Chapter 111 Level 2!

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  Chapter 111 Level 2!

  Boom -

  It was like a huge building was completed in Sol's spiritual body, and the entire spiritual world was trembling!
  Level 1 spell, Soul Borer, constructed successfully.

  Thor slowly stood up, feeling the difference in changing from a first-level apprentice to a second-level apprentice...

  but it seemed that there was no difference.

  The instructor has said that first-level and second-level apprentices only have different intensity of mastering witchcraft, and there is no qualitative change in the nature of the body and spirit.

  But if you feel it carefully, Sol really feels something different.

  That was the influence of the level 1 witchcraft in his spiritual body.

  I don’t know what kind of soul worm it will become, and it continues to affect Thor’s magic and spirit.

  This impact is still very slight, but Thor can feel that as he continues to consolidate and strengthen this witchcraft in the future, this impact will deepen.

  When this influence becomes more and more profound, Thor must find a way to resist this influence, otherwise he will suffer mental and physical problems.

  But the truly effective method is to find your own locator to eliminate and resist the force majeure pollution caused by witchcraft and stabilize your mental body.

  "The locator." Sol looked at his left shoulder and thought, "How can I convince the diary to move?" The

  matter of the locator can be put aside for a while. Sol stood up and turned around to find that Penny had Already asleep.

  He shook Penny awake dumbfounded and said, "Penny, wake up."

  But Sol also realized that Penny was not really big enough to fall asleep here.

  It was his battle with Shelly just now and the subsequent game with the Wraith that had some impact on Penny.

  Ordinary people are mentally exhausted, and sleep is the best protection for them.

  Penny raised her head drowsily, revealing a pair of gray eyes.

  Sol pulled Penny up, "I'll take you out, but you have to be mentally prepared. After you leave here, you and Ada may not be able to continue to settle in this town." Penny stood up following

  Sol's strength. Thinking of leaving his stable home, his face was quite calm.

  "I will take Ada away."

  She seemed like Ada's sister.

  Saul finally searched Shelly's belongings, taking away the valuable ones and leaving behind the worthless ones.

  But he has never found the book that can artificially create wraiths.

  In the end, he could only rub all the witchcraft circles on the ground and restore the places he destroyed according to his own memory.

  Then he took Penny out of the room on the third floor of the tower.

  Just as he reached the spiral staircase, Thor heard people wailing, crying and killing sounds coming from outside the tower.

  problem occurs!
  Thor put his arm around Penny and went down to the bottom.

  The door to the entrance of the tower has been sealed by Xie's witchcraft. He obviously didn't want anyone to disturb him from casting spells.

  So much so that when something goes wrong outside, no one can call him out as his backer.

  Sol asked Penny to stand against the wall, and he opened the door suddenly.

  Outside the door is already a hell on earth.

  The ground was covered with the corpses of the residents of Mofan Town, and there were barbarians running around chasing the living people.

  In the Moshengguo field diagonally opposite, all the walls have been knocked down, and it is a mess. Occasionally, you can see people's hands and feet resting on the rocks, not knowing whether they are alive or dead.

  At this time, the real battlefield has developed to the town wall on the other side.

  The savages tried to climb over the wall, which was not too high for them, while the soldiers tried their best to knock down the savages who climbed up the wall.

  While Thor was observing the situation outside, two barbarians also discovered him.

  The barbarians on the opposite side didn't care about Thor's shock. They raised their knives and slashed at him immediately.

  The sharp weapon whistled sharply in the air, slashing at Thor left and right.

  The barbarian's big mouth exhaled white air excitedly, as if he had seen Thor transform into several pieces.

  However, before their swords fell, one of the barbarians suddenly twisted his body, and his hands and feet were twisted together, as if he was tightly grasped by a palm.

  The soft flesh and blood surrendered first, twisting and breaking with the invisible force.

  But the barbarian's hard skeleton was still stubborn, so much so that it was finally broken, piercing the skin texture and revealing black and red bone spurs.

  The other person also had to stop his attack.

  A stream of black smoke came out of the barbarian's seven orifices, and then the barbarian's exposed skin began to show black marks one by one.

  Finally, there were red tongues of fire that poked out of the skin and ears, rolled the eyes, and set the hair on fire...

  If the first barbarian died happily, it was just in a horrific shape.

  The second person has to endure the pain longer.

  He wailed and used his remaining strength to run towards where he came from, but he only ran a few more steps before his carbonized feet were unable to support his strong body, and he fell to the ground with a crash, raising a cloud of black-gray dust.

  Thor looked in the direction in which the barbarian was escaping, and happened to look into the eyes of a thin barbarian.

  The barbarian's face was covered with unknown paint, and he was riding on another tall barbarian.

  This group of barbarians actually has a priest?

  That's not a small-scale invasion.

  But the wizard apprentice in this place just died because he couldn't think about it.

  Thorme approached the priest and raised his hand.

  The spiritual body begins to become active, and the level 1 witchcraft model engraved in it is instantly awakened and can be stimulated at all times.

  Transparent shadows of soul worms appeared in Thor's palm and began to slowly crawl around his palm.

  Seeing this, the barbarian priest narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "New, wizard apprentice."

  He had never met Thor, but he recognized that he was not from Mofan Town.

  The priest stared at Thor, seemingly considering whether to confront him.

  He suddenly opened his mouth wide and forcefully broke off two teeth with his hands.

  Two streaks of blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth, and he called the two barbarians closest to him.

  "Eat it, block it, wizard."

  The two barbarians took the priest's teeth and swallowed them very obediently.

  After eating the priest's teeth, the two barbarians suddenly roared in pain and struck their chests with both hands.

  Their skin quickly turned from dark to blood red, with an abnormal sheen that seemed to explode if poked.

  But their expressions became more and more excited, and one of them waved his fist and ran towards Thor.

  The barbarian priest did not stay where he was and waited. He raised his wooden staff and struck the barbarian under him on the head.

  "Attack! Mofan!"

  Except for the two red barbarians who ran towards Sol, everyone else dropped their prey and followed their priests towards the already precarious wall of Mofan Town.

  Sol glanced at Mofan Town and saw two familiar people in a nearby house.

  It turned out to be Ada and Jayce!
  Instead of escaping back to the town, they have been hiding in an empty house, taking risks and waiting for the opportunity to rescue Penny.

  They were staring at Thor dumbfounded, not even realizing that they had been exposed.

  Fortunately, the other barbarians were summoned to the town, and they escaped.

  At this time, the two red barbarians were already rushing to Thor.

  Thor showed a sarcastic smile, "Compared to Jayce, I am really despicable." As soon as

  he raised his hand, the two red barbarians immediately slipped under their feet, one after the other, and they all fell to the ground.

  They were still trying hard to get up and grab a large piece of land. But because the ground was greasy, when they tried to adjust their center of gravity, their hands and feet would sink into the ground.

  Thor then casts Searing Breath.

  The two barbarians immediately burst into flames, and a wave of heat rushed towards them.

  But soon Thor discovered that although the two barbarians were burned and howling, they never fell down in the flames, and their skin was slightly charred.

  "Did the priest's teeth enhance their magic resistance?"

  Thor suddenly waved his hand, and two soul borers flew to the red-skinned barbarian.

  "Then let me see the power of this... variant level 1 witchcraft."

   The work is on track, there are only two updates for now, sorry.

  (End of chapter)

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