Chapter 760 Nine-turn Dragon Breath

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  Chapter 760
  The unexpected surprise brought by the Nine-turn Dragon Breath Thunder Furnace gave Li Luo another thought.

  The Thunder Furnace is the source of the Thunder Body, and this Thunder Body is a special physique that can greatly increase one's own strength. The Thunder Body has the realm of the fifth level of thunder, and now Li Luo can only achieve the first level of thunder.

  If you want to improve your thunder body, the thunder furnace is the core.

  Only when the power of thunder in the Thunder Furnace becomes stronger can it stimulate the physical body with stronger thunder sounds, causing the flesh, flesh, and bones to temporarily strengthen.

  But it is not easy to improve the Thunder Furnace. Although Li Luo possesses a thunder phase, it is only an auxiliary phase after all. He does not absorb much thunder phase power in his daily practice. The effect it can achieve is to maintain the power of the Thunder Furnace. As for fading, if we really need to rely on this thunder phase to enhance the Thunder Furnace, it may take quite a long time.

  Therefore, it is a shortcut to use special thunder power to strengthen the thunder furnace.

  The next nine-turn Thunder Dragon Breath is a great supplement to the Thunder Furnace.

  If he grasped it properly, Li Luo felt that it was unlikely that he would be able to elevate his thunder body to the realm of the second level of thunder.

  If the thunder body can really reach the second level of thunder, Li Luo feels that the strength of his physical body at that time should not be much weaker than the silver evil body.

  This is quite an improvement.

  And just when Li Luo was moved by it, he suddenly felt the world around him shaking violently. He hurriedly looked around and saw that this endless golden desert was setting off huge waves of sand. It was like an earth dragon was making trouble.

  The entire desert was shaking, and in the next moment, thousands of feet of golden sand waves rolled up.

  Countless golden sands pour down from the sky like golden waterfalls.

  In the void behind the countless gold powder, two huge lantern-like golden lights shone out. As the gold powder fell on them, Li Luo took a deep breath.

  I could see a giant golden dragon entrenched in the void there. The dragon's eyes were condescending, staring at Li Luo below with infinite majesty.

  It's like looking down at ants.

  As the golden dragon's mouth opened and closed, there seemed to be boundless golden thunder dragon breath gathering in it. The mere leakage of that power caused Li Luo below to change his expression.

  This dragon's breath was several times more powerful than the one just now.

  Is the Nine-turn Dragon Breath so terrifying and domineering?
  Li Luo frowned. If he recklessly absorbed the power of thunder with such intensity, the furnace would explode directly, right?
  Moreover, his physical body could not bear it.

  Therefore, if he wants to use this Thunder Dragon Breath to strengthen the Thunder Furnace, he must first weaken it to the limit that his physical body can bear.

  With Li Luo thinking like this, he no longer hesitated. The force in his body was like a river flowing, and his hands quickly formed seals.

  A moment later, with the intense consumption of phase force in his body, a somewhat illusory black dragon flag appeared in his hand.

  Wanting to fight against such an explosive Nine-turn Dragon Breath, Li Luo did not dare to neglect at all, and directly used his strongest method.

  There was no ink mark on the golden dragon in the sky. As the golden dragon's mouth opened, the depths of its sharp fangs seemed to be a sea of ​​golden thunder.

  The next moment, thunder exploded.

  I saw a golden dragon's breath spitting out fiercely, and what flowed in the golden dragon's breath was actually liquid thunder slurry.

  Wherever the Thunder Dragon's breath passed, the void was completely distorted.

  "Black Dragon Mingshui Flag!"

  Li Luo's eyes flashed, and the Black Dragon Flag in his hand cut through the void. Suddenly, a black dragon drove the Styx River out of the air. With the dragon's roar resounding, the cold black light penetrated the sky and directly connected with the golden The dragon's breath shook together.

  When the two collided, there was no earth-shattering sound, but a continuous black mist rising continuously, and the two astonishing forces continued to erode at a rapid rate.

  In that void, there are faint cracks emerging.

  This stalemate lasted for about ten seconds, and then the black dragon Mingshui gradually gave out. Finally, with a cry, the black dragon shattered, and the Mingshui was melted by the thunder.

  The Nine-turn Dragon Breath is really terrifying. Even if Li Luo used the Marquis Technique, he only consumed about half of it.

  The remaining half of the Thunder Dragon Breath, still carrying a destructive aura, was thrown at Li Luo below.

  Li Luo raised his head, his eyes reflected the roaring thunder dragon breath, but his expression did not show panic. Instead, he activated his thunder body at this moment, which would strengthen his physical body's resistance to thunder plasma. .

  A thunderous sound vibrated within the body, and the flesh and blood were strengthened. But this was not the end. A mysterious purple tree light pattern appeared on the back of Li Luo's hand. It was the "Sacred Tree Purple Emblem", the reward Li Luo received in the Holy Grail War.

  The Divine Tree Purple Emblem was originally able to continuously produce "Purple Spiritual Liquid" and use it to temper the phase. However, in order to directly upgrade the dragon phase to the sixth level, Li Luo directly chose a one-time infusion, so the god The tree purple emblem was inactive during this period of time.

  But now Li Luo is not doing it for the "Purple Spiritual Liquid", but for a secret method that comes with the "Sacred Tree Purple Emblem".

  "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor!"

  Following Li Luo's whisper, the purple emblem of the Sacred Tree suddenly erupted with bright green light. The green light contained extremely huge vitality, and then spread rapidly along Li Luo's body. Come.

  In just a few breaths, a set of cyan armor was seen, covering Li Luo's body.

  When the cyan armor appeared, Li Luo suddenly felt a huge force of vitality pouring into his body. His arms that had been torn apart due to the power of the Elephant God were completely restored almost instantly. .

  "What a strong recovery ability!"

  Li Luo was pleasantly surprised. The recovery ability of this "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor" was much more powerful than the "Spiritual Water Technique" and other similar restoration techniques he used.

  Moreover, the "Sacred Wood Rejuvenation Armor" is transformed by the power of the wood phase. It has some isolation effect on the power of thunder, and it has the effect of weakening the thunder dragon's breath.

  After everything is prepared, the next step is to bear the baptism of the Thunder Dragon Breath.

  Li Luo showed no fear on his face, stretched out his arms, and let the thunderous dragon's breath, which was carrying destruction, roar towards him.

  The moment he was bombarded by thunder plasma, Li Luo's ears and eyes seemed to be filled with thunder. The extremely violent thunder power flashed crazily outside the armor, and the "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor" also appeared quickly at this time. It was damaged, so the power of thunder poured into Li Luo's body and began to wreak havoc and destruction.

  Severe pain spread throughout Li Luo's body.

  But Li Luo remained silent. He first used the dual-phase power to continuously block the power of thunder from the front. At the same time, he activated the water phase, wood phase, and light phase power, which have the ability to recover, to assist in the rear. "Sacred Tree Rejuvenation Armor" repairs many damaged areas.

  The power of thunder at this time was still too violent to be directly inhaled into the thunder furnace, so he planned to consume it with his physical body.

  Although he will suffer a lot, Li Luo is not afraid of it.

  As a result, a battlefield seemed to be formed in Li Luo's body, and the power of thunder continued to destroy it, while he used his powerful recovery ability to clean up the messy battlefield.

  However, due to the repeated damage and repair of the flesh and blood, there are some faint signs of enhancement.

  I don’t know how long this tug-of-war lasted. Anyway, Li Luo just gritted his teeth and held on. After all, when he made his previous plan, he knew that he would suffer a lot this time. How could others survive this nine-turn dragon breath? I know, but I'm afraid there aren't many people like him who try to use the power of thunder for their own use.

  Under this tug-of-war, the phase force in Li Luo's body was also rapidly depleted.

  However, the situation is gradually improving.

  The dual-phase power is very effective in blocking the frontal force and dividing the power of thunder. Although the dragon's breath is domineering, the dual-phase power is also of a very high level. In the confrontation with the dragon's breath, it does not appear to be much weak.

  Therefore, as time passed, the power of thunder raging in his body began to be restricted by Li Luo to a level that he felt was acceptable.

  "It should be almost done."

  Li Luo thought, so he took the initiative to activate the thunder furnace in his body, and the sound of thunder suddenly echoed in his body.

  As the thunder sounded, the raging thunder power in the body seemed to be attracted by something, and suddenly turned around, like birds entering their nests, whizzing away in the direction of the thunder furnace.

  In just a few short breaths, all the thunder power that tortured Li Luo to death poured into the thunder furnace.

  And when the last thunder power entered the furnace, Li Luo felt a sense of nervousness in his heart.

  Under Li Luo's nervous gaze, the Thunder Furnace also began to vibrate violently at this time.

  Seeing such a huge reaction from the furnace, Li Luo couldn't help but hold his breath.

  I hope the Thunder Furnace can withstand it, otherwise if the furnace explodes, then the work will really be in vain.

  (End of chapter)

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