Chapter 766 Evil Peak

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  Chapter 766:

  The atmosphere in the Qingming School Ground today at Sha Mo Peak was extremely agitated. Everyone was gearing up and the momentum was surging, as if they were facing a long-awaited battle.

  Because today is the day when the Evil Demon Cave opens.

  Among the Twenty Banners of the Five Meridians of Tianlong, the Demonic Demon Cave is an existence that all the bannermen love and fear. They love it because they can obtain more Earthly Demonic Light here and increase the speed of cultivation. They fear it purely because this place is not It's not simple, every level is full of dangers, and the huge number of demons is even more troublesome. Countless bannermen are tortured to death here.

  But no matter what, the Evil Demon Cave is unique to the Twenty Banners, and it is also the exclusive training place of the Twenty Banners. This will last throughout the entire career of the 160,000 bannermen in the Twenty Banners.

  Although generations of Twenty Banners have suffered a lot here, everyone also understands that Demonic Demon Cave has long become the honor list of Twenty Banners.

  If a certain flag of a certain generation can penetrate the seventy-two layers of evil caves during its term of office, it will be engraved on the golden pillars of the evil hall and become a glory for those who come after to look up and respect.

  Of course, the actual benefits are indispensable from top to bottom.

  Therefore, the bannermen of the Twenty Flags are extremely enthusiastic about the Evil Demon Cave, and the most common sentence on everyone's lips is: "It's so much better to clean the cave." When the bannermen communicate with each other, they also

  say The progress of Demonic Demon Cave is regarded as a capital to show off, and those who advance slowly often have no choice but to avoid it with low self-esteem when hearing other high-level bannermen talking loudly, not wanting to be a foil to others.

  From this we can also see how important the Evil Demon Cave is among the Twenty Flags.

  Li Luo, who will be participating in the cave brushing for the first time, also has great curiosity and expectations.

  At the Qingming Campus, people from five departments and eight thousand banners gathered together, with a majestic momentum like a rainbow.

  "Flag leader, our Qingming Banner is currently on the twenty-seventh floor of the Devil's Cave. We have been stuck here for more than half a month. If we can't break through this time, it will probably have a negative impact on the morale of the bannermen. It's quite a blow." In the fifth part, Zhao Yanzhi's soft and seductive voice sounded in Li Luo's ears.

  Today, she is dressed in a smart outfit, and the unusually tight-fitting clothes fully outline her already hot figure. Under her long and white neck, there is a towering peak, with thrilling curves, and a pair of long, straight legs. This is Coupled with her charming cheeks, she undoubtedly became the focus of the scene.

  Even some male bannermen from other ministries cast coveted glances from time to time.

  But Zhao Yanzhi ignored all those glances. Instead, he got closer to Li Luo when he spoke, and the faint fragrance kept entering the latter's nostrils.

  This made many eyes look at Li Luo enviously.

  Li Luo was indifferent to Zhao Yanzhi's tempting behavior, but asked: "Is it because there is no big banner leader to lead the overall situation?"

  Zhao Yanzhi smiled sweetly and said: "That's not the case. In fact, it is evil. Before the 40th floor of the cave, it doesn't matter whether there is a big flag head or not, because according to the rules, when each flag enters the evil cave before the 40th floor, the five groups will be separated, and these five groups will encounter different scenes. , and as long as one of the five parts passes the test, it can drive the other four parts to pass this level."

  Li Luo was a little surprised. Originally, he thought he was relying on the power of one banner, but instead of All ministries are free to fight.

  "So in the past, each flag would form a sharp knife department before the fortieth floor. This department gathers many elites and is led by the leader of the flag, so that the level can be cleared with the highest efficiency." Zhao Yanzhi continued.

  "But our Qingming Banner hasn't even chosen the capital of the banner yet. All the ministries are dissatisfied with each other. Naturally, we can't do this, so we can only rely on the ministries to bite the bullet." Li Luo nodded, expressing his understanding

  . .

  At this time, Zhong Ling, who was in the first unit, suddenly looked at the eight thousand people in the field and said loudly: "My colleagues, today is the day when the Evil Demon Cave will be opened. I hope you will work together."

  Someone laughed and echoed: "Zhongling Banner leader, whether you can clear this level mainly depends on the first unit you lead. If you can really get through, your first unit will be the hero of our Qingming Banner." These

  words It has aroused some agreement. Although the various departments are not convinced, one fact must be acknowledged, that is, nearly half of the twenty-seven levels of demon caves opened by Qingming Banner were first opened by the first department.

  Zhong Ling's contribution is certainly not small.

  Zhong Ling waved his hand with a gentle smile and said: "As a member of the Qingming Banner, this is also my responsibility. After all, opening up the Demon Cave is something that will benefit all of us." These words were beautifully said,

  attracting Many people cheered and cheered.

  Zhao Yanzhi lightly curled her red lips and said to Li Luo: "This guy is already starting to win over people's hearts. He must be dreaming of reaching the top of the banner." Li Luo smiled and didn't say much. After all, now

  Zhong Ling is indeed the most popular candidate for the leadership of the Qingming Banner. It is difficult for other banner leaders to compete with him, including Li Luo himself.

  "Everyone, if you are ready, then let's go to Demon Peak." Zhong Ling waved his hand for the last time and issued the order with high spirits.

  No one objected to this, and then eight thousand people filed out of Qingming School like a torrent.

  The Evil Demon Peak is also located in the center of the Dragon Tooth Mountain Range, not too far from the locations of the banner schools, but this is only relative, because this mountain range is so huge that it is unimaginable, so when Qingming Banner arrived at the Evil Demon Peak , already half an hour later.

  On the top of the Demon Peak, there is a dark black hall that crawls like a giant beast. In front of the hall is an extremely huge square, which can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people. But now, the square is buzzing with people, and everyone from the four flags has gathered here.

  When Qing Mingqi arrived, countless surprised gazes came from the square, and then they all focused on Li Luo.

  It has long been known to everyone that Li Luo passed the Nine-turn Dragon Breath test a few days ago.

  "Is that Li Luo of Qingming Banner? The bloodline of that third master?"

  "It doesn't look too bad. Being able to pass the test of Nine Revolutions Dragon Breath with the strength of Xiaosha Palace is quite powerful." "It seems that

  Qingming Banner will have a backbone in the future."

  "Ha, that's fine. Not necessarily. Although the talent of this third young master is not bad, he is still too far behind Zhongling, and the selection of the leader of the Qingming Banner has been less than three months." "." Many whispers circulated in the field, and


  topic The center of everything is Li Luo.

  After all, as Li Taixuan's son, he himself is the focus of conversation that is difficult to escape, not to mention that he made such a big noise a few days ago.

  "Little brother!"

  Among the many gazes, only two groups of people headed by Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi from the Ziqi Banner and Red Cloud Banner took the initiative to greet them.

  Both of them stared at Li Luo with surprise on their faces. Li Fengyi looked at Li Luo with bright eyes and said with appreciation: "My little brother has done a good job. In just a few days, he is already a celebrity in the Twenty Flags. Li

  Jingtao also smiled and said: "The Nine-turn Dragon Breath, even Fengyi and I have failed many times. How did you do it?" Li Luo said: "Maybe it's

  because my phase power level is lower, so the Nine-turn Dragon Breath Dragon Breath is relatively weak, and the eldest brother and second sister are strong, so it is more difficult." "

  Such a sweet little mouth." Li Fengyi raised her eyebrows lightly and said with a sweet smile.

  Then she glanced at Zhao Yanzhi and others behind Li Luo, and said: "My little brother is very capable. Has the fifth part of Qingming Banner been conquered by you?" She knew the unruly

  style of the fifth part of Qingming Banner. But looking at the current appearance, these people have obviously followed Li Luoma's lead.

  "If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to us and we will help you support you." Li Fengyi's eyes turned and she suddenly glanced towards Zhongling and said meaningfully.

  Being caught by Li Fengyi's eyes, Zhong Ling looked a little unnatural. Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi each held a banner, and with the support of the eldest master and the second master behind them, they could be regarded as the younger generation of Long Yamai. The leader, regardless of strength and status, is far from being comparable to him.

  Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi made it clear that they wanted to support Li Luo. Although they could not intervene in the internal competition of Qingming Banner, they still put some pressure on him.

  Just when Zhong Ling was irritated, he caught a glimpse of the crowd splitting up in another part of the square, and then a thin figure in white walked out among the stars holding the moon.

  When Zhong Ling saw this, he immediately felt as if he had seen a savior, and quickly shouted: "Brother Deng!"

  Many eyes on the scene turned to him, and when they saw the charming figure in white, their expressions changed. A lot of solemnity and awe.

  Only Li Fengyi frowned.

  Because this figure in white is none other than the leader of the Golden Light Banner, Deng Fengxian.

  At the same time, he is also the real leader among the younger generation of Longya Vein today. It is also because of his existence that the four banners of Longya Vein of this generation have not been left too far behind by the other veins.

  Therefore, among the younger generation of Long Ya Mai today, Deng Fengxian's reputation is unparalleled.

  Even Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi, who have top status, were overwhelmed by him.

  Among the many eyes, the extraordinary-looking Deng Fengxian walked into the scene. He first smiled gently at Zhong Ling, and then saluted Li Jingtao and Li Fengyi with a polite attitude.

  Li Jingtao smiled at his politeness, while Li Fengyi snorted and ignored it.

  Deng Fengxian didn't care about this. Instead, he turned his eyes to Li Luo on the other side of Qingming Banner. He looked at the latter and showed a smile.

  "This one must be Li Luo, the son of the third master who just returned from Outer China and passed the nine-turn dragon breath test, right?" (End of Chapter


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