Chapter 732 Before leaving

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  Chapter 732 Before Farewell After
  the eldest princess and the young king said goodbye and left, the old house of Luolan Mansion welcomed a new wave of guests on the second day.

  This wave of guests are all old acquaintances, headed by Vice President Su Xin, followed by Lu Qing'er, Yu Lang, Bai Mengmeng, Bai Doudou, Zhao Kuo and others.

  When Lu Qing'er and others saw Li Luo, their eyes were a little complicated, because they already knew about Jiang Qing'e at this time, so they all understood that Li Luo's heart must be full of pain.

  "Li Luo, I have already visited Nanfeng Academy and discussed with Dean Wei. Nanfeng Academy is indeed a good place for transformation. So in the future, maybe Shengxuanxing Academy will be located in Nanfeng Academy first. Windy City." Vice Dean Su Xin said.

  However, they actually chose Nanfeng Academy mainly for the sake of Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e. After all, among the many counties in southern Daxia, this was not their only choice.

  "That's what Dean Wei wants."

  Li Luo said with a delighted smile. It was indeed good news for him that Shengxuanxing Academy could choose Nanfeng City, because this would cause Nanfeng City to become the center of southern Daxia in the future. The location of the center is also conducive to the development of Luo Lan Mansion. At the same time, if the aliens in Daxia show signs of raging in the future, Nanfeng City will also become safer because of the existence of Shengxuanxing Academy.

  "Li Luo, you should be leaving soon, right?" Vice Dean Su Xin sighed and asked the same words as the eldest princess.

  As soon as these words came out, Lu Qing'er, Yu Lang, Bai Mengmeng and others on the side also stared at Li Luo.

  Li Luo first smiled at them, then nodded, and said calmly: "It's just for the next few days. Once everyone in Luo Lan Mansion is settled, I will go to Tianyuan Shenzhou with Aunt Yun." Everyone was trapped in it

  . There was silence for a while.

  Vice President Su Xin nodded slightly and said: "Today's Daxia is indeed not a good place for you to practice. You and Qing'e are both suitable for a better stage."

  It can be said that Shengxuanxing Academy suffered an unprecedented heavy blow this time. The high-level Xiangli tree that was the foundation of the school was destroyed. This was almost a traumatic experience. After all, many of the training conditions of the school depended on the Xiangli tree. exist.

  In the days to come, even if Shengxuanxing Academy is rebuilt, it will take a long time to return to its former glory.

  "Daxia will become more and more chaotic in the future. The royal court of Daxia will be divided and the power of evil thoughts will spread. Although Dean Pang's methods have limited the scale of the evil thoughts, as time goes by As time goes by, more and more aliens will inevitably be born."

  "Daxia, the future will not be stable." Vice President Su Xin sighed softly.

  "Can't we report it to the Academy Alliance? They are so powerful. If they can send a king-level expert, the crisis in Daxia will be lifted." Li Luo asked.

  Vice President Su Xin shook his head and said: "The school alliance is currently too busy taking care of itself. When Future Qian goes to Inner China, he will understand that the crisis they face is far greater than that here in Daxia, so he wants to wait until they I have sent a king-level powerhouse, I don’t know how long it will take."

  Li Luo said silently, it seems that although the inner China is the most prosperous place in this world, it does not seem to be as peaceful as it seems on the surface, but it is right to think about it. The alien dark world is so terrifying. Although the school alliance is powerful, compared with the aliens in the dark world, it may only be able to support it. Otherwise, the aliens will not always exist in these long years.

  "If they can't send a king-level powerhouse to support, what about the advanced Xiangli tree? If they can be asked to support another Xiangli tree, the school can truly be rebuilt." He asked again.

  Regarding his somewhat naive words, Vice President Su Xin could only smile bitterly and said: "You can't imagine the value of the high-level Xiangli tree. Even the school alliance needs to pay a huge price to cultivate it. , this Xiangli tree was begged by Dean Pang after all the hard work, and at the same time, Shengxuanxing Academy was established." "

  According to the rules of the school alliance, once the high-level Xiangli tree is destroyed, the place where it is located will be destroyed. Schools will also be punished, so if we want to seek resources from the school alliance in the future, it will be much more difficult, and we may even be rejected."

  "Li Luo, this is why I came to see you this time."

  Vice President Su Xin hesitated and said, "You will go to Tianyuan Divine State, and there is an ancient academy there, named "Tianyuan". "Ancient Academy", like Shengguang Ancient Academy, is the founder of the Academy Alliance. I would like to ask you, if you have a chance in the future, you can go to "Tianyuan Ancient Academy" to find someone." "Her name

  is Lan Lingzi is an old acquaintance of the dean. I hope you find her and ask her to help exempt Shengxuanxing Academy from punishment and secure future resources for the academy. After all, if the academy wants to rebuild, these cultivation resources are not available. Otherwise, the school will become weaker and weaker in the future. "

  Originally, I should do this kind of thing, but with the current state of the school, I really can't leave."

  Hearing Vice President Su Xin's request, Li Luo also smiled slightly. He was startled for a moment, and then he recited the name "Lan Lingzi" in his mind. When Vice President Su Xin mentioned this name, he seemed to have complicated emotions.

  Is Lan Lingzi still an old acquaintance of the dean? Couldn't it be an old lover?

  Li Luo glanced at Vice Dean Su Xin. Well, this person seemed to have always had feelings for the dean.

  Now I have to go to the dean's old acquaintance for help. It's a bit confusing.

  "Don't worry, Vice President, I am also a member of the school, and the school has helped me, so if I can, I will definitely help the school." However, Li Luo did not hesitate, but readily agreed. He has always been somewhat grateful to Shengxuanxing Academy.

  When he was still the empty prime minister, Jiang Qing'e supported the crumbling Luo Lan Mansion alone. At that time, the school gave Jiang Qing'e shelter. This made those forces who coveted the Luo Lan Mansion fearful and did not dare to do anything to Jiang Qing'e, otherwise If so, Jiang Qing'e may not be able to grow up smoothly.

  During the subsequent Mansion Festival, although the school remained neutral, instructor Xi Chan took action. Without Vice-President Su Xin's acquiescence, she would never have been able to leave the school.

  Therefore, the school is kind to Li Luo, and now that it needs his help, he is naturally obligated.

  Deputy Dean Su Xin also looked pleased with Li Luo's cheerfulness. Then she glanced at Yu Lang, Bai Mengmeng, Zhao Kuo and others. Her lips moved slightly, and a voice that only Li Luo could hear fell into his mouth. in the ears.

  "After you leave, the school will devote all its resources to cultivating your friends. This can be considered a bit of gratitude from the school."

  Li Luo's eyes moved slightly, knowing that Vice President Su Xin was reciprocating the favor, so he smiled and nodded. First, this is also a good result. Yu Lang and Zhao Kuo don’t have much background, but they all have a certain resilience. If the school can pay more attention to them in the future, maybe they can be The future goes further.

  He is about to leave, and now it is his last intention to fight for more cultivation resources for these friends within his ability.

  "Okay, you little guys can tell your goodbyes by yourselves."

  Vice President Su Xin didn't say much, waved her hands, and turned around to leave, leaving a group of friends looking at Li with resentful eyes. Luo.

  "Li Luo, it's really unkind of you to leave your brothers to go to Inner China to enjoy the hot and spicy food." Yu Lang shook his head, looking accusatory.

  Li Luo sighed: "I can't help it. I originally thought that I just inherited an ordinary rich kid from the Luolan Mansion, but suddenly another inexplicable superpower jumped out and said that I had their bloodline and asked me to identify it." The ancestors have returned to their clan, which makes me feel helpless." Yu Lang's face stiffened, and he said quietly: "Brother, you have gone too far." Lu Qing'er and Bai Mengmeng on the side couldn't help but chuckle


  However, after the two of them started arguing, the atmosphere became much calmer. Bai Mengmeng looked at Li Luo with her big, watery black eyes, her innocent and sweet face full of reluctance, and said: "Captain, when I leave this time, When will you come back?"

  Li Luo was silent for a moment and said, "I'm afraid it will take a few years."

  A look of sadness flashed across Bai Mengmeng's eyes. A few years later, the boys and girls here will have grown up. By then, she doesn't know if things will change. She likes the leisurely and peaceful life in the school very much, but unfortunately, This nostalgic time was shorter than she imagined.

  "Captain, after I research the formula of spiritual water and strange light, I will give it all to Xiyangwu." Bai Mengmeng said softly.

  "It doesn't have to be like this. I don't expect Luo Lan Mansion to develop much better in the future. If you have a new formula, I can give it to the Bai family." Li Luo said with a smile. In the past, he was very interested in Ling Shui Qi Guang. The reason for the obsession with the formula is to feed back Luo Lan Mansion's protective formation. Now that the formation is gone, and he is leaving, it doesn't matter whether Xiyang House can still grow.

  When Bai Mengmeng heard this, she shook her head and said stubbornly: "This is our original agreement. I can't give up halfway."

  Seeing this, Li Luo could only nod helplessly.

  Then he turned his eyes and looked at Lu Qing'er who had never spoken but looked at him quietly.

  The girl was dressed in a light blue dress, with a slender and graceful figure. Her face was as beautiful as a flower emerging from the water, delicate and lovely. Her round and slender legs, wrapped in white stockings, looked even more straight, as if they were flowing with light.

  From what Li Luo looked at, the girl didn't say anything, she just smiled at him.

  But Li Luo could feel her somewhat depressed mood.

  But he couldn't say anything, he could only give a comforting smile, and then said to everyone: "I just have time today, so let's have a happy meal at the house tonight, which can be regarded as a farewell banquet." After hearing this, everyone agreed happily

  . .

  So Li Luo ordered to go down and a small banquet was held in the old house in the evening.

  Yu Lang, Zhao Kuo and others were all drunk.

  "Brother Luo, just feel free to go and fight in Inner China. Let the geniuses from Inner China see that the geniuses from our Shengxuanxing Academy will not be weaker than them!" During the banquet, Zhao Kuo's face turned red. roared.

  "Li Luo, I will help rebuild the school, and I will also work hard to practice. When you come back again, you will find that my name, Yu Lang, will also be heard throughout Daxia! I will become the hero who saves Daxia! "Yu Lang was also drunk and his eyes were blurred, and he patted the table and said.

  Li Luo smiled, nodded, and raised his glass to them.

  As for girls like Lu Qing'er, Bai Mengmeng, and Bai Doudou, they didn't drink much, but looked at the howling crowd with some sadness.

  When it was late at night, Li Luo ordered people to drag away the drunk Yu Lang, Zhao Kuo and others, while Bai Doudou took Bai Mengmeng and left first. Finally, he sent Lu Qing'er out of the old house with a hint of drunkenness. House.

  At the door of the old house, Lu Qing'er stood still pretty, the light falling on her body made her beautiful face even more charming.

  "Li Luo."

  Lu Qing'er looked at Li Luo with starry eyes and said softly: "Don't worry, Senior Jiang will be fine." They all knew

  about Jiang Qing'e, but today no one consciously mentioned it. It was only now that Lu Qing'er revealed opened this topic.

  Li Luo nodded and said with a smile: "I think so too."

  Lu Qing'er lowered her eyes slightly, her low mood could no longer be concealed, and said: "Li Luo, I'm sorry, I can't help you with anything."

  Li Luo Yi Startled, he immediately shook his head and said: "You have helped me a lot. If it weren't for you, how could Aunt Yu be willing to help me? In the past, many materials needed for the development of Luolan Mansion were obtained by Jinlong Baoxing On your behalf, I have given you a lot of conveniences."

  Lu Qing'er shook her head and said, "My strength is too weak. If I were a powerful man, I would be able to stand by your side and help you." "Actually, I am too weak

  . , I feel that I have become too relaxed after entering Shengxuanxing Academy." "

  I will never be like this again."

  She seemed to be talking to herself, and finally took a deep breath, under the light She is as beautiful as a beautiful woman, with icy muscles and jade bones.

  "Li Luo, take care. There are many talented people in Inner China, but I believe that no matter where you are, you will shine your glory. I look forward to the day when your name will be resounding in Inner China." After her words fell, she did not wait for Li

  Luo The answer was to turn around and walk down the steps, and went straight to a Jinlong Baoxing chariot that had been waiting for a long time at the door.

  The carriages were moving along the street and getting further and further away in the night.

  Li Luo looked at the chariot going away, stopped for a long time, and then said softly.

  "Take care, Qing'er."

  I hope that when I see you again, you will still be as beautiful as ice and snow, with unparalleled beauty.

  (End of chapter)

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