Chapter 963 Meeting Qin Yi

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  Chapter 963 Meeting Qin Yi
  The "golden palace" mentioned by the casual cultivators was actually not difficult to find, because after Li Luo and Li Lingjing flew in that direction for about two hours, they began to feel that there was more and more danger. Many figures came through the sky, coming from all directions. Looking at their direction, it was obvious that they were the same as Li Luo and the others.

  Obviously, the news about the "Golden Hall" has spread during this period of time.

  However, this also shows from the side that those casual cultivators did not lie, and the existence of the "Golden Hall" is real.

  So Li Luo and Li Lingjing quickly sped up. After half a day, they saw a mountain range wrapped in thick clouds and mist appear in their field of vision.

  This mountain range is covered by clouds and mist all year round, making it impossible to peer into it and making it appear somewhat mysterious.

  At this time, there were many figures staying in various places outside the mountain range. They looked at the cloud mountain range and did not dare to break in for a while, because many people had escaped from it before, saying in fear Anyone who approaches the golden palace will be killed by the guardian.

  This has left many explorers confused. Do those "guardians" really exist?
  When Li Luo and Li Lingjing came down, their eyes swept, and then they saw a mountain not far away, where many people gathered.

  In the center of the figure, there is a beautiful silhouette. Her long hair is flowing, and her every frown and smile exudes an extremely charming aura. Her beautiful eyes are like a refreshing spring, making people addicted.

  It was Qin Yi.

  Beside Qin Yi, there were many young figures with extraordinary momentum. Judging from their demeanor, they were obviously top talents from all forces. There was unconcealable enthusiasm and admiration in their eyes when they looked at Qin Yi.

  There is no way, with Qin Yi's reputation as a "Water Fairy" among the younger generation of Tianyuan Shenzhou, few young people can resist her charm.

  "Is that Qin Yi, who belongs to the lineage of King Qin Tian? She is a ninth-grade water element. She is truly the pride of heaven, and she is so beautiful. No wonder the geniuses from all over the world are fascinated by her." Li Lingjing was also the same. Attracted by Qin Yi's beauty, she sighed.

  Then she urged: "Cousin Li Luo, it is much more difficult to deal with such a person than General Zhao. As long as she shows a little bit of hostility towards you, the subordinates around her will make things difficult for you." Li

  Luo Luo said helplessly: "I can't do anything about the grievances of the previous generation." "The

  man in black next to her is very powerful. He must be her protector." Li Lingjing reminded.

  Hearing this, Li Luo looked behind Qin Yi. There stood a thin man in black. The man's face was indifferent, but the sharp and murderous intention emanating from his eyebrows made those who tried to get close to Qin Yi... The geniuses from all sides restrained their steps and did not dare to offend too much.

  Li Luo thought for a moment and said, "This person is called Qin Ying. He was the leader of the previous twenty-third battalion of King Qin Tianwang. His strength should not be weaker than that of Li Wuyuan and Zhao Yan." When he set off

  , I have seen some information about almost all major king-level powers, so I have some impressions of this Qin Ying.

  While the two were talking, Qin Yi and Qin Ying on the hilltop not far away also noticed something. They immediately turned their eyes and saw Li Luo and Li Lingjing.

  Seeing Li Luo, Qin Yi's beautiful eyes like clear springs flashed with a strange color. Then she smiled and heard a soft voice: "Li Luo, since you're here, why don't you come over and talk about it? We have someone here." With more information, we might be able to cooperate temporarily."

  As Qin Yi spoke, many young people around him also cast their eyes at Li Luo with different expressions, and when they saw Li Luo's appearance, their faces changed. It's just a little unnatural, because regardless of other things, just with this glorious appearance, Li Luo is indeed outstanding and scary.

  When Li Luo heard Qin Yi's initiative to greet him, he thought for a moment, but did not show any fear. Instead, he smiled and said, "Fairy Qin invited me, how dare you not come?"

  Qin Yi is a very smart girl, and the intelligence issues here that Li Luo is most concerned about from the moment she opens her mouth, so this makes him completely unable to refuse.

  After finishing speaking, Li Luo looked at Li Lingjing again and said seriously: "Cousin Lingjing, please protect me seriously."

  Li Lingjing said with a smile: "You promised so readily, I thought you were sure of yourself."

  Li Luo He said confidently: "My confidence is you, Cousin Lingjing."

  Then he flapped his energy dragon wings, soared into the sky, and after ten breaths, he landed on the top of the mountain where Qin Yi and the others were.

  And with Li Luo's arrival, the geniuses from various forces surrounding Qin Yi also cast some hostile glances at him, as if they wanted to declare to Li Luo what it meant to be on a first come, first served basis. Li Luo didn't pay attention to the looks of these people, but looked at Qin Yi and said with a smile: "Is it dangerous here? You actually took the initiative to ask me for cooperation." Before Qin Yi could speak, a young man in golden robe beside him

  said He smiled lightly and said, "Maybe it's not necessarily because of you, but because of the girl following you."

  Li Luo glanced at him, but before he spoke, the latter said calmly: "My lord, Jin Yanzong, Chen Ping , I have seen Li Luo Longshou."

  Jin Yanzong is also a top force in Tianyuan Shenzhou. There are king-level powerhouses in it, and this Chen Ping is the leader among the younger generation.

  From Chen Ping's body, Li Luo could feel quite strong fluctuations in phase force. He thought that this person had also entered the Dzi Bead Realm, perhaps the level of the One-Star Dzi Bead Realm.

  "I heard that Li Luo's dragon head is now in the extreme evil realm?" Chen Ping stared at Li Luo and asked with an inexplicable smile.

  "Is there a problem?" Li Luo smiled.

  "I'm just asking. After all, I have never heard of any dragon head of King Li Tian's lineage who has not even advanced to the Heavenly Pearl Realm." Chen Ping said.

  Some of the other men around him smiled, knowing that Chen Ping was giving Li Luo eye drops.

  This is a good thing, lest this leader of King Li's lineage be too strong and steal their limelight.

  Hearing this, Li Luo also showed a smile and said: "You are right, but I can achieve this unprecedented achievement mainly due to my daily hard work and peerless talent. In fact, it has nothing to do with the resources of Longya Vein. It doesn't matter, after all, you all should know that I have only returned to Longya Vein for less than a year."

  The smiles on everyone's faces froze slightly, and Chen Ping was also stunned. What I meant in my words was that Are you unprecedented?

  However, in a sense, this seems to be true.

  "Li Luo's Dragon Head is indeed extraordinary. Even though he stayed in a place like Outer China for more than ten years, within less than a year after returning to the Dragon Fang Vein, he was still able to suppress many of the geniuses of the Five Heavenly Dragon Veins with extremely evil strength and obtain the position of Dragon Head. Even Qin Yi has to admire this achievement." At this time, Qin Yi also smiled sweetly and nodded in praise.

  Li Luo glanced at her with a smile and said, "No need to talk nonsense. I wonder if Fairy Qin has any valuable information here?"

  Qin Yi was not angry at his straightforwardness, but took out A piece of jade, the jade bloomed with light, and suddenly intertwined into a piece of light and shadow in front of everyone.

  The scene in the light and shadow seemed to be within a mountain forest, and in the hazy place in the distance, a golden hall could be vaguely seen emerging among the shadows of the trees.

  But at this time, a war was breaking out in the light and shadow.

  Many figures rushed out quickly, with powerful phase energy rising all over their bodies. Many of them had bright dzi beads emerging from behind them, trying to rush towards the direction of the golden hall.

  But they did not succeed, because at this moment, some figures came out of the mountains and forests, and they directly performed amazingly powerful physiognomy. The majestic energy rose into the sky, and with the torrent of those physiognomy, it washed past, and even those The intruders in the Heavenly Pearl Realm were all wiped out in an instant.

  Only some lucky people retreated with fear on their faces.

  The light and shadow stopped abruptly here, and then settled on those mysterious figures. Their expressions showed no emotion at all, as if they had no emotions at all.

  What caught Li Luo's attention was that they seemed to be wearing uniform robes, with all the phenomena of heaven and earth engraved on them.

  In this special environment, these people wearing unified sect robes appeared, so Li Luo guessed their identities almost instantly.

  Could these people be disciples of the "Shadowless Sect"?

  (End of chapter)

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