First pass of Chapter 772

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  The first pass of Chapter 772

  went crazy!
  The huge energy chain penetrated through the void, its arc as tricky as a poisonous snake, and finally penetrated the evil leader's defense and pierced out from his chest.

  The evil demon leader struggled hard, but the energy chains became more and more, trapping him.

  Zhong Ling looked at this scene with a smile on his lips.

  The first flag crowd below burst into thunderous cheers, which also included Zhong Ling's name.

  In a previous confrontation, the evil demon leader whose strength was comparable to that of Xiaotian was almost suppressed by Zhong Ling throughout the whole process, which fully demonstrated Zhong Ling's ability and control over the power of "Aiki". .

  In a sense, Zhong Ling is the well-deserved number one person in Qingming Banner.

  After Zhong Ling trapped the evil demon leader, he quickly closed his hands in a seal. The seal was strange, like the opening and closing of a dragon's mouth.

  When everyone below saw Zhong Ling's sealing technique, they immediately exclaimed in admiration: "Is Qi Shou going to use the "Little Dragon's Breath Technique"? It is said that this was inspired by his observation of the nine-turn technique "Celestial Dragon's Thunder Breath". "

  This demon leader should be doomed."

  "Haha, this time the twenty-eighth floor is still the credit of our first one!"

  Many bannermen cheered proudly.

  Above, Zhong Ling's mouth suddenly bulged, and then he sprayed out towards the seal. The next moment, only a thick torrent of energy was seen, carrying an astonishing domineering power, directly penetrating the void.

  At that moment, it was like a celestial river crossing the sky, rushing towards the struggling evil demon leader with mighty momentum.

  The smile on Zhong Ling's face became even stronger.

  However, just when the torrent of dragon's breath was about to hit the evil demon leader, suddenly all the bannermen in the first part were shocked to find that the surrounding space began to distort violently. The next moment, the scene in front of them seemed to be covered by stones. Like a broken calm surface, ripples began to spread.

  When everyone came back to their senses, they found that everyone had exited the "Aiki" state, and at the same time, their positions appeared outside the main hall.

  In the first part, all the bannermen, including Zhong Ling, looked a little confused and dull at this time.

  Why did it end so suddenly?

  It seems that Zhong Ling's attack has to be a little closer to hit the demon leader?

  "Haha, leader of the Zhongling Banner, it seems that this is the first one of yours to get there first, and the other groups of us have to accept your favor." At this time, at the entrance of the main hall, the flags of the other four groups of the

  Qingming Banner were displayed. Everyone was teleported out, and the banner leaders of the second, third, and fourth divisions all turned their eyes to Zhongling, then raised their hands and smiled.

  The other three bannermen also nodded in admiration.

  "He is worthy of being the strongest leader of the Qingming Banner. It seems that since entering the twentieth floor, he has been the first to clear the first part every time." "

  We just lay back and enjoy it."

  "In the future, the leader of the Qingming Banner will be the Zhongling Banner. Being the leader of the banner is not a bad thing."


  Hearing these many compliments, Zhong Ling did not show the slightest smile on his face. Instead, he looked uncertain.

  In the first part, the bannermen also maintained an awkward silence.

  At this time, the leaders of the three films also realized that something was not right. Why did the first film achieve such results, but all of them looked like they were mourning for their heirs?

  "Giggle, I think you may have congratulated the wrong person. This twenty-eighth floor was cleared first by us in the fifth part." At this time, a somewhat playful and charming laughter came from one side.

  Everyone looked in shock, and then saw the team from the fifth department.

  The one who spoke was none other than Zhao Yanzhi.

  "Is it Li Luo, the leader of the banner, who took the lead in defeating the evil demon leader on the 28th floor?" the second banner leader said in surprise. "This can't be false. After all, you can ask the elders to inquire." Mu Bi laughed.

  Immediately, the other four branches of the Qingming Banner turned to Li Luo, who had not spoken, with stunned expressions. No one expected that this time, the one who was the first to get through the twenty-eighth floor would be the fifth branch!

  The previous fifth part was the one with the slowest progress!
  Obviously, this radical change must be related to Li Luo, the new leader.

  When the banner members in the fifth part felt the gazes of others, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. At the same time, they also increasingly recognized and supported Li Luo, the new banner leader.

  "Haha, Li Luo's banner leader is really surprising. From now on, our Qingming Banner will have another tiger general." The other three banner leaders also smiled at Li Luo at this time, with a kind attitude.

  There is not much competition between them and Li Luo. After all, they know that they have no chance of being at the top of the flag. Now that Li Luo continues to show amazing things, it may be possible to catch up with Zhong Ling in the future, so they naturally also I won't have too much of an enmity with Luo Li.

  Li Luo also smiled and returned the greetings one by one.

  When the first part saw the fifth part being so proud, the bannermen couldn't help but said bitterly: "Why are you so proud? I just got lucky and passed the level once. We are obviously going to kill that evil spirit." Kill the demon leader."

  However, no one paid attention to such words, after all, no one cared how close the second place was to catching up.

  After Zhong Ling's expression changed for a moment, he finally calmed down his emotions. There was no expression on his face. He was too lazy to do some superficial things with Li Luo. Instead, he waved his hand and said in a slightly gloomy voice: " The first part, prepare to enter the twenty-ninth floor."

  In the first part, the bannermen looked at each other. They had just experienced a hard battle that lasted for several hours, and now they were going to directly challenge the twenty-ninth floor without interruption?
  According to the past rhythm, it is time to take a rest at this time, especially in the 28th floor, they have also been eliminated by hundreds of bannermen. If they take some rest, some of them may be able to regain their fighting strength.

  The bannermen tried to persuade, but under Zhong Ling's gloomy face, no one dared to speak in the end, so the first part, who had just come out of the Demonic Cave, set out to enter again.

  Looking at the first group led by Zhong Ling who entered the Evil Demon Cave again, the other four groups of Qingming Banner were a little stunned. In the end, the leaders of the second, third, and fourth groups all gave a wry smile.

  "Fifth Division Banners, rest where you are." Li Luo ignored Zhong Ling who entered the Evil Demon Cave again in anger, but gave the order calmly.

  Zhong Ling's move was obviously out of anger, so it was naturally impossible for him to follow him.

  Zhao Yanzhi also ordered at this time: "The bannermen who have the ability to restore injuries, follow me to help the bannermen who have been eliminated before to heal their injuries." Then

  some bannermen got up and followed Zhao Yanzhi to find the bannermen who had been seriously injured and eliminated. A lot of people.

  Li Luo sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes slightly closed, but his mind sank into the Shuiguang Palace.

  There were many Earthly Evil mysterious lights flying in it. Li Luo felt it slightly, and there was a touch of joy in his heart. He had previously opened the twenty-eighth floor, and finally obtained 112 Earthly Evil mysterious lights here.

  This is equivalent to refining nearly twenty high-grade Yuansha Pills!
  And you must know that the monthly salary of Qingming Banner for the first month is only this amount.

  It can be seen from this that the gift of the Evil Demon Cave is really rich for people of the Earth Evil General level.

  The most important thing is that this is only the twenty-eighth level. If the number of advanced levels becomes higher later, how rich will the harvest be?

  At this thought, even Li Luo's mind couldn't help but feel excited and yearned for it.

  At this moment, he finally understood that among the twenty flags, it was probably not the monthly salary that truly revealed the five meridians of the Sky Dragon, but the seventy-two-story Evil Demon Cave.

  "It took nearly five hours to clear the twenty-eighth floor. After deducting the rest time, if we can clear the three floors in three days, we will probably get about 500 earth evil spirits during this trip to the Evil Demon Cave. Xuan Guang.”

  Li Luo was pleasantly surprised. If he calculated it this way, within three months, he might be able to strengthen the two palaces to the level of the Great Evil Palace.

  Even exceeded expectations!
  Next, Li Luo led his troops to rest for two hours, while Zhao Yanzhi also completed the treatment of more than 20 injured bannermen. They recovered most of their combat strength and could continue the next battle in the Evil Demon Cave.

  Of course, there are still dozens of seriously injured bannermen left, and they will have no choice but to miss the rest of the battle.

  The bannermen of the fifth part gathered behind Li Luo, and their momentum seemed high-spirited and powerful. This made the bannermen of the second part, the third part, and the fourth part who were about to enter at the same time look at them with some sideways eyes. Obviously, after the twenty-eighth After the first-level results, the confidence of the fifth part was finally achieved.

  And all of this was brought about by the new flag leader for the fifth part.

  Among the many complicated glances, Li Luo's expression was calm. With just one order, the fifth part with high momentum began the second expedition to the Demonic Cave.

  (End of chapter)

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