Chapter 941 Prodigies from all sides

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  Chapter 941: The genius of all parties
  , Zhao Tianwang, in front of a certain hall.

  Many impressive young figures gathered in one place.

  In front of everyone, a young figure stood out. He looked thin, but exuded an extremely fierce and violent aura.

  He was wearing black clothes and holding a heavy dark red gun engraved with the patterns of beasts. As the energy flowed, two purple vertical eye-like marks could be vaguely seen on the gun.

  His name is Zhao Shenjiang, and he is the first person in the younger generation of Zhao Tianwang.

  Behind General Zhao Shen, a young man with a somewhat gloomy face was looking down at his arm, with strong murderous intent emerging in his eyes.

  This person was no stranger, it was Zhao Jingyu whom Li Luo met in the Dark Territory of Xiling.

  This guy competed with Li Luo in the Xiling Dark Territory and lost his arm in the end, but looking at the current appearance, the arm grew back with the help of some kind of elixir.

  However, this new-grown arm must not be as good as before, so this also caused Zhao Jingyu's previous performance in the younger generation of Zhao Tianwang to drop several places.

  This made Zhao Jingyu's murderous intention towards Li Luo reach the extreme.

  Zhao Shenjiang on the side noticed the killing intent emanating from Zhao Jingyu, glanced at him, and said: "Then Li Luo heard that he has won the dragon head of Li Tianwang's lineage. When you meet him in his current state, I'm afraid there is no advantage."

  "Damn it!"

  Zhao Jingyu's face was twisted, and then he said to Zhao Shenjiang: "Brother, you have to help me get revenge!"

  Although he and Zhao Shenjiang are not biological brothers, they have grown up together since childhood. , the relationship is naturally excellent.

  When Zhao Shenjiang heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the smile was filled with murderous intent: "If there is a chance in the Spiritual Aspect Cave, I will chop off Li Luo's hands and legs and give them to you."

  The other geniuses on the side were all chilled when they saw his smile, because General Zhao's ferocity was extremely loud even among the twenty troops. Among the people, even among the twenty tribes, there were many who were injured and disabled by him.

  Among the twenty divisions of the Zhao Tianwang lineage, Zhao Shenjiang is labeled as unruly, war-loving, and cruel.

  No one dares to mess with this vicious man.

  But fortunately, now he has set his sights on Li Luo, who is from the lineage of Li Tianwang, and the two forces have deep grudges. If Zhao Shenjiang really beats Li Luo to death in the spiritual cave, it will be able to show their strength. The prestige of the session.

  A ferocious smile appeared on Zhao Jingyu's face. This time, he would make Li Luo's life worse than death!
  Tianyuan Ancient Academy.

  Like Shengxuanxing Academy, the most eye-catching thing among such schools is the Xiangli tree that blocks out the sun and almost covers the sky.

  It's just that the Xiangli tree of Tianyuan Ancient Academy is far superior to Shengxuanxing Academy in terms of scale and level.

  As the Xiangli Tree stretched, the energy of the heaven and earth within tens of thousands of miles was absorbed. In the end, continuous energy clouds were even formed above the Xiangli Tree, which was extremely spectacular.

  At this time, in one part of the school, there was also a group of young students, ready to go.

  There were more students watching and seeing him off.

  And most of their eyes were actually looking at one of the people who were preparing to set off this time. She was a slender girl. She was wearing a light red dress. Her cheeks were as bright as the autumn moon and her neck was fair. Slender, with full curves and a slim waist.

  When it comes to appearance and figure, she is indeed quite top-notch.

  It's just that her pretty face is a little cold, and she doesn't have the slightest interest in the glances from around her.

  She is Jiang Wanyu, a student of the Sanxing Academy of Tianyuan Ancient Academy. Although she has just entered the Sanxing Academy for the first time, her strength has already reached the level of a two-star Dzi Bead.

  Moreover, although her temperament is cold, she possesses both wind and fire, and her fighting style is also fierce, which is completely opposite to her cold temperament.

  Such a contrast makes her have many admirers in the school.

  "Senior Sister Jiang, come on, defeat the geniuses of those heavenly kings, and let the people above Tianyuan Shenzhou know that our Tianyuan Ancient Academy is the best place!" "Senior Sister Jiang, the

  Spiritual Aspect Cave is extremely chaotic, so you must put safety first. "


  Jiang Wanyu had no expression on her face. She just lowered her head and touched the space ball to check if there was anything missing from the items she carried this time. As for the voices from the outside, she completely ignored them.

  "Xuemei Jiang."

  Suddenly there was a voice, and a figure approached.

  Jiang Wanyu raised his pretty face and looked at the young man who was approaching. His body was thin and although his face was a bit ordinary, he exuded a gentle temperament. "Senior Zongsha." Jiang Wanyu nodded slightly and said hello.

  The young man's name is Zong Sha, and he is a student of the Four Star Academy. He is also the most powerful person participating in the Spiritual Aspect Cave in this academy, and he is considered the team leader.

  He has a good reputation in the school, has a gentle personality, and doesn't like to argue with others.

  "This time when you go to Lingxiang Cave, you should pay more attention to those of your contemporaries, such as Zhao Shenjiang from Zhao Tianwang's lineage, Qin Yi from Qin Tianwang's lineage, Zhu Dayu from Zhu Tianwang's lineage, oh, By the way, the dragon head of Li Tianwang's lineage is named Li Luo. It is said that he returned from Outer China less than a year ago. Although his superficial strength is considered to be the lowest among the four top geniuses of the Four Heavenly Kings lineage, if you meet him, he will be very powerful. Don't underestimate him, this kind of genius who came from the barren land of Outer China always has some unique methods." Zong Sha reminded patiently with a gentle voice.

  Jiang Wanyu's eyes moved and he said: "Of course I won't provoke them, but sometimes a fight of chance cannot be avoided by provoking or not provoking them. Anyway, if we really have to fight when the time comes, senior Zong Sha, please help me stop it. Just go down to the people from the High Star Dzi Bead Realm over there."

  Zong Sha smiled bitterly, but he could only nod. After all, this was also his mission.

  "If you are ready, let's go."

  He said, and then the team from Tianyuan Ancient Academy started to move amidst the increasingly loud farewell sounds around them.

  Tianyuan Shenzhou, the headquarters of Jinlong Baoxing.

  The splendid hall was filled with people.

  Although Jinlong Baoxing believed in harmonious energy and wealth, no force would really regard it as just a businessman. Jinlong Baoxing had the largest financial resources at that time.

  And if you want to protect this kind of wealth, if you don't have enough strength, you will just be a very fat sheep.

  Therefore, Jinlong Baoxing also attaches great importance to the cultivation of fresh blood. If the spiritual cave opens this time, they will also send out some young geniuses, which can be regarded as a kind of training.

  At this time, in a corner of the Golden Palace, there was a circle of people gathered together. The most eye-catching one was a woman in a white dress. The woman had a pretty appearance and a tall and proud figure.

  The woman in the white dress is named Bai Lingyan. Her father is a vice-president of Jinlong Baoxing Tianyuan Shenzhou headquarters, and she is also considered a high-ranking figure. Therefore, she is considered to be a relatively central figure among the younger generation of the headquarters. She is also sought after by many on weekdays. Treated like a princess.

  But at this time, although Bai Lingyan was talking to his companions around him, his eyes were looking at the center of the Golden Palace with a hint of displeasure.

  Because this time Jin Longbaoxing was about to join the team of Lingxiang Cave, there were a few more people temporarily, and the one that concerned her the most was the strange girl.

  She was an extremely dazzling strange girl. Although she was wearing a veil, from the eyebrows and the outline of the veil, you could still see her charming outline. It seems that the cheeks under the veil were also beautiful and fragrant.

  Especially her skin, which was so white that even the bright light in the Golden Palace was dimmed, like an ice and snow elf.

  On those slender straight long legs, the snow-white stockings shone with a faint light, which outlined the lines of the legs, giving it a thrilling beauty.

  Looking at this woman, Bai Lingyan's silver teeth couldn't help but clenched. She was originally the center of the team, but with the appearance of the former, some of the young geniuses in the Tianyuan Golden Dragon Treasure Line whose status was not inferior to hers, At this time, they all got together.

  "Brother Zhaoying, where did she come from? Why did a stranger suddenly enter our team? Can anyone from our Jinlong Baoxing sneak in now?" Bai Lingyan looked at a man beside him and asked road.

  The young man she called Zhaoying hesitated slightly when he heard this. His father was also a senior executive at the Tianyuan Shenzhou headquarters of Jinlong Baoxing, and happened to be in charge of the selection of personnel for the Spiritual Aspect Cave, so he knew something about it.

  "Lingyan, don't go looking for trouble with her. She wasn't brought in by someone's connections." The young man reminded.

  "Oh?" Bai Lingyan sneered.

  The young man whispered: "She comes from the mountains."

  If outsiders heard this, they might be a little confused, but Bai Lingyan grew up in Jinlong Baoxing, so she was naturally an insider, so her expression suddenly changed. Because she knew what it meant to be from the mountains.

  Mountain refers to Jinlong Mountain.

  That is the real core of Jinlong Baoxing.

  The young man said something again, which made Bai Lingyan's expression completely cloudy.

  "Her surname is Lu."

  Bai Lingyan gritted his silver teeth and looked back at the girl.

  In Jinlong Mountain, the surname Lu is one of the upper veins.

  If the girl's surname is really Lu, then her status is indeed higher than those of them in Tianyuan Shenzhou headquarters.

  That feeling is like the gap between a royal princess who has left the imperial capital and a princess who has been entrusted to other places.

  (End of chapter)

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