Chapter 705 Xuan Chen

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  Chapter 705
  In Xuan Chen’s study, the man with gold and silver eyes known as Xuan Chen didn’t pay attention to the regent’s angry words. Instead, he sat down on a chair nearby. His face was pale and could not be concealed. Obviously, although Dean Pang's previous knife was dodged by him using a special secret method, he still suffered severe trauma.

  "Gong Yuan, it's inappropriate to question an ally like this."

  "We fulfilled our promise and did not let Pang Qianyuan walk out of the dark cave. Isn't this what you requested before?" Xuan Chen coughed twice, then said with a smile.

  The regent's face was gloomy and he said: "But you have destroyed Daxia!" "

  Now that the secret cave has been opened, the city of Daxia cannot be saved!"

  Xuan Chen said indifferently: "Anyway, you are not the king of Daxia, why do you worry so much? "

  I am the regent of Daxia." The regent said expressionlessly.

  "Do you think you can continue to be your regent after your Majesty has ascended the throne?"

  Xuan Chen smiled and waved his hand, saying: "Okay, okay, don't say these meaningless words, Gong Yuan , take a longer view. When you become a king-level powerhouse in the future, you can definitely create a dynasty and empire a hundred times larger than Daxia. At that time, you will be the founding emperor, and your achievements will be greater than those of your palace family. Those ancestors were a hundred times stronger."

  The regent's eyes moved and he said: "King level, it's easier said than done."

  His words softened unknowingly.

  "With our support, the king level is not unattainable. You should have an idea of ​​our strength." Xuan Chen said calmly.   The regent was silent for a while and said: "What else do

  you want to do next?"

Pang Qianyuan interfered, and his self-seal not only sealed the two alien kings and the Black River of Evil Thoughts, but also suppressed the speed at which the Dark Cave released the energy of Evil Thoughts."

  "Originally we wanted to make Daxia fall as quickly as possible, but looking at it now, we can only wait a little longer." "

  But, from our point of view, this is actually quite good."

  Xuan Chen suddenly laughed out loud again and said: "Because if those two alien kings really come out, it will not be a good thing for us. After all, I can't let me invite two king-level experts from the headquarters. Suppress them, right? The aliens have weird thoughts, and no one knows whether they will cause backlash at the next moment."

  Although they are somewhat involved with the aliens, it is because they have their own purposes. If the Fish King He came out smoothly with the Corpse King. With his strength as a seventh-grade lord, it is absolutely impossible to command them. It is even possible that if one of the two alien kings is uncomfortable, it is not impossible to kill him with a backhand.

  But now, it would be best if Pang Qianyuan helped him temporarily seal the two alien kings. He also had more time to make arrangements for their "reunion".

  "Daxia City will probably be abandoned next. Gong Yuan, don't you have any plans?" Xuan Chen asked with a smile.

  "What do you mean?" the regent frowned.

  Xuan Chen raised his palm, and the light of Xiangli bloomed in his palm, forming a huge map directly in front of him, which was the territory of Daxia.

  "This time the dark cave is broken, the energy of evil thoughts will be swept out continuously. However, due to some suppression done by Pang Qianyuan before being sealed, from my observation, in the future, the energy of evil thoughts will be in the form of Shengxuan Star. The school is the source, and then all the way to the west, forming a huge pollution zone."

  He snapped his fingers, and then the regent saw a black area running from east to west on the territory map, which looked like a The huge Black River almost splits the entire Daxia territory into two.

  "In the next two or three years, Daxia should look like this." "

  Because Daxia City will be abandoned, then the royal court will look for another city as the new capital. Do you think the eldest princess will choose Where are you going?" Xuan Chen asked with a smile.

  The regent pondered slightly and said: "She should choose to go to the southern region of Daxia, because there will be more veterans and families who support her." "What about


  The regent was stunned and thoughtful. Staring at Xuan Chen, he said, "You want me to go to the north of Daxia?"

  "Following the eldest princess and the others to the south will only lead to endless disputes. Now that Daxia is in chaos, with your reputation and power, why bother? Follow that little king again? You raise your arms and go to the north to establish yourself as king, enough to rule by dividing the river with the eldest princess." Xuan Chen said.

  "Furthermore, with our support, your strength will be unimaginable before long. It will not be difficult to regain the south and complete the unification by then." The regent's face changed slightly and said: "What are you doing

  ? Do you want to split Daxia and reduce Daxia's strength to facilitate some future plans?" "But with your strength, there is actually no need to do this. It seems that you were seriously injured by Pang Qianyuan this time." Xuan Chen's

  expression , finally became a little gloomier, and he did not deny it. He said lightly: "You will understand if you resist an attack from a king-level powerhouse." The regent shook his head and said: "I am not that ignorant of the heights of the world

  . ."

  Even Xuan Chen, who had reached the level of seventh-grade marquis and possessed many secret methods, was injured like this by Pang Qianyuan's casual knife. He, a fifth-grade marquis, would probably die with just one stab.

  "But I am indeed somewhat interested in the proposal you mentioned." The Prince Regent changed the topic and a smile appeared on his lips.

  The city of Daxia will be destroyed, Daxia will become extremely chaotic in the future, and the previous rules will also be broken.

  If he follows Gong Luanyu and the little king retreats to the south, even if he has trouble with the little king's gender issue, he will still be involved in many forces from all sides, which will restrict his ambitions. In this case, it would be better to lead the people to retreat to the north, and when the time is right, leave the royal court directly, separate the north, and establish himself as king.

  With the support of the Guiyihui, his ambitions in the future will not stop at Daxia.

  Perhaps as Xuan Chen said, his achievements will far exceed those of the previous kings of the Gong family.

  At this thought, the regent's eyes became a little fiery.

  Although he understands that this will only make him more and more dependent on "Gui Yi Hui", some things have advanced to this point, and he can't really look back, and neither will the man in front of him. Allow him to turn back.

  "This is a good proposal." Finally, he smiled at Xuan Chen.

  Xuan Chen also had a gentle smile on his pale face. He was very satisfied with the regent's knowledge.

  "Prince Regent, I also have a small request." At this time, Shen Jinxiao, who had never spoken, looked at the Prince Regent and said with a smile.

  "Master Shen, it's okay to say so." The regent waved his hand.

  "It's not that Daxia City will be destroyed. Other forces here should also choose to move. Among them, Luo Lan Mansion must be included." Shen Jinxiao said slowly.

  When the regent heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed.

  "Once Luo Lan Mansion moves its headquarters, the Guardian Array will also be affected. I think this may be a good opportunity." Shen Jinxiao crossed his fingers and said with a smile.

  "Master Shen still wants to take advantage of the Luo Lan Mansion? Aren't you afraid of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan?" the regent asked.

  "You must be afraid." Shen Jinxiao smiled calmly and said: "But the grudges have been settled. Since they can't be alleviated, it's better to do something more extreme. And with the "Guiyiji" as the background, we don't necessarily need to be afraid. They."

  The regent was silent for a few seconds and said, "What does Master Shen want to do?"

  "Master Xuanchen will keep an eye on Shengxuanxing Academy, but the eldest princess has good relations with Luolan Mansion, and the power on her side, I need you to find a way to do some restraint, and leave the rest to me." Shen Jinxiao cupped his hands and said.

  The regent glanced at him and said: "There is not only Xi Chan in Luo Lan Mansion, but also a guy named Niu Biaobiao, who is also a hidden danger. Are you sure you can handle it?"

  Xuan Chen on the side smiled and said: "Don't underestimate Shen Jinxiao. He is a person that even the Fish King admires. Speaking of which, he is really suitable for our "reunion". In the future, he will The achievements will be greater than mine."

  The regent's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes were slightly shaken.

  "Lord Xuan Chen praises me too much."

  Shen Jinxiao smiled helplessly, then looked at the Regent with a deep smile.

  "I don't want "spiritual matter", I just want Jiang Qing'e."

  (End of this chapter)

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