Chapter 124 Mutation Cave

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  Chapter 124: Mutation Cave
  Seeing that the previous attack was effective, Thor once again threw two arrows.

  The sharp sword penetrated into the smaller cave and disappeared, and soon green slime gushed out again.

  The suction coming from the cave gradually weakened.

  Thor relaxed slightly.

  His soul worm was mixed with soul fragments full of residual thoughts when it was constructed. He didn't want to use it more than necessary.

  There are still three seniors here, so Sol doesn't need to work too hard.

  Sure enough, as soon as Thor withstood the attack from the mutated crypt, the battle between the three people there ended.

  Two ground thorns were drilled out of the ground again, inserted diagonally into the mountain wall opposite Sol, and penetrated the cave in front of Sol from the side.

  The crypt contracted violently twice and finally closed completely.

  After staring at the cave and seeing that there was no change for a long time, Thor turned back.

  He saw Wright raising his eyebrows at him, knowing that the ground thorns he was holding and the two ground thorns that finally solved the mutated crypt were Wright's helping hands, so he quickly thanked him.

  "Thank you, Senior Wright."

  Wright's expression was relaxed, and it was obvious that the battle just now was nothing to him.

  "You're welcome. If you get sucked in, we have to find a way to pull you out. Haha, it would be bad if you get pulled out. We will lose a very powerful guide." I don't know what came to mind

  . , Wright made himself laugh.

  At this time, all mutated crypts have been closed. Only then did Sol realize that this was not a fork in the road, but a relatively spacious passage.

  There are only two roads forward and backward, and the rest of the tunnels are all fake.

  "What kind of monster is this? It's so disguised." Bill stepped on the foam on the ground. The foam had solidified and turned into a solid like plaster. When he stepped on it, scum fell out.

  "There is no such monster in the previous records, maybe it is a new change in the past two years." Byron said solemnly.

  Byron checked several closed abnormal caves, but could not find any useful loot.

  He stood up and clapped his hands. "It's getting late. I suggest you go back to the ground first."

  Bill said "tsk".

  "I won't gain much this time. It takes a lot of time to go in and out. It's better to spend the night here."

  Byron shook his head. "It's too dangerous to spend the night in a place where evil spirits are infested."

  But looking at Bill's expression, I knew he wouldn't compromise easily this time.

  Thor still held Wright's support for his ground thorn, hiding behind and watching the fun.

  Anyway, he, a second-level apprentice, was not qualified to participate in the discussion on such a strategic decision.

  While Saul was watching the argument about to ignite, another big hole suddenly opened in the wall beside him.


  A cold and cold breath seeped out.

  But before Thor was touched by the cold air, he turned around suddenly and noticed the large hole that opened silently on his side.

  At the same time, a pale, riddled human head suddenly shot out of the hole, and bit into Thor's right hand that he raised subconsciously.

  The long chestnut hair was messy and scattered on the person's head, and the whites of his pupil-less eyes were staring at Thor through the gap between the hair.

  His face was full of holes like briquettes, and his mouth was the biggest hole on his face. Sharp teeth protruded from the hole, but they failed to bite through Thor's gloves.

  There was no pain in his right hand, but Thor still felt a strong pulling force.

  The moment the man's head bit Thor, he immediately retreated, as if he wanted to pull Thor into the large hole that had just been opened.

  Thor was pulled hard by the opponent, and his body shook violently. He quickly hugged the ground with his left hand tightly to avoid being dragged in.


  Thor's expression changed, and under the huge pulling force, he heard the sound of his bones being detached.

  Everything happened in a flash, when Byron's support finally arrived.

  A giant net appeared out of thin air and enveloped the head full of holes.

  The heads are bound.

  Under the pressure of the giant net, the flesh made a "sizzling" roasting sound.

  It finally let go in pain.

  Only then did Sol save his right hand.

  But his right hand couldn't use any strength at this time. The bone may be broken, so he could only hold it with his left hand.

  The head of the person on the opposite side was about to be pulled out by Byron with a giant net, but his neck was suddenly torn off on his own initiative.

  The back half of the body that was not caught by the giant net quickly retracted.

  Seeing that the hole was about to close, Byron jumped in without saying a word.

  Wright raised his hand at the critical moment, and a big hand made of stone appeared from the ground, supporting the mutated cave and preventing it from closing.

  Thor looked worriedly at the big hole that was constantly trying to close, wondering if Senior Byron could come back smoothly.

  "Broken?" Bill suddenly appeared behind Saul, startling him.

  "Maybe it's just a dislocation..." Thor's heart skipped a beat and he slightly retracted his left hand.

  But Bill had a smile on his face and took Sol's arm forcefully.

  Severe pain immediately shot from the elbow.

  Sol's face twitched and he held back the pain.

  Bill opened his mouth, and a stream of white smoke spurted out, covering Sol's right elbow, and the pain there soon disappeared.

  Bill took off Sol's gloves and saw the gray and transparent skin of Sol's forearm and the faintly exposed bones underneath.

  He raised an eyebrow and raised Thor's arm and turned it back and forth twice.

  "Your modified arm is really strong. It was bitten like that, but it didn't leave any scars."

  Sol's injury was not the arm that was bitten, but the joint where the Lingzhi skin and the upper arm were pulled apart. .

  After checking, Bill finally let go of Saul's arm and threw the glove to Saul again.

  Sol caught the glove with his left hand and simply put it into his pocket instead of wearing it.

  "Your gloves are not very strong. If you want, you can go to the exchange meeting and change to more powerful gloves." "I will take a

  look when I have the chance."

  Thor didn't want Bill to notice his gloves. Special nature, he responded casually.

  He lowered his head and studied his right hand. His right hand could move freely at this time. It seemed that Bill was really treating his injuries just now rather than simply anesthetizing him.

  Unexpectedly, this guy is actually a healer.

  At this time, Byron finally ran out of the hole. Seeing this, Wright removed the stone hand, and the big hole closed instantly.

  "How's it going?" Wright leaned over.

  With a smile on his face, Byron picked up a glass bottle with a round bottom and a thin neck, and changed it in front of everyone.

  "Evil spirit?" Even Bill walked over now.

  "The evil spirit is transforming, but its essence is still a vengeful spirit."

  The bottle was gray, and Thor couldn't see what it was.

  "Wraiths? That's okay."

  Although they are not Byron's mission target evil spirits, such ghosts that have begun to transform are also of high value.

  It would be a good idea to take back the Wizard Tower and exchange it for credits and money, or to keep it and do your own research.

  And if what Byron caught was not an evil spirit, it would be a harvest for the team, and Bill and the others would also be able to share the money.

  Wright clapped his hands and said, "That's good now. We have gained a lot today. We can go back."

  This time Bill didn't object.

  Byron put away the bottle and walked to Sol.

  "How is your arm?"

  "Senior Bill helped me treat it, and it's fine now." Sol said and raised his right arm and shook it, but mainly to give Senior Byron a look.

  Everyone cleaned the scene again to make sure there was nothing else to gain, and then returned to the original route.

  The most difficult part on the way back was the very deep passage.

  Wright and Bill both had their own ways to get up, but Byron gave up on turning into a balloon and let Thor use kelp to pull him up together.

  Xiaozao is very strong and can pull two people along without any problem.

  While climbing up the passage, Thor felt moved and looked down.

  Because the light source was lost, the underground passage became pitch black again, and the sound of water flowing could be heard.

  Saul had the illusion that someone was pouring water into this underground passage.

  The water surface gradually rose, chasing everyone's footsteps.

  Night is coming.

  Just like the Wizard Tower, under the Hanging Hand Valley at night, it may become another world.

  (End of chapter)

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