Unexpectedly, after struggling for a while, the Bedi wizard actually raised a hand to everyone.

  "Forget it, I can't keep you."

  A gray mist gathered in his palm.

  "It's a pity for this little guy." Bedi glanced at Thor regretfully and was about to use his witchcraft.

  And everyone who was targeted by Bedi felt a powerful wave of magic power the moment the gray mist appeared.

  Is he planning to kill even the apprentices of his own power?
  Almost everyone showed expressions of despair, even the apprentice who was sailing on land had trembled and closed his eyes, waiting to die.

  "There is no reminder in the diary yet." Even Thor became nervous. "The attacks of official wizards cannot be underestimated. There is almost no way for apprentices to resist." "Am

  I the only one who can survive in the end?" Thor Anxious eyes glanced at Byron and others.

  At this moment, Thor suddenly felt something and raised his head suddenly.

  And everyone who was already shrouded in despair suddenly heard a gentle voice.

  "What are you doing?"

  They followed the source of the sound.

  Standing on the highest mast of the sailboat was a man wrapped in a brown-red cloak.

  Although there were strong winds blowing from time to time high in the sky, they could not blow the hem of his clothes.

  No one could see his appearance clearly, only a pink chin could be vaguely seen between the hood and collar.

  Wizard Bedi put down his hand tremblingly, his face turning red as if it had been boiled in boiling water.

  "Master Golza Tower."

   Will be updated tomorrow!
  (End of chapter)

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