Chapter 985 Don’t like the light

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  Chapter 985: I don’t like the light.

  There was chaos in the broken golden hall.

  Teams from all forces and casual cultivators were running around in shock, wanting to leave this ghost place as quickly as possible. Although the aliens had been eliminated, the shadow of death still prevented them from staying.

  Of course, there are a few people who are greedy and want to try to find some treasures.

  At the same time, among these scattered crowds, there are also those polluters. At this time, they are like out-of-control walking zombies, running around aimlessly. In the process of escaping, their bodies are still gradually disintegrating, and their flesh and blood Falling off, revealing the dense white bones. Looking at it like this, after losing the control of the soul-eating demon, these polluters will disappear from the world sooner or later.

  Therefore, no one wants to be contaminated by these dirty things, lest they accidentally get eroded by themselves, then they will really regret it.

  Li Lingjing's figure moved vigorously across many courtyards and on top of stone pavilions. Her fair and beautiful cheeks showed no expression, and there was also an indifferent brilliance flowing in her almond-shaped eyes.

  He looked like he should not be approached by strangers.

  Originally, some of the teams that were evacuating here wanted to say hello when they saw her, but seeing her cold look, they shivered and ran away.

  Li Lingjing ignored these people. She followed the subtle sensations and shuttled through the vast golden palaces expressionlessly. After a long time, a dark bamboo forest appeared in front of her.

  Li Lingjing grasped the green bamboo and green snake staff with five fingers and walked in slowly.

  The light in the bamboo forest was dim and exuded a cold air. Li Lingjing stared at the bamboo forest and saw the figure of a polluter sitting slumped there. At this time, the polluter seemed to have completely lost his life, exuding... Fishy smell.

  But Li Lingjing just looked at it indifferently, and then said calmly: "What's the use of pretending to be dead? Don't you want to eat me? Come on, I'll deliver it to you." But when her voice fell, the polluter showed no sign of it

  . movement.

  Li Lingjing took a step forward, and then suddenly swung the green bamboo and green snake staff in his hand to the right, poisonous light swept across, and a faint fragrance filled the bamboo forest.

  The shadow of the staff swept by the poisonous light fell, and actually hit a severed limb that was shot suddenly.

  On the severed limb, the flesh and blood seemed to be crawling.

  Li Lingjing's physical strength exploded, exploding the severed limb, and a lot of pale flesh and bones were scattered all over the ground.

  And just as the flesh and blood spurted out, a black light that was imperceptible to the naked eye suddenly shot toward Li Lingjing's eyebrows.

  The black light is extremely fast and cannot be detected by ordinary Dzi Beads.

  But when the black light was still a few feet away from Li Lingjing's eyebrows, a white and slender jade hand stretched out out of thin air, and with a sudden squeeze of five fingers, he grabbed the black light in his hand.

  Li Lingjing stared at his hand with cold eyes, and saw a strange black insect appearing there. The black insect was only an inch in size, but its face was a twisted human face, and its insect limbs were all without flesh and blood. The white bones were transformed by human hands.


  At this time, the strange black insect was still struggling fiercely, and it erupted with a overwhelming negative aura. Under this aura, even a strong person in the Heavenly Pearl Realm would be contaminated by it, and then turned into a polluter.

  But Li Lingjing allowed the polluted air to come in. Her red lips curled up with a look of contempt, and she whispered softly: "I have experienced so much despair and madness, but in the end I was able to preserve my clarity. How can you still erode me?" "You soul-eating demons are really disgusting."

  Li Lingjing looked at the "weird black insect" in his hand and asked as if talking to himself: "You are the second alien species, so is the number one alien species? Also entered the spiritual cave?"

  The strange black worm squirmed, and the twisted human face suddenly let out a weird laugh: "No. 3, you will definitely be eaten by it! You can't escape! Only the last one Only the alien species can become the most perfect form! That is a supreme masterpiece!"

  Li Lingjing said thoughtfully, softly: "The perfect form?"

  "Listen to what you said, can alien species increase their strength by eating each other?"

  Her dark and bright almond-shaped eyes stared at the strange black insect in her hand, and the smile on her red lips was a little strange: "Doesn't that mean I can also eat you?" The

  strange black insect seemed to freeze, and then it He struggled violently, trying to escape.

  Li Lingjing's eyes were dark, and she was standing in the dim bamboo forest holding a green bamboo and green snake staff. She had a heart-stopping sense of darkness, as if she was a Rakshasa in the abyss.

  Finally, Li Lingjing took out a black jade bottle engraved with runes and threw the strange black insect in. At the same time, with the help of the green bamboo and green snake staff, she sprayed out an extremely condensed poisonous light and fell into the jade bottle. With the help of the poison, The light continuously melts the body of the strange black insect, making it unable to regain its strength.

  Li Lingjing held the jade bottle, her eyes flickered for a moment, and then she sighed softly and put the jade bottle away close to her body.

  After doing this, she walked out of the dim bamboo forest. When she walked into the bright light, she was obviously uncomfortable, and couldn't help but take a step back and stand in the darkness.

  This habitual reaction made Li Lingjing stunned for a moment, then he laughed at himself and murmured: "It seems that I still prefer darkness, light is not suitable for me." At this time, there was a sudden sound not far ahead

  . When the wind blew, Li Lingjing looked up and saw Li Luo's figure rushing towards this direction from a distance. The latter seemed to have a look of worry on his face.

  Looking at Li Luo, Li Lingjing was silent for a moment, then with a bright smile on her pretty face, she stepped out of the shadows and waved to Li Luo from a distance.

  Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Li Lingjing's figure and quickly landed.

  "Cousin Lingjing, your injury is also very serious. Why are you running around at this time? I have collected enough Lingxiang Golden Dew here. There is no need to look for it anymore." Li Luo complained.

  Behind Li Luo, Zhu Dayu and Zhu Zhu also followed.

  Facing Li Luo's complaint, Li Lingjing nodded in agreement with a smile, and then her eyes paused on the former, and said with some surprise: "Your strength seems to have improved somewhat."

  Hearing this, Li Luo smiled humbly and said: "It's a small gain, the evil spirit has only increased by fifteen feet."

  Although the power of the "Golden Holy Fire Talisman" previously brought great pain to Li Luo , but it also benefited him a lot. The evil spirit in his body was originally only about 70 feet, but it was greatly improved, and now it has reached about 85 feet.

  Li Luo's current plan is to go to the Golden Terrace and use the power of the Golden Terrace to refine the "Nine Aperture Refining Pill". By then, he may be able to complete the final sprint.

  First, step into the extreme realm of extreme evil.

  At that time, breaking through to the Heavenly Pearl Realm would be a matter of course!
  (End of chapter)

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