Chapter 673 Different choices

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  Chapter 673 Different Choices
  When the night dissipated and the morning light shone on Daxia City, the most prosperous city in Daxia became boiling and noisy again.

  However, everyone understands that Daxia City, which seems to have remained unchanged, has actually undergone tremendous changes after this night.

  The door of Luo Lan Mansion Headquarters opened again.

  A car drove out, and Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e sat in it. Under the gaze of many caring people, they walked forward slowly along the street.

  Looking at the guards at the gate of Luo Lan Mansion, whose energy and spirit seemed to be somewhat different from yesterday, many influencers couldn't help but sigh. Although Luo Lan Mansion yesterday seemed to be stable, in fact, people were panicking. , no one knows whether Luo Lan Mansion can survive this disaster, but now in Luo Lan Mansion, even the people below are full of confidence and don't have a trace of worry.

  Obviously, the fight last night changed too many things.

  Everyone knows one thing, that is, the Luo Lan Mansion in the future will not be the precarious Luo Lan Mansion before. Not only do they have two amazing juniors, Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, to stabilize the situation, but outside, Li Taixuan and Dan Tailan has not fallen, and no one knows what extent they will reach when they return.

  The current Luo Lan Mansion is undoubtedly full of hope.

  "I didn't expect that the Palace Master of Duze Mansion would choose to help Luo Lan Mansion at a moment like yesterday." In the carriage, Li Luo, who had already learned a lot of information about what happened last night, sighed. Duze Yan's action He really didn't expect that in these years, apart from Jiyan Mansion, Duze Mansion had the most fierce competition with their Luolan Mansion. The two sides were very hostile, so yesterday he even made a plan for Duze Yan. A powerful feudal lord also made psychological preparations to participate in the Luo Lan Mansion Festival.

  However, who would have thought that Du Zeyan not only did not add insult to injury, but also gave a helping hand to block Si Qing.

  Jiang Qing'e also nodded slightly. I'm afraid many people here in Du Zeyan didn't expect that although judging from the final outcome, it doesn't really matter whether Du Zeyan's help or not, but after all, this is a person from Duze Mansion. Goodwill.

  "I have sent someone to prepare a gift and send it to Duze Mansion. Although the gift is not heavy, it represents our gratitude," she said.

  Li Luo nodded, he was silent for a moment, and said: "In the future, some relationships with the Jinque Mansion should also be severed. Since the Siqing Mansion Master has made the choice, there is no need for a relationship between the two houses. No more ambiguity."

  "You are the master of the palace, you can make the decision." Jiang Qing'e smiled. In the past, Luolan Mansion still needed Jinque Mansion as an ally, because the situation was indeed too unstable, but after today, Jinque Mansion is already dispensable to Luo Lan Mansion.

  There is no need for that false friendship that is fragile in the face of interests.

  Li Luo nodded, then looked out the window. Now they were heading to Jinlong Baoxing. Because of what happened last night, no one from Jinlong Baoxing intervened. This was obviously Yu Hongxi's method, so they needed to do something about it. grateful.

  When Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e went to Jinlong Baoxing in person, the gifts they prepared were also delivered to Duze Mansion.

  "Dad, what on earth are you thinking? Why did you suddenly run to help Luo Lan Mansion? If you join forces with Master Siqing of Jinque Mansion, Luo Lan Mansion will definitely lose!" In the hall of Duze Mansion, Duze Beixuan stared at the expressionless Duze Yan in the first place in disbelief, still questioning loudly.

  Although it had been most of the night when he received the news, his mind was still full of questions.

  Their Duze Mansion and the Luo Lan Mansion had been at each other's throats in the past, and now was the best time to eliminate the Luo Lan Mansion. However, his father not only did not take advantage of the situation, but even chose to help the Luo Lan Mansion.

  You know, he had even thought of how to laugh at Luo Li.

  The results of it?
  When I met Li Luo later, this guy said with a grateful look on his face: "Xuan, I really want to thank your father this time. We will be good friends from now on." So how should he respond?

  "Shut up. With your brain, if Duze Mansion is handed over to you in the future, I'm afraid it will go bankrupt within a year." Duze Honglian glanced coldly at her stupid brother and said.

  Duze Beixuan looked angry.

  "After the Luo Lan Mansion Festival, even the regent returned in vain. He was obviously afraid of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan who had not yet fallen. If my father chooses to attack the Luo Lan Mansion this time, even if the Luo Lan Mansion cannot be saved this time, etc. In the future, when Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan return, our Duze Mansion will not end well." "

  And the most important thing is that this time, not even Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e can solve it, because they can abandon Luo Lan Mansion at any time and join Shengxuanxing Academy, they will be protected by then."

  "With the talents of these two people, in a few years, there will be another Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan." Duze Honglian said calmly.

  "So my father's choice this time is actually the best. At the very least, we don't have to sleep and eat uneasily because of the existence of Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan. On the other hand, the Lord Siqing of Jinque Mansion, I think, I'm afraid he couldn't even sleep well after he went back yesterday."

  Du Zeyan nodded slightly, looked at Duze Honglian with a somewhat pleased look, and said: "Honglian, your vision is indeed better than that of your brother. Farther away." Duze Beixuan was a little dissatisfied, but facing his sister who had suppressed him since childhood, he did not dare to resist and could only admit it.

  At this time, a maid came to report that Luo Lan Mansion had sent a gift.

  "These two little guys from Luo Lan Mansion are really good at doing things." Du Zeyan said calmly after hearing this.

  Then he waved his hand and said: "Please accept the things, but I also want to tell the person who gave the gift that Duze Mansion and Luolan Mansion will not become allies because of this. The competition in the past will continue and will not be the same." I will hold back even a little bit."

  Seeing this, Du Ze Honglian was a little helpless. His father had obviously chosen to help the Luo Lan Mansion, but he still couldn't let go of the last bit of face. Perhaps, he was unwilling to bow to Li Taixuan.

  But it doesn't matter. Although competition will continue in the future, Du Zeyan's move yesterday has fundamentally changed many things.

  "Dad, why did you do this?! Aren't our Jinque Mansion and Luo Lan Mansion friendly?!" In Jinque Mansion, Si Tianming and Si Qiuying both looked at Si Qing in shock, their faces full of panic. At a loss.

  Si Qing said calmly: "What kind of friendship are there between big houses? In the past, we only needed them to attract firepower for us and share the pressure from Jiyan House and Duze House." "Then you don't either

  . This is the time to choose to take action and add insult to injury!"

  Si Tianming was so anxious that he was sweating: "Even if you choose to stand by and watch, it is better than stabbing someone at this time! Your behavior not only makes other people look down on our Jinque Mansion , and now he has offended the Luo Lan Mansion, he is not human inside or outside!"

  Si Qing's face turned pale, he slapped the table and said angrily: "What did you say?!"

  Si Qiuying also gritted her teeth to support Si Tianming: "Big brother said that That's right, dad, your choice this time is completely wrong!"

  "Dad, let's prepare a gift and send it to Luo Lan's house as an apology and to ease the relationship a little!" Si Tianming said.


  Si Qing was furious and cursed: "Do you really want your father and me to become the laughing stock of Daxia?" "

  Although Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan are still alive, it doesn't mean that they can escape from the battlefield of the princes. Come out alive. After a few years, if there is still no news from them, do you think the regent will let Luo Lan's house go?!" "

  Now they are proud, but it is only temporary, and there is also Du Zeyan, who helped Luo Lan this time If you want to go to the government, you will completely hate the regent. When there is a chance in the future, the regent will not let him go!" "

  You are so angry, do you also want to teach your father and me a lesson?"

  Si Tianming and Si Qiuying heard this. Stamping their feet in anxiety, they didn't understand why their father, who had always been considered wise in the past, was so stupid this time.

  "Get out!"

  Si Qing didn't want to say more to them, he waved his sleeves and shouted angrily.

  In the end, Si Tianming and Si Qiuying could only retreat with dejected faces.

  After the two left, Si Qing's face was still gloomy and angry. He slapped the table hard, and the table made of green rock instantly exploded into powder all over the floor.

  His eyes were dark.

  "Li Taixuan, Tantailan, I don't believe that you can really come out of the prince's battlefield alive!"

  (End of Chapter)

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