Chapter 134 I’m hungry

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  Chapter 134 I’m hungry and

  it’s dawn.

  Thor saw himself walking.

  But what he saw was not that he looked down and saw his staggeringly moving feet, or the walls that were retreating on both sides, but that he actually saw himself.

  Sol sat on Sol's left shoulder, watching Sol move forward with a smile on his face.

  Seeing this scene, Thor had no fear or worry, only the expectation of verifying his suspicion of destroying evil spirits.

  Now the evil spirit has entered his body and controls him to move forward.

  And the real Saul's consciousness - or maybe his soul - is sitting on a thick red hard cover book, slowly rising and falling as Saul moves around.

  I don't know if he was freed from the restraints of his body, but Thor felt that he was temporarily missing the emotion of fear.

  But he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he thought his current condition was excellent. It's like eliminating a lot of impurities and allowing you to focus on thinking.

  "So now I have successfully introduced the evil spirit into my body. He may have thought that my consciousness was wiped out the moment he entered." "This is

  somewhat different from what I thought at the beginning," Sol looked down. Looking at the diary under his butt, "I didn't expect that the Death Wizard's diary would take the initiative to accommodate my consciousness, or help me hide it. This is possible, after all, it once took the initiative to absorb West Germany's consciousness. So, I don't have to fight with evil. You don’t have to hide in a corner of your body to fight against your spiritual consciousness. You passed the first and most dangerous first stage smoothly." "

  Then the second stage." Thor climbed to the edge of the hard cover book and looked down. Looking at his two hands hanging by his side, "It is to use the spirit ester to absorb the soul energy of the evil spirit and separate it from his consciousness." The spirit ester in

  Thor's hands has the ability to store souls, and its essence is Reduce the energy dissipation speed of the spirit body.

  Therefore, the spirit body is born with the property of transferring into the spirit ester.

  This may stem from the survival needs of all species.

  Now, the evil spirit's extremely unstable and chaotic consciousness did not notice that his soul energy was gradually transferring to Thor's hands.

  When the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves is no longer huge, Thor can try to fight back and take back his body.

  It's just that now Thor's consciousness has been driven out and he can't control his body, nor can he control his hands to speed up the process of absorbing the spirit body.

  Therefore, it is unknown to Thor whether he can separate the evil spirits and whether he can successfully fight back.

  Turning theory into reality involves running a huge risk of failure.

  The motionless diary under him supported most of Sol's confidence.

  But now, what he needs is to wait for a suitable opportunity.

  Thor, who had nothing to do, simply sat cross-legged on the hard-cover book, watching the evil spirit controlling his body and walking step by step to the entrance of the crypt.

  It's as leisurely as watching a play.

  It seems that he has forgotten that once the fight fails, he will die completely and become the nourishment of evil spirits.

  At this moment, a group of people suddenly staggered into the cave and came face to face with the evil spirit and Thor.

  Thor straightened up slightly and looked at the opposite side.

  At the front of the group stood a muscular man, his whole body covered with a layer of silver material, like a steel giant.

  The silver-skinned Herman turned around and ordered his men, "Don't let the people from the wizard tower come in. If they can't feed those minotaurs, throw a few more out!" After issuing the cold-blooded order, he asked the people around

  him A third-level apprentice asked, "Have you contacted the captain?"

  The third-level apprentice held an eyeball as big as a fist and answered anxiously: "No, those minotaurs seem to be able to distort the force field."

  Herman picked him up. The collar of the person who replied, "Of course they can, otherwise why do you think you couldn't see them at the beginning? Find the stable period of the force field and quickly transmit the signal. We must contact the official wizard before we can leave here! Damn it..."

  Before he finished speaking, Herman turned around and saw "Saul" standing in the darkness.

  A rare flash of joy flashed in his eyes.


  Herman turned into silver light and approached "Thor" in an instant, but stopped in front of him.

  "Little guy, have you been abandoned by your companions? How did you come out of the underground?" Herman grabbed "Thor" by the neck, using a slight force on his hand to make him feel suffocated without crushing him. neck bone.

  "A head that can kill eight slaves, and can often choose the safest passage when escaping in dangerous underground areas. This can no longer be explained by luck." The pinched "Saul" narrowed his eyes and used a little force

  . It took me a while to understand what Herman was talking about.

  But before he spoke, Herman suddenly waved his hand and threw "Thor" to his men.

  "Keep an eye on him. I will dissect him myself when I get back."

  "Thor" was thrown to the feet of an apprentice. The apprentice immediately squatted down, green vines grew out of his palms, and tried to tie "Thor"'s neck.

  However, the moment the green branches and leaves touched "Sol's" skin, they turned yellow, withered, and withered.

  When the apprentice was still surprised that his witchcraft failed, "Thor" suddenly raised his hand and pressed his face, and then pulled hard.

  Suddenly, a white shadow was abruptly pulled away from the apprentice's face.

  The shadow's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears were all irregularly hollow, as if it were a piece of human skin that had been peeled off alive.

  "Human Skin" opened its mouth wide, trying to let out the last cry of life, but was immediately pulled out of shape by invisible force, and got into the palm of "Thor".

  It all happened so fast that Herman's smile was still on his face when "Thor" stood up again.

  "Thor" let go and let the lifeless apprentice fall.

  He stood up slowly, holding his knees. His limbs seemed a little uncoordinated and his movements were stiff.

  But he smiled broadly.

  "Hey hey hey... Do you know why the minotaur drove you here?" "Thor" tilted his head, and his pronunciation was a little strange, "That's because I'm hungry." After saying that, "Thor"

  suddenly Pounce on Hermann.

  But Herman's reaction was quick. He instantly turned into a ray of silver light and moved three meters directly.

  "Thor", who was one step late, could only unfortunately grab another apprentice beside Herman.

  The moment "Thor"'s palm touched the apprentice's chest, another white shadow was pulled away.

  The ghost's face was still full of panic. Before he could ask for help, he was sucked into the palm of "Thor".

  And Herman, who had witnessed the whole process, teleported behind his men again. He tried to steady his breathing, but the vibrato when he spoke still betrayed his fear.

  "Evil spirit, an official wizard-level evil spirit..."

  In fact, Herman didn't need to say anything. When the evil spirit killed two third-level apprentices one after another, and the other party was completely unable to resist, everyone in the cave understood that they were facing What kind of horror exists.

  Just like they were forced into the cave by the centaur when they arrived, everyone escaped from the cave in embarrassment.

  Evil spirits are afraid of the sun!
  Weak evil spirits will dissipate due to direct sunlight, and even powerful ones will be injured by sunlight and their strength will be reduced.

  But the few people who ran out of the cave were not too happy.

  Because it was equally unsafe outside the cave, there were still human-headed monsters all over the mountains and plains, as well as the two wizard tower apprentices who were blocked from entering by them.

   First update, thank you readers for your tips and votes!
  (End of chapter)

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