Chapter 127 I am best at choosing one of many

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  Chapter 127 I am best at choosing one of many.
  This bone chopping knife was brought out from the corpse room by Saul.

  It is misappropriation of public props.

  But there is no way. When it comes to useful knives, Thor has never seen any that can match his bone chopping knife.

  Every time he dealt with abnormal corpses in the morgue and needed to dismember them, this bone chopping knife was his first choice.

  So when he decided to cut off the long neck of the human head, all witchcraft, scrolls, and bone-chopping knives in the charnel house made Thor feel at ease.

  But this time, the bone chopping knife still did not disappoint Thor.

  With just two cuts, the long knife stuck in the bone seam and chopped off the human head and neck smoothly into two parts.

  The connection was disconnected, and the head instantly fell to the ground without even a struggle.

  On the contrary, the decapitated neck on the other side retracted instantly like a shrinking rubber band.

  Saul didn't have time to think. He understood that the enemy would definitely send new enemies to hunt him down after discovering the death of the person who was watching Saul.

  And this time they probably won't use Sol to fish.

  Thor quickly put away the pupil of the phantom sound, commanded Xiaozao to loosen his neck, withdraw from the mountain wall, and retract his neck.

  Then he put on his backpack, held the bone chopping knife in his hand, and ran quickly deeper into the cave.

  He also lit up the Glimmer spell.

  Although this may allow the pursuers behind to discover him, discrediting the advance is more of a waste of time for Thor.

  As long as the distance is far enough and there are detours, this bit of light will be inconspicuous.

  Fortunately, although this hole was chosen temporarily by Sol, it was not a dead-end type of hole.

  After running for dozens of meters with his waist bent, Thor encountered the first steep slope.

  His eyes lit up. As long as the passage went down, it would probably lead to a complex underground maze.

  Although there are many dangerous monsters in the underground maze, Thor will only die if he stays on the ground.

  The algae flew out from behind Thor's neck again, turned into four chains, and lifted Thor quickly down the steep slope to a gentle area.

  Sol rushed out immediately before he could stand firm.

  After running a few steps, he came to the first fork in the road. Just as he was about to choose a random passage to enter, the diary suddenly flew out.

  [On April 20, 316th year of the lunar calendar, you
  are going deep underground alone.
  You are very brave.
  However, there is a pool of stagnant water in front of you,
  which is home to a group of omnivorous insects. Although
  their mouths are not big, their
  eating speed is extraordinary.

  When you quickly After running through the stagnant pool,

  I was surprised to find that my strides had become shorter.
  When I looked down, I saw that all my calves had been eaten away.
  The injury was not fatal, but before you could get a good treatment, enemies rushed in quickly. It was smashed into a puddle of flesh.

  If the previous reminder only made Thor wary, then the last sentence made him suddenly open his eyes wide.

  Sure enough, an enemy was chasing in, and so fast!

  Sol didn't have time to think too much and immediately took a different path to enter.

  The diary reminds him that he just ran through the puddle and was overtaken by the enemy before he could be treated. The enemy was now very close to his position.

  A little hesitation could lead to him being overtaken, and being overtaken would result in him being smashed into pieces.

  Enemies are fast and powerful.

  Thor was running wildly, and even directed Xiaozao to insert himself into the soil in front of him and pull him over to increase his speed.

  Soon the second fork in the road appeared in front of him, and there were two choices in front of him.

  As Thor ran, he looked toward the passage to the left.

  The diary also told him more frequently: there was a dead end on the left, and Thor who was caught up would be smashed into minced meat and hung on the rocks.

  When Thor reached the fork in the road, he chose the passage on the right without hesitation.

  Before he could run for long, several lines of words quickly appeared in the diary.

  He said that when Sol was running away, a dark spider suddenly jumped out and jumped on Sol's back, trying to bite his neck off. While Sol was fighting the dark spider, the enemy chased him and killed him and the dark spider. The spiders were smashed into minced meat and mixed together.

  Sure enough, if you are caught up, you will die!
  But at this time, there was no longer a fork in the road for Thor to choose. He could only wave the bone chopping knife while letting Xiao Zao explore the path for him.

  After running for more than ten steps, Thor heard the sound of breaking through the air on his left side, and suddenly hit the interception net formed by Xiao Zao's tentacles.

  Although there was no hesitation, the knife struck the tentacle that intercepted the spider in the dark.

  The severed tentacles still loyally intercept the dark spider.

  "I'm sorry, Xiaozao." The incident happened suddenly, and Sol could only apologize to his little pet in a low voice.

  Xiaozao reached over with a tentacle and gently touched Sol's cheek to show that he was not angry.

  Thor continued to run wildly, and another fork in the road appeared in front of him. This time, there were a total of five passages for him to choose from.

  Thor quickly looked at the first three. There were either monsters in them, or monsters that could block Thor and affect his escape speed.

  In the end, Thor will be caught up by the enemy and turned into mince.

  Sol looked at the fourth channel again, but there was no prompt in the diary.

  Just as he was about to enter, he glanced at the fifth passage again.

  This reminder from the diary made Thor's heart move, and he actually turned into the fifth passage at the last moment.

  The diary reminds Thor that there are abandoned webs of dark spiders on the road ahead. But Thor would get stuck if he stepped on it, and would be knocked into layers of spider webs. After being trapped for a few minutes, he would be captured by the enemy with the spider webs attached.

  And now that Thor knew what was on the ground ahead, he immediately jumped to the wall and walked on it when he entered the fifth passage.

  There are also some cobwebs on the wall at this time, but Thor, who is mentally prepared, will use the small algae to swing to the other side.

  After finally running through this sticky passage that was about fifty meters long. Thor returned to the ground.

  This was just a small method he used to delay his pursuers, but since the attacker could easily kill him, these little tricks might only delay him for a little while.

  But Thor had to do this.

  There has been no movement from the pursuers behind him, but the diary keeps reminding him that as long as Thor delays even a little bit, the people behind him will catch up and kill him.

  This makes the enemy's presence all the more terrifying.

  The pursuer's breath seemed to be blowing the hair on the back of Thor's head.

  Thor continued to flee, but the passage in front of him became narrower and narrower.

  This made Thor a little worried. If he finally ran into a dead end, he would probably die.

  "Huh, even if you are not sure, you can't really stand there and wait for death." Thor stretched his arms while running.

  In this case, Soniel had all his worries forgotten and had no choice but to mobilize his mental body to the maximum extent.

  Suddenly, translucent soul worms appeared on Thor's arm.

  "It's a pity that this bug can't be separated from the body for a long time, otherwise it could be left here as an ambush." ​​Thor laughed at himself.

  Just when Thor had to bend down to run, a downward passage appeared in front of him again.

  "Descent... again?"

  Thor gritted his teeth. Descending again meant going deeper underground, which would be even more dangerous.

  He had no time to hesitate.

  Sol gritted his teeth, and as long as the diary didn't come out, he would just pretend that he was still on the ground.

  Thor jumped up and jumped down.

  Several black tentacles instantly stretched out from the back of Thor's neck and inserted into the four walls. While leaving deep marks all around, he kept the speed at a level where Thor would not be injured when he landed.

  However, at this moment, Thor's eyes suddenly widened.

  Under his feet, another ray of light appeared, rising quickly!
   Make up for what happened yesterday

  (end of this chapter)

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