Chapter 768: First Demon Cave Experience

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  Chapter 768: The First Demonic Cave Experience

  When Li Luo's eyes shifted away from the huge golden pillar, he was attracted by the light curtain next to the black hall. The light curtain was emitted by a crystal bead embedded in the mountain wall. When I came out and looked carefully, it turned out to be the progress of Twenty Flags in the Demon Cave.

  Ranking first is the Golden Blood Flag of Dragon Bloodline, which is on the forty-third floor.

  The second is the Holy Scale Flag of the Dragon Scale Vein, which is on the 42nd floor.

  At the fifth position, Li Luo saw the golden light flag of Dragon Tooth Vein, on the thirty-ninth floor.

  After that, there were a bunch of flags around the thirty-fifth floor. The Ziqi Flag and the Red Cloud Flag were also in this range, and then, at the fourteenth position, they saw the Qingming Flag.

  Qingming Banner's achievement is level twenty-seven.

  At the bottom with several fellow sufferers behind.

  This is indeed a relatively poor result, because the other ones at the bottom are basically from the dragon bone vein and dragon horn vein. These two veins are not direct veins. In terms of background, they have been suppressed by the other three veins in the past. .

  Qingming Banner was reduced to the same level as them. Thinking about the prominence and dazzlingness of Qingming Banner when his father was here, he would naturally feel extremely sad.

  The departure of my father back then was indeed a serious blow to Qingmingyuan.

  "It's really a big difference."

  Li Luo muttered. The first echelon had already reached about the 40th floor, while the Qingming Banner was only on the 27th floor. The gap between them was really nothing to say, and the Golden Light Flag The height of the thirty-ninth floor is indeed enough to overlook the other three flags of Longya Vein.

  The two banners of Ziqi and Chiyun controlled by Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi were also greatly defeated by Deng Fengxian.

  No wonder Deng Fengxian is so strong and domineering. It turns out that he has such achievements to support him.

  With this solid progress, Golden Light Flag is indeed considered the card of the Dragon Fang Vein generation.

  But what Li Luo wants to do most right now is to personally experience how much the evil demon in the evil demon cave can bring him, which will affect his future cultivation progress.

  So, after Li Luo had a few words with Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi, he returned to Qingming Banner.

  He found Zhao Yanzhi and asked: "We are going to attack the twenty-eighth floor next, right? Have you tried this level before?"

  Zhao Yanzhi replied: "Each time the Evil Demon Cave is opened, it will last for three days. , the last time our Qingming Banner got through to the 28th floor on the last day, you know, at that time our fifth company flag capital had not yet been selected, it was a mess, so our fifth company ten points One of the progress has not been reached."

  "But this is not because of our lack of ability. The main reason is that at that time we also encountered the Dragon Bone Vein Iron Bone Banner Part 2 and the two sides had a fight, which delayed the progress." "There are still some demons in the Evil Cave

  . Will you meet other bannermen?" Li Luo asked with some surprise.

  Zhao Yanzhi nodded and said: "You won't meet other banners in the first two days, but on the third day, the mechanism will change. If you break into a new level at that time, you may bump into other banners. That situation will become much more complicated, because we not only have to clear out the demons, but also have to compete with the opponent's banner." "

  This kind of competition between banners is random, so if you are unlucky, you will meet directly. It is not impossible to win the Dragon Bloodline Golden Blood Banner's first unit, and at that time, it may be more honorable to surrender directly."

  Li Luo was dumbfounded, this mechanism is obviously to allow competition among the various banner units. When it comes to tempering, the senior people in Li Tianwang's lineage are actually smart.

  "Won't the progress of Evil Demon Cave be reset every time?" Li Luo asked.


  "Wouldn't it be possible to pass the level by killing time?" Li Luo said in surprise.

  "Theoretically, if you have enough time, it may be possible, but if you expect to be able to penetrate the seventy-two floors, then you underestimate the thirteen golden pillars." Zhao Yanzhi pointed. The thirteen dazzling golden pillars in front of the main hall said with a sweet smile.

  Li Luo nodded. During the hundreds of years of the Twenty Banners, only the Thirteen Banners had opened up the seventy-two floors. If it was really that simple, then it would be too much to underestimate the ancestors of the Twenty Banners.

  "Flag head."

  Zhao Yanzhi's enchanting figure came closer, and the fragrance went straight into Li Luo's nose. She said quietly: "I heard that Zhong Ling said in the first part that this time he entered the evil spirit. The magic cave must be conquered on two levels within three days. He is earning prestige and paving the way for his future competition to be the leader of the Qingming Banner." "If the

  leader of the Qingming Banner is interested in this position, he must prepare in advance. Among the Ten Banners, people's hearts are very important. Once the bannermen truly support you, when you use "Aiki", you will not only be more relaxed, but also more powerful." Hearing Zhao Yanzhi's reminder, Li Luo nodded slightly, Twenty

  Flags The power is quite special, it comes from the collective, not the individual, so getting the public's support here is a big bonus.

  The simplest way to win people's hearts is to lead the crowd to conquer the Evil Cave.

  Because in this way, the entire Qingming Banner will benefit, and whoever contributes the most will naturally enjoy the highest reputation.

  Zhong Ling obviously thought so, so he worked hard to conquer the Evil Cave.

  Li Luo smiled helplessly. It seemed that since he mastered the Nine-turn Dragon Breath Refining Technique, Zhong Ling had already regarded him as a threat. Now the two sides have actually begun the competition to be the leader. road.

  But he naturally has nothing to fear from this. If even such a character can stop him, then what future prospects can he talk about in this Longya vein?

  In the entire Tianlong Five Meridians, I don’t know how many eyes are secretly staring at him, the son of Li Taixuan. If he can’t even fight a bell, I’m afraid countless people will laugh secretly. That amazing and talented Li Taixuan, It turns out that such a dog was born.

  While Li Luo was thinking about this, several streams of light suddenly fell from the sky above the Evil Demon Peak and appeared outside the black hall. Several old men in black robes appeared. They were unsmiling and had serious expressions. With a glance, the hustle and bustle in the venue quieted down.

  I guess they are the elders who presided over the opening of the Evil Demon Cave.

  When they arrived, they didn't say anything more. After thinking about the words they had repeated a thousand times, there was really no need to say them again, so they directly formed the seals. Under the urging of each other, a series of symbols took shape in the sky and fell. Enter the black hall door.

  Boom boom!

  Faintly, there seemed to be a roaring sound caused by the collision of forces.

  Then, everyone saw that the closed thick door slowly opened at this time.

  Behind the gate is a huge energy vortex, which forms a passage leading to an unknown place.

  When the energy vortex appeared, on the other side of the golden light flag, Deng Fengxian took the lead, leaping out and jumping directly into the vortex.

  Behind them are the eight thousand bannermen of the Golden Light Banner.

  Ziqi Banner and Chiyun Banner were also unwilling to lag behind and set off one after another.

  Before Li Fengyi entered the vortex, she looked towards Li Luo, gave him a cheering gesture, and then disappeared into the whirlpool.

  "The Qingming Banner is ready to enter, the first group will charge with me."

  At this time, Zhongling shouted softly and took the lead to rush out, followed closely by the first group of bannermen.

  Li Luo was not interested in competing with Zhong Ling for this boring limelight. He just waved his hand, then moved his figure and threw himself into the energy vortex behind the palace gate.

  His greater interest at this time was this evil cave.

  Whether he can strengthen and polish at least two Xiang Palaces to the level of Dasha Palace in less than three months depends on what he gains.

  When Li Luo passed through the energy vortex, a bright light burst out in front of his eyes, making him momentarily dizzy.

  When he came back to his senses the next moment, he found that the scene in front of him had changed drastically. He looked around. There was an island here. The island seemed to exist in a special space. The space in the distance Twisted and layered, apparently untouchable.

  This is the Demonic Cave.

  The space behind Li Luo continued to twist, and figures passed through it and landed behind it.

  It is the banner people of the fifth part.

  Zhao Yanzhi jumped up and landed lightly beside Li Luo. Then she pointed her slender jade finger forward and said, "Have you seen the flag head? Those are evil spirits." "On this island, evil spirits are everywhere

  . There are no less than tens of thousands of demons, and only by annihilating them all can we pass."

  Li Luo's eyes followed the projection, and then he saw that in the forest with sparse trees, there were countless dark gray The figure is wandering aimlessly.

  Those figures were about several feet tall, and their bodies seemed to have dark gray scales. Their facial features were blurred, and they looked a little weird.

  Li Luo felt familiar energy in these figures, which was the energy of the Earthly Evil.

  "If these tens of thousands of evil demons are eliminated, how much earth evil light can be condensed from the gathered earth evil energy?" Li Luo licked his lips and asked.

  Zhao Yanzhi thought for a while and said: "There should be about three or four thousand paths."

  Li Luo was a little disappointed when he heard this. Although three or four thousand Earth Evil Mysterious Lights sounded huge, it was not given to him alone, but would be distributed among them. To 1,500 bannermen.

  So in the end, it may only be two or three per capita.

  But think about it, it is only the twenty-eighth level now. The deeper you go in the future, the higher your rewards will be.

  Zhao Yanzhi seemed to know what Li Luo was thinking. He smiled sweetly, pointed to the depths of the island, and said: "Flaghead, deep in the island, there must be the evil leader. If he is defeated, this will be distributed according to contribution." Come down, you may be able to draw nearly a hundred more earthly evil lights."

  Hearing this, Li Luo's heart suddenly shook.

  One hundred Earth Evil Mysterious Lights are almost equivalent to a dozen high-grade Yuan Evil Pills.

  It's just one level, and you can gain something like this, which is quite a fortune.

  When he thought of this, he suddenly felt heroic and waved his hand.

  "Brothers, rush for me!"

  (End of chapter)

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