Chapter 796 Aftermath

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  Chapter 796: Aftermath
  When Li Rouyun announced that the battle for the leadership of Qingming Banner was over, uproar and excitement immediately erupted in this huge training ground.

  All the bannermen from all sides were shocked.

  This result can be said to have set off a storm in their hearts.

  No one expected that when Zhong Ling initially condensed the evil spirit, he would eventually be defeated by Li Luo.

  That Li Luo is obviously only in the Great Sha Palace realm!
  How many levels of difference is there between this and Zhongling?

  Can a three-phase person be so domineering? !
  Such terrifying fighting power was simply the strongest Dasha palace realm they had ever seen.

  Over at the Qingming Banner's fifth section, everyone suddenly burst into thunderous cheers after a brief shock. Li Luo is the leader of the Qingming Banner's fifth section. Now he has been promoted to the rank of Qingming Banner Chief. Flag leader, although Li Luo will step down from the position of leader of the fifth flag in the future, with this incense, their status in the fifth flag within the Qingming Banner will eventually be somewhat different.

  Zhao Yanzhi's charming face also turned seductively rosy due to excitement. The fighting power displayed by Li Luo was indeed amazing.

  As Li Luo, he could have directly become the leader of the younger generation of Longya Vein. However, due to the wasted time in the outer China, he started a little late at this time. Fortunately, Li Luo himself is extremely talented, even so he can Catch up quickly.

  And it is precisely because of this that she had the opportunity to pave the way for a relationship with Luo Li before he rose to power.

  Well, you have to seize this opportunity well.

  Zhao Yanzhi chuckled. She came from a humble background and has been careful in these years. She understood that her beauty would bring her some advantages, but it also brought a lot of covetousness. Because of her special background, she understood those men very well. heart.

  But Li Luo was different. He seemed to have little interest in her. Although Zhao Yanzhi had great doubts about whether the goddess-like fiancée in his mouth really existed, at least intuitively, Li Luo gave her Not a bad feeling.

  Therefore, the more Li Luo shows his abilities now, the more good news it is for Zhao Yanzhi.

  "Tsk tsk, he is worthy of being the son of the third uncle. He defeated Jisha in the Great Sha Palace. Even if he is just a newcomer and has a vain Jisha, this achievement is still rare." Li Jingtao looked at the man on the battle stage. The slender young figure was filled with admiration.

  Immediately, his expression turned bitter again, and he said: "I'm afraid something will happen in the future. When my father scolds me, he will definitely say something like "Look at your little brother." Li Jingtao is a kind-hearted person and doesn't like to fight with others

  . The younger generation of Li Tianwang all knew that the eldest grandson of Longya was a good old man, but because of this, he was repeatedly scolded by his father for not being motivated.

  "Hmph, you deserve to be scolded for your character. If you were more ambitious, how could it be the turn of the Golden Light Banner to rise to the top of the Dragon Tooth Vein Flag?" Li Fengyi snorted.

  At the beginning, Li Jingtao actually had the best chance to control the Four Flags. After all, his identity was there. But it was precisely because of his concession that he gave Jinguang Banner the opportunity. Deng Fengxian also took advantage of this to rise. Now he has a young man named Dragon Yamai. The style of a generation of leaders.

  Li Jingtao smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this just to give you a chance."

  Li Fengyi curled her lips and said, "How dare you let me, a girl, charge into the battle and earn face for our direct lineage?" "

  Don't you have a younger brother now? , this boy is still very promising, I am optimistic about him! In the future, he will definitely become the face of our Longya vein like the third uncle." Li Jingtao said with a smile.

  Regarding his temper, Li Fengyi was completely speechless and could only shake her head helplessly. The golden light flags are all there.

  Several leaders of the Golden Light Banner also looked shocked at this moment and said in a loss of voice: "Zhong Ling lost unexpectedly. Isn't this Li Luo too perverted?" "What kind of

  Dasha palace realm can have such fighting power?"

  Deng Fengxian stared at Li Luo's figure on the stage, slightly silent, and said: "It is indeed surprising, but the blow just now should be regarded as Li Luo's decisive blow. He poured all his strength into it. After this blow, , His fighting power is second to none."

  "Of course, it is indeed very amazing that he can unleash such an astonishing blow at the level of Dasha Palace. This should be brought about by the Three Phases. The advantages of his strength and the strengthening of the three phase palaces have raised his phase power to a level that is no less than that of an ordinary Yin Sha body. Moreover, when he slashed out the sword earlier, his physical body was roaring, so he must have been practicing. Some kind of secret technique for physical enhancement."

  "The most important thing is his dual-phase power, which seems to be somewhat different from some of the dual-phase powers I have seen before. His dual-phase power is more condensed and There are some special traces of light in it. If I guessed correctly, Li Luo may have touched the third level of the power of duality." Hearing Deng Fengxian's analysis, everyone in Jinguang Banner said in surprise:

  " The third level of dual-phase power?!"

  Naturally, they have heard of this kind of power that belongs to the powerful feudal lords. This is also the unique advantage of bi-phase people. However, it is said that it is extremely difficult to improve the level of dual-phase power. Li Luo was actually able to do this while in the Dasha Palace realm?
  Is this guy's talent so amazing?

  He is currently in the Great Sha Palace Realm and is so perverted. If he steps into the Evil Body Realm, wouldn't he be able to threaten Deng Fengxian?
  Seeing everyone's changing expressions, Deng Fengxian smiled faintly and said, "Li Luo should not be underestimated, but there is no need to be too afraid." "

  Zhongling's illusory evil spirit cannot be regarded as a real extreme evil state at all. In this battle, Li Luo was actually taking a risk."

  "Zhongling's foundation is not strong, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate the Glazed Evil Body. If Li Luo had faced an opponent with a Glazed Evil Body in that blow just now, , then the one who stands on the stage in the end must be the latter."

  Hearing Deng Fengxian's words, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It would be a bit scary to say that Li Luo could compete with the Extreme Evil Realm with the Great Evil Palace Realm. But now listening to Zhong Ling's analysis, Li Luo's previous enthusiasm A sword with all your strength should only be at the peak level of the Golden Evil Body, and it cannot be said that it can really deal with the Extreme Evil Realm.

  And Deng Fengxian is not only a genuine Extreme Evil Realm, but also a Extreme Evil Realm who has cultivated the Glazed Evil Body.

  His foundation and heritage are far from comparable to those in the ordinary Extreme Evil Realm.

  Deng Fengxian's words were telling them that although Li Luo was special, it would not be easy to catch up. Their Golden Light Flag was still the strongest among the four flags of Longya Vein.

  And he, Deng Fengxian, will still be the leader of the younger generation of Longya Vein.

  "Let's go, there's nothing to see today."

  Deng Fengxian waved her hand and turned away first.

  Everyone in Jin Guangqi followed, and they all knew that after this battle, Li Luo would become famous among the younger generation of King Li Tian, ​​​​and such a brilliant record would also attract more people's attention. He is the son of Li Taixuan who returned from China.

  This calm Twenty Flags is bound to cause some waves because of this battle.

  (End of chapter)

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