Chapter 928: Top Rank Marquis

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  Chapter 928: Shangpinhou

  In the next three days, Li Luo did not go out for a moment, but he was not resting, but getting familiar with his own power. The battle for the dragon head was extremely fierce, and Li Luo was also A lot of benefits were gained from it.

  Not to mention that under the pressure of Denglong, he made a breakthrough and jumped into the extremely evil realm of forty feet into the evil gang. After that, he also obtained the "Nine-Scale Heavenly Dragon Battle Body", which greatly enhanced his own combat effectiveness.

  According to Li Luo's prediction, although he is currently in the Extreme Evil Realm, with top-notch methods such as the "Public Phase Dragon Tooth Sword Formation", he is completely unafraid of any powerful enemy in the Two-Star Dzi Pearl Realm.

  But this is obviously not enough. After all, in the "Lingxiang Cave", there will inevitably be many geniuses in the Tianzhu Realm. Among these people, there are many people with strength reaching five or six stars or even higher levels. If the time comes, Competing with these people, he will still seem a little exhausted.

  Therefore, before the spiritual cave is opened, he still has to improve his own strength as much as possible.

  Three days later, Li Luo finished his retreat and went to Longya Main Mountain.

  Today is the big day for Niu Biaobiao to finish repairing his foundation. If successful, Niu Biaobiao will return to his original state, or even reach a higher level.

  As for this, perhaps Niu Biaobiao himself has been waiting for many years.

  After Li Luo came to Longya Mountain, he went straight to the previous main hall. At the entrance of the main hall, he saw Li Jingzhe standing with his hands behind his back, and beside Li Jingzhe, he also saw a familiar figure.

  That is, Li Lingjing.

  "Cousin Lingjing." Li Luo stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

  Li Lingjing looked at Li Luo with clear eyes, and a moving smile appeared on her pretty face. She said softly: "Congratulations to cousin Li Luo for winning the title of leader of the Twenty-Flags this year." "This is nothing

  . , If cousin Lingjing had entered the Twenty Flags back then, it would not be a big problem to win the previous Dragon Head." Li Luo said with a smile.

  Li Lingjing was considered to be the top talent in the Dragon Fang Domain. With her mental ability, if she really entered the Twenty Flags, Li Luo felt that she must have the appearance of a dragon's head.

  Li Lingjing covered her lips and chuckled, and said: "Don't try to praise me and kill me, and there is a gap between dragon heads in the past. The gold content of a dragon head like yours that challenges Li Taixuan's master is not comparable to that of ordinary dragon heads. Li

  Luo smiled and asked, "How is cousin Lingjing doing during this time?" What

  he asked was naturally about the "spiritual-eating true demon" in her body.

  Li Lingjing glanced at Li Jingzhe, then nodded gently and said, "Thanks to Pailshou's hard work during this period, the erosion of the "Spirit-eating True Demon" in my body has now been resolved a lot." "Cousin Lingjing's

  strength , seems to have improved a lot?" Li Luo looked at Li Lingjing, because at this time, he could feel a slight sense of oppression from the latter's body, which showed that his current strength should be quite extraordinary.

  "Now I am considered to be in the Seven-Star Dzi Bead Realm." Li Lingjing said sweetly.

  "Seven Star Dzi Bead Realm?" Li Luo was slightly shocked. Li Lingjing was harmed by the "Spirit Eclipse True Demon" a few years ago. He was in a state of confusion and it was naturally difficult to improve in practice. But how could he reach this level in such a short period of time?
  In the Seven-Star Dzi Bead Realm, I'm afraid those geniuses of her generation are no more than this.

  "Her situation is quite special. The "Spirit-eating True Demon" has devoured many geniuses. Now that it has been refined, it will naturally benefit her, so it is a blessing in disguise." Li Jingzhe said lightly.

  "By the way, I will ask her to follow you this time, as a way of taking care of you."

  Li Luo looked at Li Lingjing in surprise and said, "Cousin Lingjing is also going to the Spiritual Aspect Cave?"

  Li Lingjing smiled. He said: "I hope cousin Li Luo will take more care of me when the time comes."

  Li Luo said helplessly: "You said the opposite, a master of the Seven-Star Dzi Bead Realm, I hope you will take more care of me then." "

  Cousin Li Luo, don't worry, I will definitely I will protect you personally." Li Lingjing stared at Li Luo with bright eyes, covered her lips and smiled.

  "Thank you very much, cousin Lingjing." Li Luo smiled and held his hand.

  While talking to Li Lingjing, Li Luo's eyes were also focused on the main hall. The huge cauldron was still burning, and the surging energy filled in it was as terrifying as a volcano about to erupt, with an aura of destruction.

  Under that kind of energy pressure, Li Luo still felt that breathing became difficult even though he was standing outside the hall.

  The battles encountered in the Dragon Head Battle are really nothing compared to the pressure in front of them. Even Li Lingjing, who is in the Seven-Star Dzi Pearl Realm, is far behind.

  And in the blazing flames inside the cauldron, a burly figure could be vaguely seen sitting cross-legged.

  Li Luo did not enter the main hall, but looked at the entrance of the hall, and then asked in a low voice: "Grandpa, how is Uncle Biao? Is everything going well?"

  He was a little worried, after all, the second method provided by Li Jingzhe could certainly be used. Let Niu Biaobiao make up for the foundation, but the risk is also extremely high. If he fails, Niu Biaobiao's strength will forever regress to the feudal realm, and it will be difficult to take a step forward.

  Li Jingzhe stared at the cauldron and said: "The method he chose is indeed extremely dangerous. He has been on the verge of failure countless times during this period, but his character is also extremely tenacious and contains a fierce aura. , relying on this ferocious energy, he managed to come back from the edge of failure." "

  Now that he has passed the most dangerous stage, as long as the Fenghou Tower is recast again, it will be considered complete." In

  words . , but there is also a hint of admiration for Niu Biaobiao. After all, this second method is extremely dangerous and requires this kind of ferocious spirit of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat. If Niu Biaobiao wavers and retreats even once during this process, I am afraid that he will be welcomed. The only outcome is failure.

  Li Luo was relieved when he heard this. At this time, he suddenly felt that the energy fluctuations erupting from the cauldron began to become extremely turbulent.

  "That's almost it." Li Jingzhe muttered to himself.

  And at the moment when his voice fell, the lid of the cauldron in the hall exploded directly at this moment, and only a huge amount of energy was seen rising into the sky. Even the void was torn open by this energy. crack.

  The energy was so terrifying that Li Luo didn't dare to move for fear of being affected.

  Fortunately, at this time, Li Jingzhe waved his sleeves, and an invisible force enveloped the main hall. Wherever the power passed, the spaces solidified, directly blocking all the monstrous energy in the main hall, and not even a trace could be seen. leaked.

  Li Luo stared at it without blinking, and saw a burly figure stepping out of the cauldron in the vast energy. And with the appearance of that figure, behind it, the void shook, and a tower A tower that seemed to be towering like a mountain slowly emerged.

  Each of these confederation platforms is dazzling, filled with countless light patterns, as if they were born from heaven and earth.

  Li Luo stared at the confederation towers behind that burly figure, one, three, five, six or seven!

  When Li Luo saw the seventh confederation platform appear, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. Sure enough, after choosing the second method of "breaking and then establishing" and succeeding, Niu Biaobiao not only regained his former strength , and also went to a higher level, entering the seventh-level feudal realm!

  A seventh-grade marquis can be called a top-grade marquis!
  At this level, they can also be regarded as the top group in Longya Vein. They can be called the strongest combat echelon except Li Jingzhe, the Dinghai Shenzhen.

  And if placed in Tianyuan Shenzhou, Niu Biaobiao can also be regarded as a powerful force. No matter which force he goes to, he will be regarded as a guest and be worshiped.

  Fortunately, Li Jingzhe sealed off the hall space, otherwise the appearance of the seven confederation towers would cause strange phenomena in the heaven and earth, and the energy between heaven and earth would also be aroused.

  However, the seven sealing towers did not last long, and soon they turned into light and fell directly into the Tianling Cap of the burly figure.

  Niu Biaobiao also slowly opened his eyes at this time.

  At that moment, there seemed to be a fierce sword light emitting from his eyes. The sword light emerged, and the void in front of him was suddenly torn apart.

  Li Luo and Li Lingjing's expressions changed, and they both dared not look directly at Niu Biaobiao's unstoppable momentum.

  Although it is true that there are many powerful people who have been granted the title of lord in Longya Vein, but for people of their level, the power of the lord is still terrifying.

  Niu Biaobiao stood there for a long time, his eyes at this time were full of excitement and ecstasy. After all, he had been looking forward to this day for so long, and when this moment actually appeared, he even felt a little uncomfortable. Too realistic.

  Moreover, he could clearly feel that the terrifying power flowing in his body was even more powerful than when he was at his peak.

  He was a sixth-grade marquis back then, but now, he is a seventh-grade prince!

  Although it is only a difference of one level, this level is not that easy to overcome. Many powerful people of the sixth level have been trapped in this situation for many years and find it difficult to take this step.

  Because if you reach the seventh rank, you will be among the top rank princes.

  Niu Biaobiao took a deep breath, and after gradually adapting to the power in his body, he thought, and the Marquis Platform in his body vibrated and buzzed, just like a long whale sucking water, it converged all the energy fluctuations that had dispersed.

  His figure landed on the ground and looked towards the entrance of the hall.

  "Thank you for the kindness of recreating the pulse head." Niu Biaobiao said to Li Jingzhe in a deep voice, because only he knew how mysterious it was for Li Jingzhe to give him this second method, and this method also required a king-level expert. For many feudal lords, this condition can be described as harsh.

  Even within the Inner Divine State, king-level experts are all giants. How can they be easily mobilized?

  Li Jingzhe said: "No need to thank you, Taixuan and the others owe you this."

  Li Luo also came up to greet you and said with a smile: "Uncle Biao, if I know that you can regain your strength, I will definitely be very happy and relieved."

  Niu Biaobiao looked at Li Luo, and his savage face couldn't help but soften. He patted Li Luo's arm and said, "Compared to your parents, you are much more trustworthy." "Leave it alone

  . A seriously injured cook and two children are the only ones who can guard the house."

  Listening to Niu Biaobiao's complaints, Li Luo couldn't help laughing.

  Li Jingzhe said: "Since everything is going well for you, let me ask you again, do you plan to stay in Longya Vein temporarily and run for the master of Qingming Academy, or do you want to leave on your own?" Niu Biaobiao, on the other hand,

  said Without any hesitation, he said: "I promised Li Luo before that I would help him in Qingmingyuan for a while."

  He understood what Li Jingzhe meant. Li Jingzhe obviously planned to let Li Luo slowly control Qingmingyuan, but Li Luo His own strength is not enough, even if he really goes up, it will be difficult to convince the crowd, so he needs his strength. In this way, he and Li Rouyun work together, and the other masters in Qingming Academy will not dare to be too blatant.

  When Li Jingzhe saw this, he nodded slightly and turned around.

  "Then come with me. Today, the senior officials of each academy are gathering together, and it's time to draw up a charter."

  (End of Chapter)

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