Chapter 7 Choice

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  Chapter 7 Decision
  The room was silent.

  The dark crystal ball gave off a faint light, and the light reflected Li Luo's uncertain face, making it look a little strange.

  Now he is undoubtedly trapped in an extremely difficult choice.

  The empty phase in his body, with the efforts of his parents, suddenly gave him great hope and dawn, but what he didn't expect was that this hope would come at such a heavy price.

  Only five years left to live.

  If he cannot step into the feudal realm and evolve his life form within five years, then his lifespan will completely end.

  Five years as a marquis?

  He is seventeen years old now, and five years later, he will be twenty-three years old. As far as Li Luo knows, it seems that there has never been such a young feudal lord in the history of Daxia.

  What kind of talent, opportunity and hard work is required to create such a miracle?
  Li Luo didn't know. So at this moment, he felt a huge pressure coming over him, making it difficult to breathe.

  Now, he can continue to choose to be mediocre. The Luo Lan Mansion left by his parents can be regarded as a big inheritance. Even if he cannot control it, if he is willing to give in a lot, it is indeed impossible to be a rich and idle person. question.

  And if he chooses this acquired path, he must keep tight at all times. He must race against time, do his best to squeeze every ounce of his potential, and then fight against the sky to win that extra difficult glimmer of hope.

  How to choose between the two?

  Li Luo slowly closed his eyes, his mind surging.

  At this moment, he thought a lot. He thought of the strange eyes in the school. They liked to talk about the words of a tiger father and a dog son, and why the children of such excellent parents have so much water?
  He also thought of those pure and beautiful golden eyes. Deep down in his heart, he naturally had a bit of love and yearning for Jiang Qing'e. Li Luo did not deny this. After all, as he said, Jiang Qing'e's Being excellent means having great appeal to peers. Being a fair lady and being a gentleman is a bit of a tantrum. This is not shameful, it is just human nature.

  In fact, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e have been competing with each other in many aspects since they were young. However, due to various reasons, Li Luo most likely loses more and wins less. And this kind of competition continues as the two gradually grow up. After growing up, it gradually became less and less.

  Especially when the Xiang Palace opened, Li Luo knew that the gap between the two sides was widening.

  From that time on, Jiang Qing'e rarely compared herself with him.

  These years of experiences have made Li Luo seem to have become much calmer. However, only Li Luo himself knows how strong his desire to win is deep in his heart.

  The transaction with Jiang Qing'e may not have been a form of persecution by him.

  Under normal circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for him to catch up with Jiang Qing'e, who had already left him far behind. However, now, he has some hope.

  Should he give up this little hope?

  The answer is. Impossible!
  Li Luo suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes sharper than ever before.

  He stared at the light and shadow of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan in front of him, and said softly: "Dad, Mom, actually I have always had an ambition, although this ambition may seem ridiculous and overestimating to others." "I not only want to catch up

  with Sister Qing'e, I also want to surpass her, and not only her, I also want to surpass you." He

  grinned, showing his white teeth: "I want that in the future, when others see me, they won't say that this is Li Taixuan I want them to say that these are the parents of the legendary Li Luo when they see you."

  Li Luo smiled low and said: "Mom and dad, I am very grateful to you. On my seventeenth birthday, give me such a gift."

  "Don't worry, I won't let you down. I'm just going to be a Marquis for five years. Well, I, Li Luo, will accept this challenge!" When the last word fell,

  Li Luo's eyes also changed. He became determined, and immediately without any hesitation, he stretched out his palm and pressed it directly on the black crystal ball.

  The crystal ball suddenly reacted violently. At this moment, Li Luo felt severe pain in his palm, as if countless long needles were piercing into his palm.

  Then, the black crystal ball began to slowly split at this time, and in the deepest part of its interior, two objects lay quietly.

  One object is a black jade slip. If the prediction is correct, it should contain the so-called "Small Formless Divine Forging Technique".

  The other thing is a strange thing. It seems to be a liquid, and it seems to be some kind of illusory light flow. It shows a blue color, and the blue color reflects the subtle sacred light.

  Li Luo's eyes were fixed on the mysterious thing that looked like liquid and flow of light.

  He knew that this was the thing that could change his destiny. An acquired look that his parents had worked so hard to refine.

  And he could also feel that when he first saw this thing, he had a sense of compatibility that came from the depths of his soul.

  It was as if this thing was born from his body.

  It seems that just as his parents said, this acquired appearance was forged from his soul and blood essence, and the two are naturally incomparable.


  while Li Luo stared obsessively at that mysterious "acquired appearance", a sigh containing complex emotions sounded softly.

  Li Luo looked up and saw that the lights and shadows of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan were moving again, and their expressions showed some complexity.

  "Xiao Luo, it seems you have made a choice." Li Taixuan said slowly.

  "As your father, although your choice makes me feel a little distressed, from a man's perspective, it makes me feel gratified and proud." "Although

  your road ahead will be full of difficulties and obstacles, But how can I, Li Taixuan's son, be afraid of these things?"

  Tantai Lan, who was standing beside her, seemed to have water sparkling in her eyes. When she left this image, she felt extremely sad when she thought of Li Luo making such a choice. It's uncomfortable, after all, as a mother, it is difficult for her to accept that her child will only have five years left to live.

  However, she did not dissuade him, because she also knew that this choice could only be made by Luo Li himself, and since he had made the choice, she would only support him and believe in him with all her strength.

  "Xiao Luo. Now that you have made your choice, let me tell you about this acquired look that we have refined for you."

  Hearing Tantai Lan's words, Li Luo's spirits also lifted.

  "This acquired phase, your father and I went through countless tests and attempts before we found the most suitable one from countless materials and finally made it." "This phase is the fourth grade, and it is made of water. Lord, supplemented by the light phase."

  Li Luo was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a wry smile: "How can this be a water phase?"

  In the elemental phase, although there is no distinction between high and low, if we talk about attack power and destructive power, , then naturally the phases of fire, thunder, metal, etc. are the strongest. Among the many phases, the water phase tends to be gentle and soft. This phase is obviously softer.

  He obviously didn't expect that the first acquired phase that his parents refined for him would be of this nature.

  "Haha, Xiao Luo, do you think the water element is weak and doesn't fit in with what you have in mind? Don't underestimate the water element. The water element may be weaker in attack and damage, but its long and powerful meaning is better than the other elements. , as long as you can take advantage of the water phase, it will not be weaker than any other phase." "

  And your water phase is not ordinary, because it is supplemented by the light phase. The combination of water and light, if you can Develop it carefully, and the final effect may exceed your expectations."

  "Of course, in the end, your father and mother will determine the first phase for you as water and light, and there are two other extremely important reasons." "After you

  integrate this first acquired phase, you will Loss of a large amount of essence and blood, shortened lifespan, will also bring great trauma to you, and the water element is warm and moist, and the power of the water element obtained through cultivation can also nourish your injured body and help you recover quickly."

  It suddenly dawned on Li Luo that it turned out to be the case. If you want to talk about nourishing and repairing injuries, then the water phase and the light phase are indeed the best.

  "What about the second reason?" Li Luo thought curiously.

  He didn't wait too long to ask his question. Li Taixuan smiled and said: "The second reason is that we hope that you can become a phase-tempering master to assist your future practice." "Do you remember the basic requirements for a phase-tempering

  master? "

  Li Luo was stunned, and then he couldn't help but reply: "The basic requirement for a physiognomist is that he has the water or light aspect?"

  Physiognomy is so popular that naturally many auxiliary professions have been derived, among which the physiognomist is one of them. One, its ability is to refine many magical lights of spiritual water that can be tempered and improved to improve the quality of nature.

  In addition, there are alchemists, but this requires attributes such as wood and fire.

  There are also physiognomist masters who create various physiognomy tools, which require the properties of metal, fire, earth and so on.

  The phase tempering master is somewhat similar to the alchemist, but the essential difference is that the phase tempering master can only improve the quality of phase, while most of the elixirs refined by the alchemy master can improve the power of phase.

  Both the water phase and the light phase have the effect of purification, so they are the basic and necessary conditions for becoming a phase quencher.

  "But why do you want to become a phase quenching master?" Li Luo was a little confused.

  But before he could ask, Li Taixuan's voice had already sounded: "Because you possess the empty phase, you can temper your own phase qualities without limit. If you become a phase temperer, you will have a deeper understanding of this in the future. , when the time comes, it will be more likely to perfect one’s own appearance.”

  "In addition, there is a high probability that other phase quenching masters only have one of the water phase or the light phase, but you have the water phase as the main one and the light phase as the supplement. The two purification powers cooperate with each other. To be honest, With such conditions, if you don't become a phase quenching master, you would really be wasting your resources." "I'm afraid the quality of the

  spiritual water and light you refine will be far superior to that of other phase quenching masters."

  Tantai Lan covered her mouth and chuckled: "Xiao Luo, this can be regarded as a way out for you. If Luo Lan's house is bankrupted by you, at least you have a skill at your side, so you won't suffer any loss wherever you go." Li

  Luo After opening his mouth, he could only scratch his head. What else could he say? He could only say that his father and mother were very resourceful. The career they envisioned for him could be regarded as maximizing the ability of this first acquired phase.

  "But Xiao Luo, this first acquired phase is just an introduction, so your parents can use your soul and blood to help you forge it, but the second and third phases are more advanced and complex, so they are just the beginning. You can rely on yourself to explore."

  "My parents suggest that when your strength reaches the realm of fortune tellers, you can then consider forging the second acquired physiognomy. We have left some specific forging ideas in the jade slip. Experience, you can use it as a reference."

  "The "Small Phaseless Divine Forging Technique" in this jade slip can only forge the second phase, and as for the third phase of the Divine Forging Technique, we have placed it in the royal city. Specifically There is information in the jade slip. When the time comes, you can go to the royal city to get it." When he

  said this, Li Luo found that the light and shadow of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan suddenly began to dim, which made him His expression tightened, and he knew in his heart that this exchange was probably coming to an end.

  "Dad, Mom"

  ​​Li Luo couldn't help but stretched out his hand and grabbed the light and shadow, but it penetrated through.

  Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan looked down at him, their eyes full of kindness and love.

  "Xiao Luo, this time may be the end."

  "Both father and mother believe that since you have chosen this path, you will definitely successfully get out of those five years of despair."

  "Both father and mother know that you are worried about us, but don't worry, we can't bear to do anything until we see you again." "

  Finally, Xiao Luo, you have to remember that no matter how worried you are about us, until you have Don't come looking for us until you become a marquis."

  The light and shadow continued to dim, and finally disappeared completely, and the room became quiet and dim again.

  Li Luo was sitting in front of the black crystal ball. His eyes were red, but in the end he did not shed tears. He just wiped his eyes and said softly: "Dad, mother, thank you for everything you have done for me." "Please, please.

  " Just wait. When we meet again in the future, I will definitely make you feel shocked and proud of me."

  Gradually putting away the surging emotions in his heart, Li Luo first reached out to put away the black jade slip in the crystal ball, and then His eyes turned to the other strange object that was shining with azure and sacred light.

  "Starting from today."

  "I am also a person with compatibility."

  Li Luo's eyes were filled with heat at this moment. Without hesitation, he directly stretched out his palm and grabbed the acquired ray of blood. appearance.

  At the moment of contact, first a cold feeling surged from the palm of his hand, and then, an indescribable pain suddenly erupted directly in Li Luo's body.

  The severe pain was so intense that it instantly overwhelmed Li Luo's reason. His vision suddenly went dark, and he slowly collapsed.

  (End of chapter)

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