Chapter 961 Duo

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  Chapter 961 The Duo:

  When the people from Li Tianwang's lineage came out of the mountain forest, they did not meet anyone from Zhao Tianwang's lineage again. It seemed that Zhao Yan really didn't want to start a decisive battle with them at this time. of war.

  The overall strength of the two sides is about the same. Without the intervention of strong external forces, it is not easy to determine the outcome. The most likely possibility is that both sides will retreat after paying a heavy price.

  At this time, if there are foreign enemies spying secretly, maybe both sides' trip to the "spiritual cave" will end early.

  So even though Zhao Yan was filled with rage and wanted to cut Li Luo into pieces, he still could only lead the crowd to retreat.

  As for the Flame Demon Palace, as early as when Zhao Yan gave the retreat signal, Tian Miao led his people to leave decisively. It seems that at that time, he also scolded Zhao Yan bloody.

  However, although there was no trace of Zhao Tianwang's lineage, the team of Tianlong Five Lines still kept moving forward collectively to avoid being killed by Zhao Tianwang's lineage.

  The team began to go deeper in the direction of the "Golden Terrace" and also began to enter the deeper area of ​​the Spiritual Aspect Cave.

  But this situation only lasted for half a day, and the leaders of each lineage gathered together and began to discuss the next step.

  "Everyone, at this point, I'm afraid we can't continue to move forward together like this." Li Wuyuan was the first to speak, with a look of helplessness on his face, because after half a day, they also discovered some "spiritual golden dew", but so far Compared with the previous experience in the mountains and forests, the results are really far behind.

  Only one or two drops can be found each time, but the five-line team has nearly a hundred people in total. Not only do these pitiful few drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew" not make people happy, but every time they find it, the teams of each line will be overwhelmed due to distribution problems. Even if there is a little dispute, it will be settled as soon as possible, but if it happens too many times, it will really drag down the efficiency, which is annoying.

  "Zhao Tianwang's lineage should also have withdrawn. They can't stay with them for so long, so this collective model can indeed be changed." Li Luo also agreed with this, because according to past practice, it is best to use the two methods at this time. People advance in teams in a scattered manner, each looking for the "spiritual golden dew". In this way, more people can have sufficient authority before reaching the "golden terrace".

  The leaders of other factions also nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

  "In this case, let each lineage form their own teams. Let's disperse here first and then gather together at the "Golden Terrace" later." Li Wuyuan said.

  Everyone nodded, and Li Luo and Li Fuling also walked back to Longya Vein.

  Li Luo explained to everyone and said: "Now it is the most efficient way to disperse our operations, so next we will form a team, high and low, to work together to take care of each other." The so-called high and low teaming up refers to a Gao Xing Dzi

  . Bringing along a person with lower strength can ensure the high-level combat effectiveness of the duo and effectively allocate suitable teams.

  "I'll team up with cousin Li Luo. After all, my mission this time is to protect him."

  Li Lingjing heard this and spoke first, then she glanced at Li Fuling and smiled: "Fu Ling, you won't fight with me, right? "

  Li Fuling curled her lips and said: "It's not a fragrant steamed bun. If there's anything to grab, I'll team up with Fengyi."

  Then the others also quickly formed a team. In fact, this can be regarded as a setting from the beginning. Okay, Deng Fengxian is teaming up with Lu Ze, and Li Jingtao is teaming up with the leader of the previous Ziqi Banner.

  Seeing that everyone had assigned the duo, Li Luo smiled and said: "In that case, let me first wish everyone here to collect enough "Spiritual Golden Dew", and we will meet at the "Golden Terrace"."

  "Brother, be careful yourself." Li Fengyi warned.

  Li Luo nodded with a smile and said, "When you encounter danger, you can send our Dragon Tooth Vein signal. If I sense it here, I will come to the rescue at full speed." "You too, this time

  Zhao Tianwang's bloodline is filled with hatred. If there is a chance, they will definitely take revenge on you." Li Jingtao reminded.

  Li Luo agreed.

  So next, the five branches of Tianlong all made their arrangements, said goodbye to each other, and then saw many two-person teams dispersed and flew out of the sky.

  Li Luo and Li Lingjing also chose a direction to move forward. He flapped his energy dragon wings at an unhurried speed, while next to him, Li Lingjing was flying in the air surrounded by strong force.

  The two of them passed through mountains and rivers, and occasionally found some places where the energy of heaven and earth was strong, so they landed to investigate.

  Usually it was Li Luo who was searching, but Li Lingjing followed him leisurely, picked a branch and waved it casually. At the same time, she made a simple leaf whistle with leaves, put it next to her mouth and blew Qingyue. sound. It looks indescribably leisurely and elegant.

  Sometimes when he encounters a "guardian spirit", it is usually Li Luo who takes action. At this time, Li Lingjing is smiling and whistling for him to cheer him up.

  Occasionally, we will meet some groups of unruly casual cultivators. These casual cultivators are like wolves, greedy and fierce. Their low strength is only at the evil body level, and their high strength is as high as several stars and dzi beads. If it is just Li Luo, , it may not be easy to escape when you meet these people. After all, no one here cares about your identity and background. If you really rob or kill them, no one knows.

  But the good thing is that Li Luo also has a reliable guard like Li Lingjing, whose strength is comparable to the Eight-Star Dzi Bead Realm, which is enough to scare these greedy casual cultivators from having any dissent.

  So the two days passed quietly due to the tacit understanding between the two.

  After two days, they had harvested eight drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew". Adding in the previous allocations from the valley, both of them now had about fifteen drops each, which was half the target.

  However, no one would object to having too much "spiritual phase golden dew", because even if thirty drops of golden dew are collected to open the golden terrace authority, the extra can still be used to temper one's own phase. In a sense , this "spiritual golden dew" is equivalent to a kind of "spiritual water and strange light" produced by heaven and earth.

  If this thing were placed in the outside world, it would definitely attract a lot of pursuit, but unfortunately, once the spiritual phase golden dew leaves the spiritual phase cave, it will only be preserved for a short time.

  However, Li Luo and Li Lingjing are not in a hurry. There is still time, and it should not be difficult for them to gather thirty drops of "Spiritual Golden Dew".

  In the vast wilderness, bonfires rose.

  Li Luo took out the prepared dried meat from the space ball and placed it on the bonfire to roast. The golden fat dripped down, causing sparks to explode in the bonfire, and a strong fragrance filled the air.

  Li Lingjing sat aside obediently, staring at the dried meat with bright eyes, looking eager.

  Li Luo played with the barbecue and smiled at Li Lingjing: "Cousin Lingjing seems to be much more relaxed these days."

  Li Lingjing's fair and fair nose gently inhaled the aroma of the barbecue and said: "It is indeed more relaxed when there are no other people."

  Li Luoton After a pause, he said, "Cousin Lingjing doesn't seem to like contact with people now?"

  Li Lingjing lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Maybe it's the sequelae of the past few years."

  Li Luo inserted a piece of crispy barbecue with a bamboo skewer. He handed it to Li Lingjing and said softly: "Cousin Lingjing, don't worry, the nightmares of the past have passed. With your talent, you will definitely be the unparalleled genius of my Longya vein in the future, and it will be just around the corner to become a marquis and king." Li Lingjing covered her hands with her bare hands

  . She pressed her red lips and gently tore off a strand of flesh with her teeth. The red lips looked even more delicate and charming under the grease. There seemed to be a smile in her eyes as she said, "Cousin Li Luo speaks so nicely." ."

  "When we parted before, cousin Li Fengyi also asked me privately to take good care of you. You have many enemies. In addition to Zhao Tianwang's lineage, there is also the famous Qin Tianwang lineage who has the most outstanding reputation in Tianyuan Shenzhou. "Water Fairy", so don't worry, even if there are no such nice words, I will protect you conscientiously."

  Then she smiled strangely and said: "Of course, that "Water Fairy" is a stunning woman, if cousin Li Luo is If you don't want me to intervene, you can handle it yourself."

  Li Luo rolled his eyes, finished the barbecue in a few seconds, and then started practicing.

  Li Lingjing, on the other hand, was sitting by the campfire, holding a stick and stirring the firewood. Suddenly, she paused with her bare hands, frowning slightly, and at the same time, her eyes were looking into the darkness in the distance.

  Ever since she entered the spiritual cave, she had a strange feeling, as if something was staring at her.

  That feeling was cold and strange, giving her a vaguely familiar feeling.

  Li Lingjing's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a frightening emotion flowed deep in her pupils. She slowly used her slender fingers to crush the wooden stick into pieces.

  "Don't force me."

  As the campfire crackled, there seemed to be an inaudible whisper.

  (End of chapter)

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