Chapter 137 I came out and I went back

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  Chapter 137 I came out, and I went back.
  Herman had been paying attention to Thor's movements. When he saw Thor suddenly walking over, he quickly stopped healing and moved to another subordinate instantly.

  The men had no time to escape, so they were thrown over by Herman.

  But Thor pushed away the apprentice who was thrown towards him with a slap and walked towards Herman firmly.

  Hermann moved quickly to another location again. The other objects nearby immediately fled around after seeing this.

  Sol wasn't in a hurry, he just changed his angle and continued to approach like he was taking a walk.

  Herman still wanted to run, but suddenly there was a pain in his forehead and he half-knelt on the ground.

  His spellcasting had just been interrupted, and his mental body had been injured. Coupled with several high-speed movements, his mental body was now in shock, and he could not even continue to cast spells.

  Thor was not surprised when he saw this.

  Just now, he saw that the spellcasting of the three Hermans was interrupted. You must know that the more advanced the witchcraft is, the more terrifying the backlash will be if it is interrupted.

  In order to fight against the evil spirits, Herman and the others must have used level 2 witchcraft.

  Although the injuries suffered during the interruption of spell casting can be treated with medicine, the shock to the mental body is not so easy to calm down.

  Saul gradually approached Herman, not very quickly.

  Although he temporarily regained control of his body, he could not control it as freely as before.

  It was like there was a membrane between him and his body, and he couldn't even clearly feel the five senses transmitted back to his brain from his body.

  When walking, you are like a puppet on strings. You need to use your consciousness to direct the movements of your hands and feet.

  But that doesn't stop Saul from getting close to Herman.

  Although Saul was not walking fast, no one came to help Herman escape.

  Everyone was watching Herman and Thor getting closer and closer to him.

  Even the minotaurs fell silent, each with their eyes widened, looking at the two of them expectantly, so excited that they were drooling.

  Just as Saul walked in front of Herman, Herman, who seemed unable to move, suddenly raised his head, pulled out a rusty dagger from his arms, and stabbed Saul.

  Thor saw the dagger and knew he would never be able to dodge it.

  He didn't control his body to dodge, but suddenly shrank up and gave the command of his body back to the evil spirit that was about to be suppressed.

  Herman thought that the evil spirit would dodge or resist, but the opponent remained motionless, and the dagger penetrated the evil spirit's chest without any hindrance.


  Herman's eyes flashed with joy, and he immediately mobilized his mental power again and activated the formation on the rusty dagger.

  The dagger suddenly emitted a green light, and the melee weapon became a long-range weapon.

  A flash of green light passed by, and then the dagger broke into pieces and fell to the ground.

  But it also left a hole the size of a human head in the evil spirit's chest.

  Seeing this scene, Bill and Wright on the side were not as optimistic as Herman.

  "The evil spirit doesn't dodge. It's not because he can't dodge. It must be because he doesn't need to hide at all!" Thinking of this, Bill became more afraid of the evil spirit and quickly urged Wright, "Hurry up." Wright didn't respond and continued to lie on the ground

  . , pretending to be seriously injured and unconscious.

  As expected by the two of them, the evil spirit stepped forward again, and the huge wound on his chest did not cause any hindrance to his actions.

  But the evil spirit was angry.

  He had just "dropped offline" suddenly, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was standing in front of Herman, who had stabbed him in the chest with a witchcraft-breaking tool.

  So the evil spirit immediately concluded that the person in front of him was responsible for his confusion just now!
  He was so angry that he grabbed Herman's hair and pushed his face against his wound.

  "Asshole! Do you know how difficult it is for me to find such a useful body? How dare you hurt him?"

  Herman was about to force himself to escape again, but another howl came from his ears.

  The evil spirit lifted up Herman's head, put it directly into his ears, and let out a shrill roar.

  Herman's brain suddenly made a terrible explosion. Then all the silver metal on his body exploded and fell to the ground.

  And he himself fainted immediately.

  The evil spirit pinched Herman's face with its other hand, pulled hard, and pulled out his face and his pale spirit body.

  Herman's spirit body was different from that of other apprentices. When he was pulled out, he was still struggling, trying to attack the evil spirit.

  The evil spirit laughed, not caring about Herman's attack at all, and pressed his soul into his body.

  As the powerful third-level apprentice's spirit body was absorbed, the wound on the evil spirit's chest began to heal quickly.

  The minotaurs around started cheering again, shouting "Lord Morton is the most powerful!" and "Lord Morton is immortal!"

  In such a warm atmosphere, no one noticed that the evil spirit's eyes suddenly changed again. !

  Saul suddenly threw away Herman's body, turned around with a slightly hesitant movement, and locked a pair of dull eyes on Bill and Wright in the other direction.

  He raised his feet and walked slowly towards the two of them, completely ignoring the lower-level apprentices who were closer to him.

  When the surrounding minotaurs saw Thor's movements, they immediately understood his intentions and shrank their defenses, leaving the two remaining third-level apprentices with no room to struggle.

  They are looking forward to it, they are excited, and they like to see this kind of scene where the strong man is powerless and can only wait to die.

  The other apprentices stayed as far away from the two as possible. Although they knew that Bill and Wright might be their last chance to save themselves, no one dared to lend a helping hand in the face of such a huge gap in strength.

  They are afraid that with the slightest encouragement, they will become the next targets of evil spirits to devour.

  At the same time, they also hope that after the evil spirits devour some people, they will be satisfied and let them go.

  The liveliness and silence form a sharp contrast in this small area.

  In the center of the area, Saul walked towards Bill and Bill with firm steps.

  Bill and Wright were injured before meeting the evil spirit. At this time, the two fell to the ground, their eyes fixed on the approaching Thor, and they seemed to have given up resistance.

  However, when Sol was less than 5 meters away from the two of them, there was a sudden strange sound in his ears.

  Thor stopped immediately.

  The next second, with Wright as the center, the ground with a radius of five meters suddenly cracked and sank.

  The two people in the witchcraft center instantly fell together with the gravel.

  Thor and the minotaurs, who were on the edge of the edge of witchcraft, were not spared and fell down together.

  Can a third-level apprentice cause such huge damage?

  While falling, this idea came to Thor's mind instantly.

  "This may be a higher-level witchcraft. And the terrain here is also good for this kind of witchcraft." "

  Did they really let them run away like this?"

  Thinking of this, Thor instantly relieved himself and took control of his consciousness. Give it back to the evil spirit that is almost unstoppable.

  The evil spirit took control of his body again, and when he woke up he saw himself lying on the sunken ground.

  The sun shines down from above the tunnel, but is blocked by thick dust.

  The minotaurs who fell into the ground with him climbed up one by one in fear, but their body structure slightly hindered their climb.

  Finally, these little guys disappeared one after another.

  Sol, who was hiding deep in his consciousness, saw this scene clearly and suddenly had a new idea.

  But the evil spirit doesn't care about the situation of those minotaurs.

  He could feel that in the cave ahead, there were two little guys trying to escape.

  "Want to escape from the underground?" A ferocious smile appeared on his face, "How stupid!"

  (End of Chapter)

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