Chapter 987 Jiang Wanyu

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  Chapter 987 Jiang Wanyu and

  Li Luo's figure fell in front of Li Fengyi and the others. He stared at the girl in the fiery red dress. The latter's appearance was extremely bright and attractive, and there was a bit of coldness and arrogance in her eyes, like thorns. Fire rose.

  He didn't pay attention to the other party's ridicule. He first glanced at Li Fengyi and the others and asked, "Are you okay?"

  Among the three, Li Jingtao was intact, and although Li Fengyi was targeted, he didn't suffer much injuries. On the contrary, the golden armor on Deng Fengxian's body, where the power was flowing, was somewhat seriously damaged.

  Li Fengyi glanced at Deng Fengxian, hesitated, and said, "Are you okay? Why don't you help me if you have nothing to do? I can handle it myself, I don't need your help." It turned out that in the previous confrontation, Jiang Wanyu tried to

  use When Li Fengyi was looking for a breakthrough, Deng Fengxian took the initiative to meet her and shared a lot of pressure for her, but this also cost him some money.

  She was somewhat grateful for this, but she was used to targeting Deng Fengxian in the past, so she couldn't express her gratitude for a while and could only speak in a stiff tone.

  Deng Fengxian didn't care and said, "I have gold armor to protect my body, so it doesn't matter."

  Li Fengyi muttered, but in the end she didn't say anything else.

  "Third brother, you came just in time. We found a batch of spiritual golden dew here before, and then they came too, so they started fighting." Li Jingtao said with a smile.

  Li Luo nodded, he could guess this.

  However, when they were talking, Jiang Wanyu's eyes were cold. She did not show any shyness because of Li Luo's arrival. On the contrary, the fiery red ruler in her hand pointed at Li Luo provocatively.

  "If my guess is correct, you should be Li Luo, the Dragon Head of the Twenty Banners of Li Tianwang's generation. I don't know if your Dragon Head is really worthy of the name." Li Luo said with a smile: "Then what do you think

  ? How to do it?"

  He had no intention of making enemies with the people from Tianyuan Ancient Academy. After all, he wanted to use this as an opportunity to see if he could have a relationship with the people from Tianyuan Ancient Academy. However, he could tell that the girl in front of him was also arrogant. Lord, when dealing with such people, I'm afraid it would be more effective to show strength.

  "Try your skills!"

  Jiang Wanyu's character seemed to be as fiery as his temperament. As soon as she finished speaking, her figure shot towards Li Luo. She waved the jade ruler in her hand and drew suddenly into the void in front of her.

  A crack suddenly appeared in the void at this moment, and the next moment, a deafening roar of dragons sounded, and a fire dragon burning with blazing flames violently rushed out of the void, enveloping the sky with raging flames. With an extremely domineering attitude, he roared away at Li Luo.

  Li Luo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw Jiang Wanyu's art of ennoblement, because this art was too familiar to him.

  Immediately, Li Luo woke up and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  He formed a seal with one hand, and the phase force in his body spurted out, and he slashed it with a single sword.

  A gap opened in the void, and the sound of rushing water could be heard. A black dragon, riding the cold water, also appeared through the void, and finally collided directly with the red fire dragon.

  The two collided together, and the sky was filled with high-temperature water mist. The two forces with different attributes eroded and melted each other.

  After a long while, the aftermath gradually subsided.

  Li Luo put away his sword and stood up. He looked at Jiang Wanyu. At this time, the latter's cold and arrogant pretty face was full of shock. She looked at Li Luo in disbelief and said in silence: "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag?! How do you know the art of ennobling me from Tianyuan Ancient Academy!"

  As an elite student in Tianyuan Ancient Academy, Jiang Wanyu is too familiar with the art of ennobling Li Luo, because it is similar to the one she used. "Red Dragon Lihuo Banner" comes from the same feudal art!

  The feudal art called "Three Dragons and Heavenly Banner Code" is of destiny level! Such a level of feudal art is at the top level even in their Tianyuan Ancient Academy.

  The "Red Dragon Lihuo Flag" practiced by Jiang Wanyu is one of them, and the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" used by Li Luo is also one of them!

  Jiang Wanyu's dream is to complete the "Three Dragons Sky Flag Code", so she is very familiar with the three techniques in it, including the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag"! So when Li Luo performed this technique, she recognized him at a glance. When Li Luo heard this, he smiled faintly and did not answer directly. Instead, he turned his attention to another battle circle, where Zong Sha from Tianyuan Ancient Academy was fighting against Li Fuling and Lu Ze alone. However, Zong Sha relied on his eight The level advantage of the Star Pearl Realm, on the contrary, slightly suppressed the three of them.

  However, this situation was completely reversed with the arrival of Li Lingjing.

  Li Lingjing didn't have anything to be polite about. She came over quickly, and when she waved the green bamboo and green snake staff in her hand, a majestic poisonous light containing astonishing force directly hit Zong Sha's head and face.

  The poisonous light passed by, causing the void to shake violently. The power caused Li Fuling and others to change their expressions.

  Zong Sha was even more frightened. Li Lingjing's attack made him feel a strong sense of threat. He immediately did not dare to neglect. He opened his mouth and sprayed out countless gold sands. These gold sands were quite mysterious, as if they were possessed by some kind of treasure. change.

  The golden sand fell on Zong Sha's fist and turned into a golden sand glove. When he punched out, golden light suddenly emitted, like a rising sun.

  The golden fist light collided with the poisonous light, and a violent energy shock wave suddenly swept away, shaking Li Fuling and the three of them back again and again, and their blood surged.

  And Zong Sha also shook his body, his figure retreated backwards, his eyes became solemn. Is this woman also the genius of Li Tianwang's generation? But why is there no information about her? From the information he knows, the strongest person from King Li Tian's lineage who entered the Spiritual Aspect Cave this time should be Li Wuyuan, but obviously, the woman in front of him is not Li Wuyuan.

  When he retreated, Li Lingjing had no intention of letting him go. His delicate body flashed and he chased after him. He waved the green bamboo and green snake staff in his hand, and the overwhelming shadow of the staff seemed to turn into endless green snakes, facing straight towards him. Zongsha roared down.

  "Sealing Marquis Technique, Golden Sand Storm!"

  Seeing this, Zong Sha did not dare to neglect, let out a long roar, formed seals with his hands, and at the same time, continuous golden sand flew out of his sleeves, as if turning into a storm, colliding with the countless stick shadows.

  Boom boom!

  Amazing energy fluctuations continue to erupt in the void.

  This confrontation did not last long, and the golden sand in the sky gradually dried up. Zong Sha retreated and fell next to Jiang Wanyu. He stared at Li Lingjing with fearful eyes and said at the same time: "The situation is not good, the other party is coming. Get reinforcements, let's prepare to retreat."

  Jiang Wanyu ignored him, but stared at Li Luo and continued to ask: "Why do you practice the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag"?" "

  Black Dragon Mingshui Flag?"

  Zong Sha heard this , was also shocked, looked at Li Luo suspiciously, and said: "This Black Dragon Mingshui Flag is the secret technique of our academy alliance. You are a member of the lineage of King Li Tian, ​​where did you learn this technique?" Li Luo handed over his hand

  . He smiled and said: "Two friends from Tianyuan Ancient Academy, we had a misunderstanding earlier. Can you please take a moment to talk about it." "Please

  explain the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" first. Our Tianyuan Ancient Academy has an inspection team. What's wrong with you? If there is no legitimate reason, even if you are a member of Li Tianwang's lineage, the academy will send someone to investigate." Zong Sha said.

  Li Luo smiled and said: "Before coming to Longya Vein, I practiced at Shengxuanxing Academy in Outer China, and the "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag" was naturally cultivated from there." "So strictly

  speaking , I can also be considered a member of the school alliance."

  "Outer China? Shengxuanxing School?"

  Zong Sha and Jiang Wanyu looked at each other. They knew that some holy schools did obtain knowledge from major ancient schools. There are some incomplete sealing techniques, so Li Luo's words are somewhat credible. After all, whether he has really stayed in the Holy Academy in the past can be determined by checking and there is no room for fraud.

  As a result, the expressions of both of them softened, and their gazes looking at Li Luo became less wary and hostile.

  After all, as Li Luo said, although he only came from the Holy Academy, it was still considered the academy alliance and belonged to the same camp as them.

  So, after a slight hesitation, the two people finally slowly descended.

  (End of chapter)

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