Chapter 950 Changes

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  Chapter 950 Changes
  When Luo Li entered the energy portal, he suddenly felt the world spinning, the space around him seemed to be violently distorted, and the scene in front of him kept changing.

  At that moment, Li Luo seemed to be placed in the void. He cast his gaze downwards, and a vast space appeared in his field of vision, with mountains stretching across it, as if it were a continent.

  In this space, countless mysterious auras rose, and those auras made the three palaces in Li Luo's body buzz slightly, as if they were longing for it.

  "Is this the Spiritual Aspect Cave?"

  Li Luo thought thoughtfully. Judging from the reaction of the Xiang Palace in his body, this Spiritual Aspect Cave is indeed very attractive to the improvement of relativity.

  And just when Li Luo was immersed in the brief overlooking of the cave, his expression suddenly changed, and he cast his gaze into the depths of the cave, because at this moment, the three phases in his body suddenly started to operate uncontrollably, and one phase after another began to flow. Rushing through the body.

  Even the "Small Phaseless Divine Forging Technique", which had been silent for a long time, started to operate autonomously.

  This sudden change shocked Li Luo. With a thought, he quickly controlled the surging phase forces to prevent them from running around and causing damage to himself.

  Fortunately, this change only lasted for a few breaths and then quietly disappeared, and the three phase forces gradually returned to their respective palaces.

  But Li Luo was still a little frightened, and he looked into the depths of the cave in surprise. The changes in his body just now must be because of this spiritual cave.

  What is the reason?
  Li Luo wondered in his mind, could it be that his acquired appearance was caused by practicing the Xiaowuxiang Divine Forging Technique? After all, the Little Wuxiang Divine Forging Technique originated from the "Shadowless Saint Sect", and this spiritual cave may also be the work of the "Shadowless Saint Sect", so if there is any connection between the two, it would be It's normal.

  Just as he was thinking about this, the space distortion around him began to become violent, and then he felt that the figure seemed to be falling rapidly. After a few breaths, the surrounding scene changed.

  He was already standing on a high platform at this time, and this high platform was crowded with people. The boiling and noisy sound filled his ears like a magic sound, making people frown.

  "Cousin Li Luo, this way."

  At this time, a familiar voice came from the front. Li Luo looked up and saw Li Lingjing waving to him, and around him, there was a large circle of people from the five branches of Tianlong.

  "Third brother, why are you so late for so long? I thought you were randomly teleported to another stage." Li Jingtao asked doubtfully.

  Li Luo smiled and shook his head, but he knew in his heart that it was probably the incident just now that caused him to fall a little behind.


  At this time, Li Wuyuan from the Dragon Blood Guard withdrew his indifferent gaze from Li Luo, looked at everyone at the same time, and said: "Now that everyone is here, let's discuss the next action."

  On the other side of the dragon scale vein, the young man named Li Guan said: "According to past practice, doesn't each vein act independently? After all, there is not much spiritual gold dew. If our five veins act together, it will inevitably be unevenly distributed. "

  The other pulses also nodded slightly. It is most efficient for each pulse to act separately.

  Li Wuyuan smiled and said: "If it is a normal situation, this is indeed the best, but what if we have a stronghold rich in spiritual golden dew?" As soon as he said this,

  Li Guan, Li Fuling and others all looked shocked. Asked Li Wuyuan: "A stronghold rich in spiritual phase golden dew?"

  Li Wuyuan smiled lightly and said: "A conservative estimate is that we can get nearly a hundred drops of spiritual phase golden dew there."

  Everyone was suddenly moved. There were nearly a hundred drops of spiritual phase golden dew. This is almost You can open several golden terrace permissions. If you search slowly outside, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

  Even Li Luo couldn't help but take another look at Li Wuyuan. This guy still had some stuff in his hands.

  "This kind of stronghold has extremely strong energy in the sky and earth, and it is easy to attract other covetous people. And perhaps because of the special rules of the spiritual cave, where a large amount of spiritual golden dew is produced, a kind of guardian spirit may be born. We It is generally called the "demon-like spirit". This kind of existence has no intelligence and is just a pure energy body, but it is extremely powerful and not easy to deal with." "So to be on the safe side, I will share this information. Of

  course , I won’t let everyone’s work go in vain. I will allocate some harvesting areas to you when the time comes. This harvest will definitely be higher than your own search.” “But as I said before,

  this information is our dragon’s. It comes from the bloodline, so when the time comes, all priority belongs to us, and you must also obey the instructions." After Li Wuyuan said this, he glanced at the Dragon Tooth Vein. After all, among the five veins, these two are the most difficult to deal with. , especially this time there is another Li Luo, and there is also Li Lingjing who is not weaker than him.

  Li Guan from the Dragon Scale Vein, Li Ju from the Dragon Bone Vein, and Li Wenshan from the Dragon Horn Vein. These three are now the talkers of each lineage. When they heard this, they didn’t say anything. After all, the information did come from the Dragon Bloodline. They It is natural to receive preferential treatment.

  On the Long Ya Vein side, Li Fuling hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Li Lingjing. After all, in terms of strength, Li Lingjing was the strongest one on the Long Ya Vein side.

  But facing her gaze, Li Lingjing showed an innocent look, stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed at Li Luo: "Ask him."

  As if he didn't care about anything and focused on Li Luo. Li Fuling gave her a helpless look. Originally, according to the rules, she should be the leader of Long Yamai, but Li Lingjing looked like she completely obeyed Li Luo, which made Li Fuling very embarrassed.

  But there was no way, Li Fuling could only look at Li Luo again.

  Li Luo rubbed his chin and pondered slightly. The spiritual phase Jinlu is related to the opportunity on the golden terrace. It is indeed the most important thing now. This Li Wuyuan's information has to be said to be very powerful. If you can follow it, Damn it, it would be a good thing to get some spiritual gold dew.

  However, I can't completely believe it. I still have to be somewhat vigilant about this to avoid being tricked by this guy Li Wuyuan.

  After thinking for a moment, Li Luo raised his head and said with a smile: "Since senior brother Li Wuyuan is so righteous, then as brothers with blood thicker than water, our Dragon Tooth Vein will definitely support us." Li Wuyuan's expression did not change and he said: "

  Li Junior Brother Luo, this is a wise choice."

  Then he stopped talking nonsense and said: "In that case, let's set off directly to avoid being noticed by other forces."

  After saying that, his body was shaken, and he saw only a pair of Energy dragon wings stretched out from its back, and when the dragon wings flapped, it whipped up a strong wind and soared into the sky.

  Seeing this, people from other branches also used "Dragon Combat Body" one after another, summoned dragon wings, and Feitian followed.

  Li Lingjing looked at it helplessly, and then said pitifully to Li Luo: "I haven't even cultivated the Tianlong Battle Body." She had never entered the

  Twenty Banners, so naturally she had no way to cultivate this kind of "Dragon Fighting Body" that belongs to the five veins of Tianlong. War body".

  Li Luo waved his hand and said generously: "When I get back this time, I will find a way to get one for you." "

  Then thank you cousin Li Luo." Li Lingjing said with a smile.

  Then she also used her tyrannical force and planned to fly away. She is now at the Heavenly Bead Realm and has been able to fly in the air for a while.

  However, at this moment, she suddenly felt an inexplicable chill, and immediately turned her head sharply, looking at the people coming and going behind her. Her eyes became unusually cold and even scary at this moment.

  Those who were coming and going behind her were frightened by her eyes and quickly backed away.

  Li Lingjing looked for a few seconds, but didn't see anyone looking out of place, and immediately frowned.

  "Cousin Lingjing, what's wrong?" Li Luo noticed her reaction and asked quickly.

  Li Lingjing was silent for a moment, then shook her head, smiled and said, "It's okay, let's go."

  Then her slender figure flew into the air.

  Seeing this, Li Luo activated his energy dragon wings and followed.

  As they went away, on the stone platform behind, a figure slowly raised its head. The figure had an ordinary face, without any expression on its face.

  However, if you look closely at his eyes at close range, you will be shocked to find that the black pupils in his eyeballs seem to be slowly moving.

  It turned out that it was not an eyeball at all, but a strange insect that was entangled in a ball.

  Occasionally, a strange black insect will stick out from the eyeball, and a cold and strange luster flows in the tiny insect pupils.

  The figure stared straight in the direction Li Lingjing left, and seemed to be murmuring to himself.

  "Number 3. Do you want to capture it?"

  "Forget it. Let's cook the food first."

  He turned his head stiffly and looked at the young figures flying out in all directions. His expressionless face said, A touch of human greed and hunger emerged.

  (End of chapter)

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