Chapter 144 Why have you transformed?

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  Chapter 144: Why have they all transformed?
  Just when Thor was about to rush forward and join the battle, Morton, who was impatient with being besieged, suddenly yelled.

  "You bastards, don't cause trouble at this time!"

  His arms suddenly expanded and deformed, growing fur and claws like wild beasts.

  He grabbed Hermann, raised him high, and slammed him to the ground.

  There was a loud noise, and the round platform was also shaking. Herman hit his head on a stone, and his head was directly driven into the chest!

  This powerful hammer immediately shocked everyone, including Thor.

  Even the attacks of other souls on Morton have stalled.

  But Morton, who had shocked everyone's souls, looked down at Herman, who had been smashed into an extremely embarrassing situation by him, and wisps of madness appeared in his eyes.

  His pupils suddenly shrank like needlepoints and trembled at a very high frequency. The corners of his mouth slowly raised from an angry downward angle, and his purple tongue stretched out, slowly licking each sharp tooth.

  Thor could see that the excitement of killing actually caused the evil spirit to lose control, completely forgetting to absorb the surrounding debris as quickly as possible.

  The evil spirit suddenly raised its head and roared, opened its mouth, and generated a huge gravitational force, suddenly absorbing the surrounding soul fragments without distinguishing between friend and foe.

  Morton no longer wants to distinguish the soul fragments in the air. He just wants to complete the fusion quickly and then tear all the disturbing thoughts in his consciousness into pieces!
  If he were allowed to absorb all the soul fragments...

  Suddenly, a figure suddenly flew forward. Thor jumped over the sluggish souls, jumped high, and punched Morton on the chin!
  Morton, who was opening his mouth wide to absorb the fragments, was struck shut by the blow. He leaned back and took two steps back. One foot even exited the center circle.

  Saul fell down and landed just inside the center circle.

  At this moment, he regained control of his body.

  Thor vaguely understood that in this reshaped consciousness space, entering this circle was equivalent to becoming the main consciousness of the body.

  He opened his eyes suddenly and saw Byron standing opposite him, watching him warily.

  Byron looked at Sol, whose expression suddenly calmed down. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Sol quickly raising his index finger and covering it in front of his mouth.

  At this time, even Nick in the distance realized who was facing them now.

  The faces of the two people with long-term facial paralysis showed varying degrees of joy.

  Unfortunately, before Saul could say anything to Byron, he was punched out of the center circle by Morton who came to his senses.

  Thor's small body spun several times in the air, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

  He endured the pain and immediately got up to defend himself against the next attack.

  Only then did he realize that because of his attack just now, which broke the silence, other souls took action again.

  This gave Thor a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

  He touched his head to make sure that no part was dented, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Outside the space of consciousness, Byron, who discovered that Thor was indeed still alive, suddenly turned his head and gestured to Nick.

  Upon seeing this, Nick glanced at Thor, who was standing in the magic circle with a ferocious expression again, and turned around to adjust the parameters of the operating device.


  Thor rushed back and almost stepped on Herman who was lying on the ground halfway.

  This guy's head is still in his chest, but his hands have begun to wave back and forth, and it looks like he can still fight.

  Saul quickly squatted down, reached down his neck, grabbed Herman's hair, and pulled his head out!
  "Ugh!!!" Herman let out an extremely painful scream, and his eyes when looking at Thor became unkind.

  Saul repeated his old trick, hiding behind Herman, holding his head and making him sit up, facing Morton, "That's your enemy!"

  Herman's eyes were red, he roared again, and charged forward with his fists waving.

  But this guy was quickly knocked out again.

  Thor frowned, "Among these guys, only Bill, Herman, and three other third-level apprentices have a certain fighting capacity. The others can't even tickle Morton." Suddenly,

  Thor saw Morton He grabbed Bill and lifted him into the air.

  This time, Morton didn't smash Bill to the ground.

  He thrust his hands into Bill's lower abdomen and pulled hard, tearing Bill in half.

  However, just when Thor thought Bill would be the first victim, Bill suddenly turned purple, and then softened into a ball of purple foam, which slipped from Morton's fingertips.

  After falling to the ground, the two purple bubbles rolled together and turned back into purple Bill.

  "What is this?" Thor looked at Bill, who had turned into a purple man, and then at Morton, whose arms were like beasts. "Why can their forms become like this? Can I?" Thor hadn't thought about it yet

  . Understand, suddenly seeing Herman running past, he seemed to be inspired by Bill, and his whole body was covered with a layer of silver metal while running.

  The changed forms of Bill and Herman are obviously much stronger than before.

  Herman punched him, but even Morton couldn't bear it anymore.

  "The forms of Bill and Herman are the same as the witchcraft that their real bodies are best at. Is it witchcraft constructed in the spiritual body?"

  But Thor quickly rejected this guess, because the other third-level apprentices did not have any Variety.

  "What can affect their ideology? Witchcraft? Meditation? Or a locator?"

  Before Thor could figure it out, the war ahead took another sudden turn.

  A blizzard suddenly fell in the sky, and countless soul fragments poured down. These fragments changed their original characteristics of welcoming and resisting, and actively penetrated into Moton's body.

  As the fragments merged, Morton's eyes gradually became cloudy, the mutations on his body became exaggerated, and his whole person began to transform into a complete beast.

  At the same time, the movements of the evil spirit's limbs also began to become stiff.

  Seeing that the evil spirit's movements began to slow down, the few remaining intact souls around them began to bite him.

  They bit into Moton's body desperately, and they actually bit off a small piece.

  However, even though his body began to appear missing, Morton did not show any pain.

  With the supplement of soul fragments, this kind of damage was quickly replenished.

  Bill, who was closest to Moton, suddenly jumped on his neck from behind, stretched out his arms to hug Moton, and bit Moton's head.

  Seeing Bill's teeth close to the back of Morton's head, a tail instantly grew out from behind Morton. The sharp tail turned into a shadow, pierced Bill's chest, and came out of his mouth.

  But Bill also turned into a bubble in an instant.

  But before Bill could escape from Morton's tail again, Morton's head suddenly changed dramatically. A giant crocodile suddenly appeared in front of his mouth. He turned his head and opened his mouth, taking his own tail and the purple foam hanging on it, and biting it. Entered the mouth.

  Only a little purple foam fell to the ground with a "pop" and stopped moving.

  Before anyone else could react, Moton turned his head and bit into the soul of a third-level apprentice again.

  In the other party's exclamation, the head and chest were swallowed by Morton.

  Seeing that the souls were about to be unable to withstand Morton's crocodile transformation, Thor had no time to think about the reason for the transformation.

  He rushed forward, and before Morton bit another spirit body, he put his foot on the base of Morton's tail.

  Moton swayed for a moment and lost the prey in front of him.

  He turned around to see who was attacking him, but he only saw a shadow quickly hiding behind Herman.

  Herman's consciousness had become blurred during the constant fighting. His eyes were full of anger and madness, and he only knew that he wanted to kill the enemy in front of him.

  While he was distracted by the evil spirit swallowing him, his metal-wrapped hands were like two blunt swords, smashing Moton's chest out of shape and almost forcing him out of the center circle.

  However, at this moment, Herman suddenly saw Morton swaying for a moment, turning his head suddenly and then back quickly, staring behind him with red eyes.

  He didn't realize what was happening. He only saw Morton twisting his long mouth, shaking his head and biting him.

  Herman wanted to hide, but the next second someone kicked him hard from behind.

  Hermann, who was attacked unsteadily, immediately jumped forward.

  Morton's long mouth grazed Herman's shoulder, creating a new crack. As Herman approached, the two collided directly.

  Sol, who was hiding behind, immediately jumped up, stepped on Herman's back, and punched Morton hard on one eye.

  With one hit, Morton's eyeball was instantly disabled, while Thor quickly turned over and hid behind Herman, using this large metal block to block Morton's counterattack.

  (End of chapter)

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