Chapter 907 Dragon Flame Burns the Body

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  Chapter 907: Long Yanzhuoshen
  The first person to reach the position of 1,500 feet was, as expected, Li Qingfeng.

  But when he set foot on the 1,500-foot mark, everyone saw something unexpected happen, because around Qingfeng Li, gray flames emerged from the void. These gray flames quickly condensed and turned into an agreement. A gray fire dragon that is about 10 feet tall.

  The gray fire dragon surrounded Qingfeng Li and then penetrated through his body.

  The fire dragon did not burn his clothes, but when it passed through his body, Qingfeng Li's steps instantly stiffened, and a look of pain suddenly appeared on his handsome face.

  That is "dragon flames burning the body".

  After setting foot one thousand five hundred feet, another test will appear just now, which is also the most difficult part of climbing the dragon.

  This gray dragon flame will directly act on the flesh, bones, and burn deep in the body. Even its own phase force will be ignited. Every operation will have an impact on the body and even the phase palace. This will have an impact on oneself. Will is a great test.

  This dragon flame can also ignite impurities in the body during the burning process and help temper the body. However, in this way, the more impurities in the body of a person, the stronger the ignition intensity will be, and the pain will naturally increase. .

  Therefore, those whose willpower is slightly weak may reach the limit if they cannot take a few steps and find it difficult to move forward.

  However, Qingfeng Li's pause only lasted a few seconds, and then he climbed up the stairs again. This time it was just a gray fire dragon, which was not enough to make him hesitate to move forward.

  As the climb continues, the number of gray fire dragons will increase. It is said that when it reaches 2,900 feet, eight fire dragons will join them.

  And if you try to hit the last hundred feet, you will face the most difficult "Nine Dragons Burning Body".

  This is also the most terrifying obstacle to ascending the dragon. Over the years, countless young geniuses of the Five Heavenly Dragon Meridians have been blocked at this step, unable to reach the highest achievement.

  Behind Qingfeng Li, everyone was staring at the gray fire dragon swimming outside his body with solemn eyes, because they would also face this test next.

  Li Luo was also watching, but he remembered Li Jingzhe's "Nine Dragon Fire Shield". He had been burned by it in the sun before. It seemed that he had made some preparations in advance, although the properties of the two fires were different. , but presumably the tolerance will be slightly improved.

  While Li Luo was thinking about this, after Li Qingfeng, Lu Qingmei also stepped into the 1,500 feet, and immediately attracted the fire dragon.

  After a while, the second echelon also entered here.

  Li Luo also maintained his own rhythm and then entered one thousand five hundred feet.

  The gray fire dragon appeared out of thin air, moved around, and penetrated the body from time to time.

  Severe burning pain emerged from his body, and Li Luo couldn't help but frown. This burning was indeed different from Li Jingzhe's Nine Dragons Fire Shield. To be precise, Li Jingzhe's Fire Shield was more domineering. It tends to be destructive in nature, and the gray dragon flames here are refined in more subtle ways. In this way, it is even more of a test of one's own will.

  When the dragon flames pass through the body, the impurities contained deep in the body are ignited one after another.

  Li Luo took a deep breath and concentrated his mind. At the same time, his body gradually bloomed with glazed brilliance, and within the brilliance, there were three more lights flowing.

  Three light colored glaze.

  His body seemed to turn into stain-free glass at this moment, allowing the dragon's flames to burn. In this way, his body seemed to become more pure and clear.

  As the Three Lights Glaze emerged, Li Luo suddenly felt that the pressure brought by the gray dragon flames had weakened a lot, which made his heart move. This was because he had cultivated the Three Lights Glazed, so his body was pure and tough. The level is much more pure than others.

  After all, although it was not uncommon among the twenty banner leaders present to have a glazed evil body, he was the only one who had cultivated the three-light glazed body.

  So Li Luo's climbing speed suddenly increased.

  After all, with fewer impurities in his body, the dragon's flames would not become more intense, which was undoubtedly more beneficial to him.

  So in just a short moment, they passed Li Hongli, Deng Fengxian and others.

  And his increase in speed immediately attracted many shocked looks. After all, everyone was in agony from the gray dragon flames. Why did Li Luo speed up instead?

  Even Li Qingfeng and Lu Qingmei in front felt something and turned their heads to take a look.

  And when they saw the three-color brilliance blooming on Li Luo's body, their expressions changed slightly and they recognized him.

  "Sanguang Liuli!"

  Li Hongli couldn't help but lost her voice, and then her pretty face changed in a gloomy and uncertain manner.

  They are all people who have cultivated the Glazed Evil Body, so they naturally understand how harsh the "Three Lights Glazed", the highest level of the Glazed Evil Body, is. That not only requires one's own strong foundation, but also requires external opportunities.

  Among their generation, not even Li Qingfeng was able to cultivate the Three Lights Glaze!
  But now, Li Luo has done it.

  Why is this guy? He has clearly wasted many years in Outer China. How can he build such a foundation and heritage in a remote place like Outer China?

  Li Hongli gritted her teeth secretly. Her father was from the same generation as Li Taixuan, so the news she heard the most since she was a child was the jealous and disgusting tone her father used when talking about Li Taixuan at home. She didn't quite understand it before. This emotion, but now, seems to be somewhat understood.

  "It's just that he excelled in the Evil Body Realm. Compared with Brother Qingfeng, this Li Luo is nothing. He thought that he could win the dragon head with the so-called "Three Lights Glaze", but that was just a fool's dream, a waste of time in the Outer Divine State. , it won't be made up for so easily." Li Hongli took a deep breath, tried to convince herself, and then suppressed the emotions in her heart. After all, she was also being attacked by dragon flames and had no time to look at Li Luo.

  Qingfeng Li's eyes also paused on Li Luo for a few breaths, then slowly withdrew his eyes and continued climbing.

  He was not greatly affected. The "Three Lights Glazed" was indeed extraordinary, but no matter how extraordinary it was, it was only in the Evil Body Realm. And now that he had stepped into the Heavenly Pearl Realm, he did not think that this so-called "Three Lights Glazed" could Change nothing.

  Although the "Three Lights Glaze" will alleviate the pressure of "Dragon Flame" that Li Luo encountered when climbing the dragon, it is a bit impossible to change the final outcome.

  Lu Qingmei looked at Li Luo with the same interest, because she found that this Li Luo always brought her some surprises.

  "Sanguang Liuli, it's a bit rare. I hope to meet him in the "Scale Capture" in the future. Let me try whether this Sanguang Liuli can withstand a beating."

  She thought like this, but she was looking forward to it.

  However, Li Luo himself did not pay attention to these various looks. After he felt that the suppression of Long Yan on him was somewhat weakened due to the purity of Sanguang Glazed, he did not waste this opportunity and began to speed up the climb. .

  Soon, he left Li Hongli, Deng Fengxian and others behind, and actually started to hang himself not far behind Li Qingfeng and Lu Qingmei.

  It seems that there are signs of joining the first echelon.

  As Li Luo began to catch up with Li Qingfeng, Lu Qingmei's first echelon, and the other banner leaders behind them also entered one thousand five hundred feet one after another. At this time, the gap between them It also began to show, and each figure was gradually pulled apart.

  Everyone was covered in cold sweat and their faces were in pain. The gray fire dragons surrounding them brought them great pain. Every step they took would bring severe burning pain to their bodies.

  However, when everyone was struggling to hold on and their speed became slower and slower, they suddenly noticed a figure chasing after them from behind.

  Is that Li Jingtao?
  Li Jingtao's speed is not fast, he only climbs step by step, but he seems to be walking very steadily. At the beginning, his speed was not as fast as those in the middle class like Li Fengyi, but as he stepped into the 1500s After a hundred feet, everyone began to slow down, but Li Jingtao still maintained the same speed.

  In this way, the distance gradually narrowed, and Li Jingtao just kept catching up with the people who were in front of him one by one.

  Many banner leaders stared at Li Jingtao with wide eyes.

  Li Jingtao was immersed in climbing with a groan, surrounded by fire dragons, constantly penetrating his body, but for some reason, his expression did not look too painful.

  Even though the dragon's power shrouded him, he still took his time.

  And it is his consistent pace that makes others feel incredible.

  Li Fengyi also stared in astonishment at Li Jingtao, who was catching up and almost parallel to her.

  Perhaps because there were too many gazes, Li Jingtao finally felt something dull. He turned his head and looked at the eyes that were looking at him. He suddenly shrank his head, showed a silly smile, and then began to slow down.

  But just as he was about to do this, Li Fengyi said in a cold voice: "If you dare to stop, my legs will be broken!"

  She knew too much about Li Jingtao's laziness and salty fish. If she didn't give him a warning, I'm afraid he would still be there. It will really make a complete journey.

  Li Jingtao froze and smiled awkwardly at Li Fengyi. Then he could only maintain his speed and climb step by step, leaving Li Fengyi and the others behind. At the same time, he also caught up with the echelon of Li Hongli, Deng Fengxian and others.

  So, when Li Hongli saw Li Jingtao who suddenly appeared behind her, her pretty face became very exciting.

  That expression vividly explained a sentence.

  Don't come over here! ! !

  (End of chapter)

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