Chapter 864 Who is unlucky?

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  Chapter 864 Who is unlucky?
  The waves are surging, seemingly endless.

  The thick and cold air of evil thoughts surged into the sky, and countless inexplicable and strange whispers came from it, spreading continuously with the power to pollute the state of mind.

  Many explorers in the safe zone did not dare to go out at this time. They could only hide behind the light shield and wait for the strange tide to pass.

  After all, there are no other powerful feudal lords among them at this time, and facing this kind of environment, even the strength of the Great Heaven Realm will be trapped in the alien tide and be constantly consumed by countless aliens.

  However, Li Luo and Qingming Banner relied on "Aiki" and were not afraid of this strange tide. After all, there were no destructive-level true demons among them.

  However, Li Luo did not intend to be continuously consumed here. After all, there was the "Tiger Division" led by Zhao Jingyu in the distance, so he gave an order and all the eight thousand Qingming Banners set off in unison. Under the surging energy, the eight thousand bannermen tore through a torrent of alien creatures and quickly headed into the distance.

  Zhao Jingyu also saw Li Luo and the others walking away. He sneered and said, "Want to escape?"

  Now that he finally waited until Li Luo was alone, it was the opportunity to hit him hard alone. Zhao Jingyu didn't plan to just do this. Let it go.

  So he waved his hand, and the entire "Tiger Department" also started to move. The violent energy roared and moved, as if it formed a giant shadow of the ancient fierce tiger. The giant shadow enveloped the Tiger Department, directly coming from the constant collision of the different tides.

  The strange tide surged like a black tide, and Li Luo, led by Zhao Jingyu, was like two dragon boats, constantly breaking through the huge waves and gradually moving away.

  This happened for about ten minutes.

  Li Luo finally felt that the vision in front of him became clearer, and the pervasive evil thoughts dissipated. That was because they finally fought their way out of the strange tide.

  Li Luo glanced at the strange tide behind him. Countless strange creatures were squirming in it, making inexplicable whispers of pollution. Fortunately, he came with the Qingming Banner this time, otherwise even if he had already completed the semi-finished Glazed Evil Body, I'm afraid I can only hide in it like the explorers in the safe zone, relying on the protection of the stone platform light shield and not daring to show up.

  Then, he also saw Zhao Jingyu who was chasing after him.

  "This stick is really persistent."

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, with a murderous intent flashing across his eyes. Zhao Jingyu repeatedly provoked him, and even with his kind personality, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy at this time.

  But Li Luo finally endured it and did not choose to directly fight with Zhao Jingyu.

  Because of the inexplicable sense of prying eyes before, he was slightly uneasy.

  Regardless of whether it is an illusion or not, it is better to join Li Fengyi and the others as soon as possible. When the time comes to gather the power of the four flags, we will not be afraid of the danger in this dark area.

  After all, there are quite a few true demon-level aliens in this dark realm.

  "Bear him a little longer."

  Li Luo thought like this, then ignored Zhao Jingyu and led the Qingming Banner to march at full speed.

  While on the way, Li Luo also took out the map given by Li Feng before and identified the route. With such a powerful formation as the Qingming Banner, in this dark area, as long as he does not encounter true demons and aliens, even if it is a natural disaster level Aliens can also be easily wiped out by him, so the most important thing for him now is to avoid areas where real demons and aliens appear, and not to provoke them.

  "This direction will pass through two dangerous areas."

  Li Luo looked at the map. On the map, there were two blood-red marked areas on the route they passed, which showed that there were real demons and aliens in them.

  Fortunately, the route is only close to these two places and does not go straight through. Therefore, if the momentum is reduced by then, the real demons and aliens among them should not be alarmed. After all, these real demons and aliens have wisdom, as long as they do not take the initiative to provoke them. If so, they may not take the initiative to attack.

  It would be best if the two sides do not interfere with each other.

  Thinking like this, Li Luo continued to move forward. The eight thousand Qingming Banners were galloping across the gray and black plains. The ground was shaking slightly. The momentum of the eight thousand people was like one body, uniting with each other to protect themselves. Infested by pervasive evil thoughts.

  Shortly after Li Luo and the Qingming Banner passed by, the roar of tigers resounded, and Zhao Jingyu led the tiger troops in pursuit again.

  But Li Luo still didn't tangle with him and continued on his way at full speed.

  Li Luo's appearance made Zhao Jingyu very angry, but he had no choice but to keep pursuing.

  As the two sides chased each other, Li Luo discovered that they had begun to approach the two areas where the real demons and aliens existed. He immediately ordered everyone to calm down their momentum and slow down their steps.

  "As long as you pass through here, you will be able to reach the meeting point. It will be easy then."

  Li Luo maintained his speed while staring sharply into the distance. It is said that the two true demons and aliens usually just stay in their respective places. Deep in the mountains, and they are only on the periphery of the mountains, so there is a high probability that they will not be alarmed.

  Just when such thoughts flashed through Li Luo's mind, he suddenly saw a figure slowly walking out of a dark forest in the distance.

  Li Luo's eyes narrowed. The figure was extremely fat, wearing a purple robe. His face seemed to be squeezed into a ball, and he smiled very kindly. This person's belly was extremely eye-catching, and the convex curvature was more... A woman who is ten months pregnant is much bigger.

  The fat figure slowly walked out of the forest, and then stood on the road ahead. His narrow eyes were filled with darkness, and the whites of his eyes could not be seen. This fat man came so strangely that Li Luo's heart sank slightly, as information about the real demons and aliens here passed through his mind.

  A real demon with a big belly. He is obese, has a devilish mouth in his belly, and likes to swallow people.

  Li Luo waved his hand to signal the Qingming Banners to stop. He stared closely at the fat figure. Faintly, he seemed to see the other person's belly under his robe, which seemed to be squirming slightly, as if he was chewing. The sound came from it.

  When Li Luo stopped, the fat figure grinned, and then he slowly tore open his clothes, revealing his fleshy belly. On the belly, he could see a sheet covered with The fangs' big mouth was dripping with saliva.

  The fat figure put his palm into the fat, pulled out a human hand, and then stuffed it into the fanged mouth on his stomach. The big mouth immediately started feasting, biting the human hand until blood splashed everywhere, and swallowed it in several mouthfuls.

  This strange scene made everyone feel cold all over.

  Li Luo's eyes also darkened. The obese man in front of him was obviously the destruction-level alien mentioned in the intelligence, the real demon with a big belly.

  "It's really bad luck."

  Li Luo frowned. This "big-bellied demon" was obviously entrenched in the mountains. They had just passed by the periphery, why did it appear directly?

  This doesn't seem to be common sense.

  While Li Luo was hesitating, there was a shaking sound from far behind, and Zhao Jingyu was seen galloping over with his tiger troops.

  However, when they were still some distance away from Li Luo and the others, Zhao Jingyu waved his hand to stop them, because he also discovered the big-bellied real demon blocking Li Luo and the others.

  "Hahaha, Li Luo, it seems that you are really a bad ghost. Even if you walk here, you will be stopped by real demons and aliens." Zhao Jingyu laughed and stared at Li Luo with malicious eyes. He planned to Wait for Li Luo and the Big Belly Demon to be injured before going up to harvest.

  Murderous intent flowed in Li Luo's eyes. The situation at this time was really dangerous. There was a real demon with a big belly in front of him, and Zhao Jingyu was watching behind him.

  It seems that a bloody battle is inevitable.

  And just when Li Luoyan was waiting for a move, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes turned to the position further behind Zhao Jingyu.

  I saw majestic evil energy roaring out there, and the next moment, a figure slowly walked out of it.

  It was a thin figure in white. This figure was no different from an ordinary person, but as it walked out, its head slowly twisted, and then everyone discovered that the back of its head, It even has a human face.

  The front face is male and the back face is female.

  The faces of both men and women are smiling.

  The position where it appeared was just blocking the rear. However, while blocking Li Luo, it seemed to also cut off Zhao Jingyu's retreat.

  A two-faced demon!

  When Li Luo saw this, his face twitched slightly, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong, because it was bad luck to attract a real demon alien, but when these two appeared one after another, why did they seem to be prepared?

  Is this coming for him?
  However, Zhao Jingyu, who was originally a thorn in his side, now became a barrier between him and the Two-Face Demon.

  Zhao Jingyu also understood this, so his originally smiling face became a little stiffer, and his eyes changed.

  "Damn it, two real demons and aliens appeared at the same time. How could it be so unlucky?"

  Zhao Jingyu couldn't help but curse. Normally, this kind of probability is quite rare. How come he met them here directly?

  Is it him or Li Luo who is unlucky?

  Zhao Jingyu's expression was gloomy and uncertain, then he waved his hand and tried to evacuate from the side with the tiger troops.

  But as soon as the figure on his side moved, he noticed that the smile on the face of the two-faced demon became stronger, and then slowly floated towards him.

  With that look, he obviously didn't intend to let him go.

  As a result, Zhao Jingyu's expression turned completely gloomy.

  His position actually helped Li Luo block the double-faced demon that was outflanking him from behind.

  (End of chapter)

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